Family as an institution in the ancient India laid down certain principles,
which regulate the relationship between husband, wife and their children in anuclear family. The domestic violence causes a breach especially in thehusband and wife relationship due to many reasons. The inmates, especially
the children who are innocent in nature are greatly affected as they are in the
formative & or developing stage of the life. Children who witness violence at
home display emotional & behavioral disturbances as diverse as withdrawal,
low self-esteem, nightmares and aggression against peers & family members.Those who have witnessed their parents’ domestic violence are more likely to abuse their own wives than children of non-violent parents. The sons of the most violent parents are 1000 times more likely to become wife beaters. Adolescents, who have been exposed domestic violence, get so entrenched that they find it difficult to engage themselves in more positive ways of social interaction. It has been found that the level of inter parental conflict, parentaldomestic and gender of the adolescent were predictive of severe adolescent
problems. Conflict between parents in combination with a dominant opposite sex parent was significantly predictive of major adolescent psychopathology. In the light of above an attempt has been
which regulate the relationship between husband, wife and their children in anuclear family. The domestic violence causes a breach especially in thehusband and wife relationship due to many reasons. The inmates, especially
the children who are innocent in nature are greatly affected as they are in the
formative & or developing stage of the life. Children who witness violence at
home display emotional & behavioral disturbances as diverse as withdrawal,
low self-esteem, nightmares and aggression against peers & family members.Those who have witnessed their parents’ domestic violence are more likely to abuse their own wives than children of non-violent parents. The sons of the most violent parents are 1000 times more likely to become wife beaters. Adolescents, who have been exposed domestic violence, get so entrenched that they find it difficult to engage themselves in more positive ways of social interaction. It has been found that the level of inter parental conflict, parentaldomestic and gender of the adolescent were predictive of severe adolescent
problems. Conflict between parents in combination with a dominant opposite sex parent was significantly predictive of major adolescent psychopathology. In the light of above an attempt has been
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Event ID
Session 2
Paper presenter
48 760
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
Language of Presentation
First Choice History
Initial First Choice
Initial Second Choice
Weight in Programme
1 000
Status in Programme