Avec l’arrivée massive des femmes sur le marché de l’emploi et l’apparition de nouvelles structures familiales (familles monoparentales, familles recomposées), la question de la conciliation famille-travail est devenue un enjeu autant personnel, professionnel, économique que politique. Cette préoccupation concerne encore majoritairement les femmes et en particulier les femmes résidant à Cotonou qui sont tenues de répondre aux exigences organisationnelles en même temps que satisfaire des dépendances familiales et sociales, choses qui s’avèrent de plus en plus contradictoires. La garde des enfants et autres responsabilités familiales restent pour elles un véritable défi.
Mots clés : vie professionnelle, vie familiale, conciliation, Cotonou
Mots clés : vie professionnelle, vie familiale, conciliation, Cotonou
confirm funding
Event ID
Paper presenter
52 796
Language (Translated)
Title (Translated)
Juggling between professional and family activities: the double life of women in Cotonou (Benin)
Abstract (Translated)
After the massive arrival of women on the job market and the appearance of new family structures (single-parent families, blended families), the question of how to combine family and work has become a personal, professional, economic and political issue. This preoccupation still mainly concerns women, particularly those living in Cotonou who must not only meet organisational requirements but also satisfy family and social obligations, which is proving to be an increasingly contradictory task. Child care and other family responsibilities remain a real challenge for these women. Key words: professional life, family life, reconciliation, Cotonou
Status (Translated)
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
Language of Presentation
First Choice History
Initial First Choice
Weight in Programme
1 000
Status in Programme
Title in Programme
Female economic labor and domestic responsibilities : a difficult combination in Cotonou (Bénin)