Priorities in research on international migration and mobilities: Implications
of the COVID pandemic and its legacies

Thursday 5 November 2020
13:00 – 14:30 UTC
8:00 New York | 13:00 London | 14:00 Geneva | 15:00 Cairo
16:30 Tehran | 18:30 New Delhi | 21:00 Shanghai
The video recording of the webinar, a transcript of the written Q&As, and a report on the webinar are available below. Presentation files can be accessed by clicking on the titles of the presentations in the agenda below.
- Q&As
- Report on the webinar.
- Video:
Initial national public health responses to the COVID-19 infection took the form of restrictions on human mobility, first intranational movement, followed quickly by international travel and migration control. This IUSSP webinar addressed the role of international mobility and migration regulation in mitigating the geographic spread of the disease, and second, the implications of the era and legacies of the pandemic for international migration research.
Members of the WorldPop team at the University of Southampton presented the results of their collaborative program of demographic research addressing the intersections among international mobilities and the pattern and pace of the pandemic. Marie McAuliffe, IOM, and Ayman Zohry, Egyptian Society for Migration Studies, commented on the implications of the pandemic for priorities in migration policy-relevant analysis and international migration and mobility theory and modelling.
Outcomes of the webinar, and audience interactions, will contribute to the ongoing activities of the IUSSP Panel on International Migration: Strengthening the Knowledge Base for Policy in developing international and national research agenda.
The webinar was moderated by Ellen Percy Kraly, Colgate University, New York and Chair, IUSSP Panel on International Migration: Strengthening the Knowledge Base for Policy, and Mohammad Jalal Abbasi-Shavazi, University of Tehran and IUSSP Council member, provided synthetic reflections at the conclusion of the discussions.

WorldPop, University of Southampton: Nick W Ruktanonchai, Jessica Floyd, Shengjie Lai, Corrine Ruktanonchai, Alessandra Carioli, Andrew Tatem.
“Assessing the effects of travel and contact reductions to mitigate the COVID-19 pandemic and resurgence”

Marie McAuliffe
- International Organization for Migration (IOM)

Ayman Zohry
- Egyptian Society for Migration Studies (EGYMIG)
“Priorities in demographic theory and modeling of international migration and mobilities”

Ellen Percy Kraly
- Colgate University, New York
- Chair, IUSSP Panel on International Migration: Strengthening the Knowledge Base for Policy

Mohammad Jalal Abbasi-Shavazi
- University of Tehran and IUSSP Council
“Summary and Reflections: The way forward for the population sciences”