Social Networks and International Migration: a comparative structural analysis with data collected by interviewing and user data from Facebook

The structural analysis of international migration system between Brazil and the United States seeks to provide contributions to the understanding of the empirical phenomenon through the role of the mechanisms intervenient in the system. The social network analysis seeks to identify regular patterns of the positions occupied by actors and relational flows. Brazil currently has 60 million users on Facebook and their data structure allows to collect data comparable to previous studies about the structure of the social network migration. The objective of this paper is to analyze the structure of the social network migration of Governador Valadares City, from interviews with residents in the region, and to compare the results of this survey with the structure captured by overlapping the personal network of Facebook users in the same region. The first part of this analysis was based on a field research where 60 individuals were interviewed that had some relation to migration. The second step will consist in the construction of the network migration from the overlapping personal networks of Facebook users and compatibilization with the first survey. Networks measurements were produced for the first data source and it is expected that processing performed between the two sources have similarities.
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Economic re-integration of returnees in Latin America. The cases of Brazil, Ecuador, Mexico and Uruguay

Return migration flows to Latin America have significantly increased since 2009, after the economic crisis settled in full form in Europe and the United States. This paper aims to analyze the recent return of Latin Americans based on the last wave of census micro-data for four countries, namely: Brazil, Ecuador, Mexico and Uruguay. They belong to the group of countries that registered high out-migration flows in the last decades.
The main objective is to quantify the return to these countries, analyzing the figures by country of origin and demographic characteristics of the recent returnees, paying special attention to their probability of employment. Firstly, probability of employment of returnees will be compared with the population that did not migrate in the last decade, by means of a binomial logistic model. Secondly, we assess differences in the labor performance among returnees in the four countries under study through a multinomial logistic regressionmodel.
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56 228
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Economic Impacts of Circular and Permanent Migration: The Malaysia – Indonesia Migration Corridor Example

There are a few empirical studies that look at the relative economic impacts of circular and permanent migration of the low-skilled workers. Data gathered from 858 Indonesian low skilled migrant workers in Peninsular Malaysia with varying legal statuses (documented, undocumented and permanent residents) and mobility intentions (circular, permanent or undecided) were used to analyse the impacts.
All circular migrants remitted more and used their remittances for more than just consumption related activities than permanent migrants. As suggested by Glytsos (1997, p. 421), circular migrants, by sending a larger proportion of their wages, indicated a preference for consumption at the home country. Their remittances are used for activities with higher multiplying effects with investment in education of children and savings, while the permanent migrants’ smaller remittances often supported the extended family members left behind with day-to-day expenses. The undecided migrants’ use of remittances was similar to that of circular migrants.
It is evident from the study that the positive economic benefits for Indonesia, Malaysia and the individual migrant continue to facilitate the migration flow.
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35 249
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Living Conditions and Intension of Future Movement among Return Migrants: A special reference to International Female Domestic Workers from Kerala, India

The present paper, based on primary data collected from six villages in Kerala, focuses on the present living conditions and future plans of international female migrants after their return. The analysis revealed that female migrants had faced differing situations after their return. A vast majority of the return migrants had experienced financial problems as well as some kind of tensions in the family because of their return. About three fourth of the migrants were not working after their return and few of the returnees reported that they tried to get a job but did not succeed in getting job. The main type of work involved by the return migrants were domestic work, fish sale, coir industry and vegetable selling. A large proportion of the return migrants wanted to migrate in the future. The proportion who wanted to migrate again was relatively higher among women who were young, illiterate, who were not currently married, and whose last place of destination was Gulf countries. Furthermore, the intention of future movement was found to be higher among women who had faced some kind of financial problems as well as other problems in the family because of their return.

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48 958
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Return Migration from Saudi Arabia to Egypt: Pull or Push

