Report on N-IUSSP’s first 4 months
Since IUSSP launched its new online news magazine four months ago, eighteen articles have been published by
N-IUSSP, one every week
(see full list below). The website also includes a “
Did you know” featuring special figures depicting demographic phenomena and short video presentations summarizing demographic and population topics.
Readership has increased steadily since the site was launched, both among IUSSP members and external subscribers. In its first 4 months N-IUSPP received 42 articles. Publishing at the rhythm of one article per week, however, requires that members continue to submit articles for publication. The N-IUSSP Editorial Committee warmly encourages members to submit articles following the guidelines.
For more information on N-IUSSP, read our previous articles from Bulletin 29 and Bulletin 30.
List of N-IUSSP articles (Nov 2015-Feb 2016)
- Gustavo De Santis - An Almost Ideal Pension System for Europe (and other countries). (published 2016/02/29)
- Valeria Bordone, Bruno Arpino - How old do you feel? It depends on whether you have grandchildren. (published 2016/02/22)
- Dudley J. Poston, Kenneth M. Johnson, Layton Field - Deaths exceed births in most of Europe, but not in the United States, and not in Texas/ (published 2016/02/15)
- Christophe Z Guilmoto - Is there a gender bias in births and child mortality in Indonesia? (published 2016/02/08)
- Alaka Basu - The Merry-go-round of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. (published 2016/02/01)
- France Meslé - Jacques Vallin - Progression de l’espérance de vie: un champ encore grand ouvert mais non sans limite. (published 2016/01/25)
- Alaka Basu - If American women have it so bad, why should India’s women not “not join” the labor force? (published 2016/01/18)
- Jacques Vallin - La limite de la vie humaine. (published 2016/01/11)
- Massimo Livi Bacci - The United Nations Agenda for Sustainable Development. (published 2016/01/04)
- Zahia Ouadah-Bedidi, Jacques Vallin - Surprenante fécondité maghrébine. (published 2015/12/18)
- Vegard Skirbekk - Obesity and development – maybe a fit? (published 2015/12/11)
- Henri Leridon - Des projections démographiques jusqu’en 2100… Est-ce bien raisonnable ? (published 2015/12/04)
- Jacques Vallin - Les politiques démographiques sont-elles efficaces ? (published 2015/11/27)
- Valeria Solesin - Allez les filles au travail ! (published 2015/11/18)
- K.A.P. Siddhisena - The population of Sri Lanka in transition: policy stance. (published 2015/11/13)
- Jacques Vallin - Faut-il une politique de population ? (published 2015/11/06) / Do we need a population policy ? (published 2016/2/29)
- Øystein Kravdal, Emily Grundy - Innovations in register data: the value of linkages to prescription databases illustrated by an analysis of underuse of medication among the unmarried. (published 2015/10/29)
- Anastasia Gage - Welcome to N-IUSSP. (published 2015/11/02)