Bihar has been moving slow towards replacement level fertility, while Several Indian states have achieved the replacement level of the fertility, or very close to goal. Also Bihar knows as traditionally poor performing state during the first years of TFA (1996-97). The family welfare expenditure increased over the period especially post RCH. After the introduction of RCH approach, TFR has slowed down compared of the increase in expenditures. The increase in family planning expenditure did not have any positive impact on CPR and TFR. It found that inconsistencies in the linkage between expenditure, CPR and TFR during post RCH era. Result of Gompertz Model indicates that the rate of decline is decelerated after 1997, may be due to no major progressive change among sex preference and contraceptive use, family planning demand and satisfied over the period. There is needed to look at all those programs associated with population stabilization effort.
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