Message from UAPS Secretariat


1. Update your Contact Details Online


The UAPS Secretariat would like to remind members to check and update their contact details online by logging into their UAPS account at Kindly scroll down till you see Login on the membership page.


Forgotten passwords can be retrieved and resent to members via email when they click on Forgot Password?. However, this service is only accessible to members who have registered online. Hence members are encouraged to register online if not already registered. 


Members who have already registered online should kindly update their contact details if there have been any recent changes.


Members can contact the UAPS Secretariat at for assistance when faced with further challenges.


2. Amendments to Membership Subscription


The Secretariat would like to inform members that start 2018, membership subscription would expire when membership dues are unpaid for a year. Hence one would automatically be unsubscribed from enjoying benefits of a UAPS member for a year ( or period) if dues remain unpaid for the year (or period) in question. 


This implies that to continue receiving updates on the Union's activities and to stand a chance of getting a sponsorship, one would have to be a paid-up member. When renewing membership, payment of 1 year’s dues will add 12 months to the end-date of the current membership.


This amendment is required to help update the mail list of the Union. It would also enable the Union to have knowledge of its committed members. Therefore, as the year comes to an end, we would like to remind members to pay or renew their membership  (kindly ignore this message if you have already paid your dues). Kindly visit the website to renew your membership.


Thank you for your commitment to UAPS.