Sexual violence involves attempted and/or completed rape, sexual coercion and harassment,sexual contact with force or threat of force, and threat of rape. The perpetrators of sexual violence include people like close relatives, parents,teachers,law enforcers among others especially those who have power over the victims of such abuse.
Findings from a participatory local areas survey conducted in Budaka district revealed that female adolescents and youths are more vulnerable to sexual violence/abuse than any other age group. In fact, Key findings revealed that 73% of all victims of sexual crimes, including rape and sexual assault, are female youths under the age of 25 years. The action research findings (2012) further pointed out that adolescent females age 16-19 are four times more likely than the general population to report sexual assault, rape, and attempted rape. Often this violence occurs within the context of dating or acquaintance relationships, with the female partner.
The study was highly participatory and it involved consultation from the key informants particularly adolescents and youths since they are the main focus of the scientific study.
Recommendations:Female adolescents need to be empowered with self defence skills like Karate to enable them fight the perpetrators of such sexual assaults.
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