Paper examined self perception of body weight, future intention for weight management and actual weight management behaviour among normal, overweight and obese women in Urban India. 325 ever-married aged 20-54 years systematically selected from the second round of National Family Health Survey (NFHS-2, 1998-99) were re-interviewed after four years in 2003. Information on woman’s perception about their own weight, intention of weight management and actual weight management behaviour were collected through personal interview. Anthropometric measurements were obtained from women to compute their current body mass index. Discrepancy between self perceived body weight and women’s actual body weight was noticed. One-fourth overweight women and one in ten obese women perceived themselves as normal. Though a majority of overweight and obese women wanted to reduce their weight, a significant proportion of overweight (one in four) and 4% obese women also wanted to maintain their weight as it is. Only one in three overweight and one in four obese women were performing exercise to reduce their weight. These finding are important for public health interventions in obesity care in urban India.
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Submitted by praween.agrawal1 on