Economic re-integration of returnees in Latin America. The cases of Brazil, Ecuador, Mexico and Uruguay

Return migration flows to Latin America have significantly increased since 2009, after the economic crisis settled in full form in Europe and the United States. This paper aims to analyze the recent return of Latin Americans based on the last wave of census micro-data for four countries, namely: Brazil, Ecuador, Mexico and Uruguay. They belong to the group of countries that registered high out-migration flows in the last decades.
The main objective is to quantify the return to these countries, analyzing the figures by country of origin and demographic characteristics of the recent returnees, paying special attention to their probability of employment. Firstly, probability of employment of returnees will be compared with the population that did not migrate in the last decade, by means of a binomial logistic model. Secondly, we assess differences in the labor performance among returnees in the four countries under study through a multinomial logistic regressionmodel.
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56 228
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Living Conditions and Intension of Future Movement among Return Migrants: A special reference to International Female Domestic Workers from Kerala, India

The present paper, based on primary data collected from six villages in Kerala, focuses on the present living conditions and future plans of international female migrants after their return. The analysis revealed that female migrants had faced differing situations after their return. A vast majority of the return migrants had experienced financial problems as well as some kind of tensions in the family because of their return. About three fourth of the migrants were not working after their return and few of the returnees reported that they tried to get a job but did not succeed in getting job. The main type of work involved by the return migrants were domestic work, fish sale, coir industry and vegetable selling. A large proportion of the return migrants wanted to migrate in the future. The proportion who wanted to migrate again was relatively higher among women who were young, illiterate, who were not currently married, and whose last place of destination was Gulf countries. Furthermore, the intention of future movement was found to be higher among women who had faced some kind of financial problems as well as other problems in the family because of their return.

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48 958
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This research seeks to describe socio demographics profiles of returned migrant in Latin American contexts. Specially, it aware of changes and continues, among different generations, about demographics and socio-economics profiles´ returning migrant in Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Colombia y Ecuador. It pretends to contribute to promote discussions about return migration, and its inclusion in Latin American´s social research agendas. This proposal research will be based on Mexican Migration Project and Latin American Project databases, which provided empirical evidence about migratory trajectories of household head’s and family members.
The databases allow you to identify the time in which occurred the migratory return of United States of the head of household. Given the prospect of lifetime, is possible to know the socio-demographic characteristics and economic of the returnees. It is intended to a descriptive analysis of the sociodemographic characteristics of the population returned according to country of origin. Through a comparative look at the time is also intended discuss possible changes and continuities in the profiles sociodemgraphics in generations and return contexts.
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48 281
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Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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1 000
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Return International Migration: a study from Portugal to Brazil at the beginning of the XXI century

The Brazilian emigration started, so massive, in the 1990s. Considered as a decade of economic crisis after market opening, with high inflation and lack of prospects, many Brazilians decided to try living abroad, mainly in the USA, UK and Portugal. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the flow Brazil-Portugal. Portugal has established itself as one of the preferred destinations of Brazilians since seems to offer socio-cultural affinities, linguistic and part of the Eurozone . What else prompted this study was the emergence of the International Crisis at the end of 2008, which, as a first hypothesis, it would upset the plans of Brazilian immigrants, once extinguished jobs and reduced the productive capacity of countries, approaching the possibility of a return to Brazil. Therefore, as a first hypothesis, that there is a heavy flow of return to Brazil was a fact and should be analyzed so that public policies could be proposed. Exploratory research was conducted in Portugal, from December 2010 to July 2011. The results indicate a slowdown in inflow in Portugal and a tendency to strengthen the output stream, not explicit in official data, but clear evidence recorded by the statements.
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56 259
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International Return Migration in Brazil: a new challenge?

The growth and stability of the Brazilian economy in the last two decades, combined with the recent crisis in Europe and in the United States, have increased the amount of international Brazilian return immigrants. This situation makes the question of the return of the Brazilians a demographic element which demands more attention from researchers. From this, the present article dialogues with some savants, who deal with the international migration studies, in order to substantiate the analysis of the return immigration to Brazil. Concomitantly, it describes the research instruments used by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística - IBGE) in 2000 and 2010 censuses to assess the population of Brazilian immigrants who returned (returnees), with the objective to identify the vulnerabilities and potentialities of those tools. From these observations, our aim is to compare the results of the 2000 and 2010 censuses related to the international return migration in order to verify the hypothesis about the increasing number of Brazilians who have returned.
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56 255
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Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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1 000
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Revisiting the motivations behind remittance behavior: evidence of debt-financed migration from Afghanistan