Modern Egypt is promising as the revolution (Arab Spring) brought hopes of freedom in service, professional, entrepreneurial and skilled sectors of employment. Nostalgia along with other factors like years of life in a closed foreign state tempt Egyptians to reexamine and reassess their decisions to continue in Saudi Arabia or to seek lucrative future that the home country shall offer in the near future. Egyptians living in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia are undergoing this dilemma in their life.
A study to examine (i) views of Egyptians regarding returning (ii) anticipated pull factors and (iii) push factors at current place of occupation and life is undertaken.
This study examined views of a few Egyptians immigrants – entrepreneurs, professionals, service class, skilled laborers and unskilled laborers in Riyadh city by means of qualitative research techniques.
There is a great consensus that Egypt has potential to offer attractive lives and careers for her nationals. Those pull factors shall, definitely, compensate for the years spent abroad leaving families and pleasures of native living.
Egyptian government shall consider expectations of those who outside Egypt and create opportunities in consonance.
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50 265
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This work aims to guide discussions on the return of highly qualified people in Latin America, with evidence to identify potential opportunities offered by the current crisis. Among the consequences of the crisis on skilled migration has dominated the view of host countries about making and maintaining protectionist quotas to favor the recovery of economic activity and innovation. We discuss the importance of skilled migration for development in Latin America, raising the issue of the return, a process while an alternative policy. Conditions are examined of return in the U.S. and Spain and, based on census information in the countries of Latin America, quantifies and describes the profile of highly qualified people who have returned in recent years. We analyze the return policy debate in Latin America, in particular as it relates to this workforce, and it uses census microdata from 7 countries conducted their census in the 2010 round. The findings identify the size and characteristics of the return qualified and return policy debate. Proposals are made to contribute to the research and design of appropriate policies.
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35 272
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Employment of Return Migrants and Rural Industrialization in China----A Case Study in Hunan Province

Since the opening up and reforms of the Chinese economy in the 1970s, migrant labor from China's countryside has found employment in cities. The process has a strong impact on China’s economy and urbanization. According to official statistics, the number of migrant workers in China is 150 million, which is 11.5% of the total population . However, with the implementation of a series of national policies and the impact of the global financial crisis from 2008, many migrant workers lost their jobs in the cities and returned to their home villages. This poses great challenges as well as opportunities for the development of rural China. The research presented in this paper explores the employment status of the return migrants and the major determinants for their occupational choice. It is based on a field survey in Hunan Province, done in 2011. Comparing of the returnees’ employment status between two rural regions, we found that the rural industrialization, featuring in collective land use and industrial incentives, plays a significant role in creating employment for return migrants. Hence, rural industrialization is an important strategic choice of urbanization in China, by adjusting the rural economy and transfer of surplus workforce.
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56 415
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Iirregularization Pattern Analysis from the Perspective of Return Migration

Korea has accepted labor migrant on the immigration policy principles of temporary circulation, on which immigrant workers can stay only for three to five years and then have to leave to their home country. However, the number of irregular residents who stay over their allowed length of stay has been increased in recent years. The main purposes of this study are to examine irregularization patterns, and return migration pattern of existing irregular migrants in Korea. In the study, the irregularization is defined as a case of an immigrant overstaying in Korea, not returning to his/her origin. For the purposes this study employs individual departure and irregular migrant data from Ministry of Justice in Korea using multilevel analysis in order to examine the effects at country level. The previous findings of return migration studies provides useful analysis frame for this study. This study has implication to extend the concept of return migration to board control issues.
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35 254
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This research seeks to describe socio demographics profiles of returned migrant in Latin American contexts. Specially, it aware of changes and continues, among different generations, about demographics and socio-economics profiles´ returning migrant in Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Colombia y Ecuador. It pretends to contribute to promote discussions about return migration, and its inclusion in Latin American´s social research agendas. This proposal research will be based on Mexican Migration Project and Latin American Project databases, which provided empirical evidence about migratory trajectories of household head’s and family members.
The databases allow you to identify the time in which occurred the migratory return of United States of the head of household. Given the prospect of lifetime, is possible to know the socio-demographic characteristics and economic of the returnees. It is intended to a descriptive analysis of the sociodemographic characteristics of the population returned according to country of origin. Through a comparative look at the time is also intended discuss possible changes and continuities in the profiles sociodemgraphics in generations and return contexts.
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48 281
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Family and Community Dynamics in the Process of International Return Migration From the U.S. and Portugal to Brazil

Family and Community Dynamics in the Process of International Return Migration From the U.S. and Portugal to Brazil

This study investigates comparatively the family and community dynamics of reintegration among families of Brazilian international migrants returned from the United States and Portugal. The specific objectives of this research are:
1. To identify vulnerabilities in family and community life associated with the process of international migration;
2. To identify the costs and benefits to the family and community that migrants perceive as associated to the migration process;
3. To identify obstacles to the reintegration of migrants into the Governador Valadares Micro Region after their return;
4. To make recommendations for the formulation of reintegration policies for international migrants with emphasis on their family and community issues.
The research approach is qualitative and exploratory, since the family and community dynamics of these return migration flows have not been studied, because they are recent.
The expected outcome is a comparative understanding of family and community dynamics that facilitate and hinder the reintegration of Brazilian international migrants returning from different continents, as well as a contribution to the elaboration of public policies for their reintegration.
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56 052
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Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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1 000
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