Become a knowledge partner and raise awareness of your organization’s research and work in the population field, submit a Research Leader Session proposal for IPC 2025. A limited number of Research Leader Sessions are available on the conference program for the IUSSP International Population Conference in Brisbane Australia, 13-18 July 2025. This is an opportunity for institutions in the field to organize a session for the scientific program while supporting the participation of authors from low- and middle-income countries (LMIC ) in the conference.
Proposals should include a short description of the session topic, the format for the session (scientific presentations, panel discussion, debate, etc...), a tentative list of speakers with their presentation topic (if appropriate ), their institution, and email. The session topic should have a global or regional focus and preferably include speakers from more than one country or institution. The organizers will review proposals in December 2024 and select proposals of high scientific quality or policy relevance and impact.
Cost: Euro 10,000 for a 90-minute Research Leader Session. The amount will include Conference registration fees for up to 2 speakers not already in the scientific program. Speakers with a role ( poster or paper presenter, chair, or discussant) in the regular program are required to pay the registration fee. Funds received will be used to support the participation of presenters from LMIC countries with a communication on the scientific program.
There are still some slots remaining in the scientific programme for Research Leader sessions. The new deadline to submit a proposal for a Research Leader session is 15 April 2025.
How to apply: Interested partners can write to IPC2025@iussp.org at their earliest convenience, please include in the subject line “Research Leader Session" or fill out a Research Leader Application Form here: https://forms.gle/UNPZnrqr5RXGGA5bA (When using the form, you can ignore the request to sign-in with a Google account).