At the present time in the post-soviet states are in the process of transformation from command to market economy. From one side this process is going in the terms of the changes in the previous system and from another side it is creation of new economic systems. The globalization of the world economy influence a lot on the above mentioned processes. After independence, former USSR republic became the full participants of the world economic activities and they are able to decide their own direction of development and priorities for the partnership with other countries.
The present work is aimed at analyzing the main important issues for sustainable population development. Starting from the question I wanted to highlight the importance of the raised in the paper issues.

In order to understand “what makes country developed” I decided to analyze the data of 6 countries with different HDI, but with preliminary same amount of population. The main idea of sustainable human development – is development human centered.
Paper analyses:
1) Importance of time for development (I started from analysis of history of the countries)
2) Social indexes and resource and role of them in population development
3) Financial systems as a factor of population development
4) Human capital for sustainable population development

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Event ID
Paper presenter
51 662
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
Language of Presentation
Initial First Choice
Initial Second Choice
Weight in Programme
1 000
Status in Programme
Submitted by Sofiya.Yuvshanova on