The paper deals with the globalization of international migration, its role and place in the demographic development of the developed countries (including Russia) in historical retrospective with emphasis on their future demographic development. The main attention is drawn to the changes in place and role of international migration in the context of the evolution of demographic transition theory, including the concepts of the second and the third demographic transitions. This gives the authors the possibility to offer a new scenario of future demographic development of the world, which is focused on interconnection of two demographic processes – international migration of population and nuptiality. We call this scenario ‘the fourth demographic transition’. The main statement of our concept is that migration can be positive phenomenon for the future demographic development, which takes into account national and global interests through promotion marriages between native people and migrants. With the help or such marriages new children will be born. They will be the symbol of new viable generation. The idea of the fourth demographic transition was launched in late 2010 and received approbation at several scientific conferences, which were held in Russia (2011, 2012).
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47 034
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Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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1 000
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