News from UAPS


Relaunch of Journal of African Population Studies


The Journal of African Population Studies, UAPS flagship journal is a biannual, peer-reviewed journal that publishes original research articles, reviews, commentaries, letters, and case studies on topics related to the disciplines represented by the Union for African Population Studies. These disciplines include demography, population studies, public health, epidemiology, social statistics, population geography, development studies, economics and other social sciences that deal with population and development interrelationships that are unique and relevant to Africa and global audience.


With a new Editor-In-Chief, Prof. Ngianga-Bakwin Kandala and a reconstituted editorial team, the journal was relaunched on 21st July 2022. The launch focused on the opportunities offered for young African population scientists to publish their work in a high impact journal that has a worldwide audience. The Journal of African Population Studies (JAPS) is poised to make an impact both within and beyond the African continent and to champion the discourse on African population issues. 


Beyond publishing, the journal also offers opportunities for individuals to become members of the editorial team. Would you like to join the editorial team OR do you have any questions, contact the Editor-in-Chief at or the UAPS Secretariat at


Visit the journal website at to learn more about the journal.


Workshop on Gender Statistics: Identifying and Addressing Gaps in Gender Statistics for SDG Monitoring in Africa


The Union for African Population Studies (UAPS) Gender Working Group organized a workshop on gender statistics to help African countries improve their capacity to monitor progress toward the gender-related Sustainable Development Goals. The workshop was held on 23-25 August 2022 at Nairobi, Kenya.


The main objective of the workshop was to identify ways to improve the availability and usability of data on gender-related topics in the region, and to plan further concrete steps in this regard. It also discussed and assessed the relevance and comprehensiveness of the set of gender indicators of the SDGs to the realities of African countries.


The workshop was attended by eighteen (18) scientists and practitioners from around the globe, Africa (all regions), North America, and Europe. Some of the key participants of the workshop include:


  • Ms Isabella SHMIDT, Regional Gender Statistics Advisor for East and Southern Africa for UN Women
  • Ms Michèle SEROUSSI, Gender Statistics Specialist, UN Women, Regional Office for West and Central Africa
  • Mr. Solly MOLAYI, Chief Director: Social Statistics, Statistics South Africa, Pretoria
  • Prof. Jacques CHARMES, Emeritus Research Director at the French Research Institute for Development (IRD)
  • Dr Chimaraoke IZUGBARA, Director of Global Health, Youth & Development at ICRW, USA office.

Live recordings of the sessions of the Gender workshop are available on YouTube and some proceeds captured as posts on the UAPS Gender Twitter page.