In an insecure environment like Afghanistan, many families consider establishing household members at different geographic locations as a way to hedge against risks to a sustainable livelihood. Whether such a household strategy rests on remittance transfers as an alternative source of income remains to be seen. The analysis uses the way in which migration is financed as a discriminating factor, with the objective to infer if remittance flows are sent as compensation for debt-financed migration suggesting an explicit household strategy. Ultimately, our results show remittance transfers are in fact lower for debt-financed migrants, and the influence of certain individual and household characteristics of interest are in line with what we would expect if altruism is the dominating motivation. In light of this finding, we conclude that the sending of a household member abroad as a risk-coping strategy may be less about having an alternative source of income and more about having an alternative location to escape to if the security situation happens to take a turn for the worse.
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54 486
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1 000
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The Impact of International Migration on the Labour Market Behaviour of Women left-behind: Evidence from Senegal

This paper examines the impact of male international migration on the labour market behaviour of women left-behind in Senegal. While previous studies rely largely on cross-sectional data collected only in origin countries, this analysis takes advantage of a new longitudinal and multi-sited dataset on international migration. This allows using more appropriate methods for examining causal mechanisms and avoiding selection biases that were inherent in previous analyses. Results from a random effects logistic panel regression do not support previous findings of a positive effect of husbands’ migration on women’s labour market participation. Instead, we find evidence of lower activity rates for spouses of migrants. The finding seems mostly driven by women whose union is transnational from the start (i.e. who marry someone who is already a migrant) and who have significantly less chances to be working than their counterparts whose husbands are in Senegal. Future steps include extending the analysis to the Congolese case where preliminary results reveal different dynamics between men’s migration and women’s economic participation. The comparison, enabled by the multi-country design of the MAFE data, allows examining the role of gender norms in the shaping of these dynamics.
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53 927
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Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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1 000
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Back home, sweet home? The post-return mobility of Senegalese and Congolese migrants

This paper aims to study the post-return mobility of Senegalese and Congolese migrants who returned from Europe to their origin country. New departures are often considered as an indicator to assess the success or failure of the reintegration of returnees in their country. It is often assumed that a failure of the reintegration of return migrants leads to a new migration, while the return is permanent in the case of success. However, measuring new departures for installation abroad after return is not evident given the lack of quantitative data. Thanks to biographic data from the MAFE surveys (Migration between Africa and Europe), we are able (1) to quantify the permanence of Senegalese and Congolese return migrants who spent more than one year in Europe and who have returned to their origin country in a long-term perspective, and (2) to investigate the determinants of new departures for installation to Europe of these return migrants. It is expected that the successful reintegration depends on the willingness to return, on the economic and political context, on the migrants’ life after their return, and on their situation since their return in comparison with the one they had in Europe.
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56 160
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Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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1 000
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To the issue of internationalmigration and nuptiality in the concept of the fourth demographic transition

The paper deals with the globalization of international migration, its role and place in the demographic development of the developed countries (including Russia) in historical retrospective with emphasis on their future demographic development. The main attention is drawn to the changes in place and role of international migration in the context of the evolution of demographic transition theory, including the concepts of the second and the third demographic transitions. This gives the authors the possibility to offer a new scenario of future demographic development of the world, which is focused on interconnection of two demographic processes – international migration of population and nuptiality. We call this scenario ‘the fourth demographic transition’. The main statement of our concept is that migration can be positive phenomenon for the future demographic development, which takes into account national and global interests through promotion marriages between native people and migrants. With the help or such marriages new children will be born. They will be the symbol of new viable generation. The idea of the fourth demographic transition was launched in late 2010 and received approbation at several scientific conferences, which were held in Russia (2011, 2012).
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47 034
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Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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1 000
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Migration and divorce in Sweden: Evidence from population registers

Migration is a stressful life event that may be negatively related to subsequent marital stability. This holds for international migration in particular, and crude divorce statistics often reveal elevated levels of union disruption for immigrants in developed countries. However, while the relationship between migration and other vital events like fertility and mortality have been studied in great depth, there is still a lack of longitudinal analyses of the divorce dynamics of international migrants. In the present study, we improve on this situation by investigating the divorce risks of migrants to Sweden subsequent to their immigration. The study involves those that were married at migration and those that married in the new country. We test various hypotheses of disruption, adaptation and selection to explain the elevated divorce risks. Our study is based on data on the entire resident population of Sweden and we cover the most common immigrant groups in Sweden.
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Event ID
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51 093
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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Weight in Programme
1 000
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