Panel on Below Replacement Fertility: Causes, Consequences and Policy Responses
Terms of Reference
Outline of the planned activities:
A. Seminars on:
1) Causes and Consequences of Below Replacement Fertility
2) Dimensions of Population Policies and Programs
3) Measuring the Effects of Population Policies on Fertility Change
4) Contrasting Patterns of Fertility Transition and Explanations.
For each seminar, the Panel plans to select young scholars through a Call for papers as well as invite well-known experts. Some of the proposed seminars may be organized as sessions at international population conferences such as the IUSSP International Population Conference (2013), Annual Meetings of the Population Association of America (PAA) (2011, 2012, 2013), European Population Conference (2012), Shanghai Forum (2011). Seminars should ideally be organized in different regions, one in Asia, one in Latin America, and one in the Middle East or Europe.
B. Annotated literature review of the most important publications and research on below replacement fertility.
C. Initiation of a small number of comprehensive studies on transitions to below replacement as well as evaluating policies that have been applied and designing new policies.
D. A Workshop on “Developing Core Questionnaire for Causes and Consequences of Very Low Fertility.” A possible venue will be the annual Summer Seminar on Population at East-West Center (Hawaii), in 2011 or 2012. It would be ideal to incorporate ideas B and C into the workshop.
Training Workshop: Designing Fertility Analyses in the Context of Low Fertility
Hawai’i, USA, 4–18 June 2011
International Seminar on Patterns of Economic Development, Social Change, and Fertility Decline in Comparative Perspective: Analysis and Policy Implications
Shanghai, China, 24-26 May 2012