Scholarly Migration and Scientific Mobility Symposium

Rostock, Germany, 15 October 2024


Under the umbrella of the IUSSP Digital and Computational Demography Panel, the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR) hosted on 15 October 2024 a Scholarly Migration and Scientific Mobility Symposium


The aim of the symposium was to give a stage to people who work on the migration and mobility of scientists and researchers, come from different backgrounds, and use different data sources to share their works and ideas. We are happy that we reached this goal with 32 researchers attending in person and more than 110 attendees joining online. 


The symposium brought together inspiring talks by the keynote speaker Vincent Larivière, and guest speakers Mathias Czaika and Valeria Aman, compelling oral presentations in two sessions, and poster presentations by MPIDR researchers. 


The works presented at the symposium led to stimulating discussions at the end of the event thanks to the engagement and contributions of all participants. As symposium organizers, we hope that the valuable discussions we had during the event would continue in the future to form a network on scholarly migration and mobility. To serve this purpose, we will now work on a special issue on scholarly migration and mobility, likely part of the journal Quantitative Science Studies where our keynote speaker Vincent Larivière is the Editor in chief.