Despite South Africa being a peaceful democracy for the past 18 years, mortality due to unnatural and violent causes still occur among the youth. However, this is not specific to South Africa; with developed countries experiencing the same trend. Christoffel (1994) found that death due to unnatural causes, specifically related to violence, had increased especially among the youth. South Africa is now moving towards the same transition that is currently experienced by developed nations in the world: violent deaths as a major cause of death amongst the youth (Norman, et al, 2007). With this in mind, this paper aims to examine the different levels of male and female adolescent mortality due to 5 unnatural causes of death. Data from the South African death registry is analysed for the years 2006- 2009. Cause-specific mortality rates, proportional mortality ratios and life table techniques are used. Results show adolescent females are dying from ‘events of undetermined intent’, ‘transport accidents’ and ‘self- harm’ causes more than males. The selected causes of death are contributing up to 27% of all adolescent male mortality and almost 12% of all female mortality in 2009. Finally years of potential life lost due to ‘assault’ are increasing among females.
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