Delhi fast becoming the melting pot of cultures, where people, profession and culture assimilate and diffuse. In recent years India’s GDP growth has been far above the growth rates of developed nations. The strength of Indian economy is visible in the increase of foreign direct investment and good competitive environment. Despite these favourable developments in GDP growth and FDI, the bucks are not transient to the sustainable development of India’s mega cities. In this paper sustainability of cities is defined as the transformation of growth developments into social well being, quality of life and social achievements of the existing Delhi slum. Deficits in both are especially visible in the residential housing, fundamental infrastructure and well being index. Therefore this paper evaluates the impact of Regional, Governmental and Non Governmental measures to improve the situation of slums of New Delhi
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55 921
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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First Choice History
Initial First Choice
Weight in Programme
1 000
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Submitted by manish.priyadarshi on