La province du Katanga située au sud-est de la RDC avec une superficie de 496,877 km² compte 11.462.290 habitants dont 68 % ont moins de 25 ans; 1 adolescent sur 4 entre 15 - 19 ans a déjà donné naissance à au moins un enfant; la prévalence VIH est de 5.6 %; seulement 6 % des jeunes filles entre 15 et 24 ans déclarent avoir utilisé le préservatif lors du dernier rapport sexuel occasionnel (MICS, 2010). L'engagement des autorités locales pour avancer l’agenda de la CIPD est très fort. UNFPA appuie les efforts du gouvernement ou l’engagement financier est manifeste, notamment la promotion de l’accès des adolescents et jeunes à l’information, conseils et services de santé sexuelle et reproductive. L’approche adoptée est "les jeunes par les jeunes". Les stratégies utilisées sont plaidoyer, création d’alliances avec les journalistes, mobilisation des jeunes et adolescents, partenariat, mobilisation de ressources, auto financement, offre de services CDV/PF et services attractifs. En 16mois,250 jeunes/adolescents utilisent les services du centre par jour ; 120 000 sont sensibilisés sur les méthodes de prévention VIH/Sida, les conséquences de la fécondité et mariages précoces; 4000 dépistés au VIH grâce aux CDV moblies; 20 pairs éducateurs et 14 jeunes journalistes formés; 15 clubs santé jeunes crées dans les écoles.
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Event ID
Paper presenter
52 905
Language (Translated)
Title (Translated)
Support for user-friendly services for adolescents and young people at the Lubumbashi youth centre in Katanga, Democratic Republic of the Congo
Abstract (Translated)
The province of Katanga, located in south-eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo and with a surface area of 496,877 km², has 11,462,290 inhabitants, 68% of whom are under the age of 25. One out of every four adolescents between the ages of 15-19 has already given birth to at least one child. The prevalence of HIV is 5.6%, and only 6% of girls and women aged 15 to 24 said they had used a condom during their most recent sexual intercourse with a casual partner (MICS, 2010). The commitment of the local authorities to move the ICPD agenda forward is very strong. UNFPA supports the government’s efforts, which show clear financial commitment, in particular as regards promoting adolescents’ and young people’s access to sexual and reproductive health information, advice and services. The approach adopted is “youth for youth". The strategies used include advocacy, establishing alliances with journalists, rallying young people and adolescents, partnerships, mobilising resources, self-financing, offering VCT and family planning services and attractive services. In 16 months, 250 young people/adolescents used the services at the centre every day; 120,000 were made aware of HIV/AIDS prevention methods and the consequences of early fertility and marriage; 4,000 were screened for HIV thanks to mobile VCT; 20 educator pairs and 14 young journalists were trained; and 15 youth health clubs were created in schools.
Status (Translated)
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
Language of Presentation
Initial Second Choice
Weight in Programme
1 000
Status in Programme
Submitted by Jeannette.Danho on