IUSSP Laureate Award


The IUSSP Laureate Award honours exceptional achievements in the population field. Outstanding contributions to the advancement of population sciences through research, training, policy advice and science communication, as well as distinguished services rendered to the population community and the Union will be taken into consideration for this Award. Nominees should exemplify the highest standards of professional conduct.  


Nominations for the 2025 Laureate are open – the deadline to submit nominations is 1 November 2024.


General Information:


The IUSSP Laureate Award is bestowed every year. 


IUSSP members are invited to nominate candidates for the IUSSP Laureate Award. Candidates for the Award do not have to be a member of the IUSSP. We welcome nominations of candidates from diverse backgrounds, genders and regions. Nominations should include an explanatory statement by the nominator, supporting statements of at least five IUSSP members of different nationalities, and a full curriculum of the candidate. Self-nominations will not be considered for this Award. 


The IUSSP Council selects the successful candidate by secret ballot. Nominated candidates remain eligible for the Award for a period of no longer than four years. 


Members of the current IUSSP Council may not be nominated for the Award nor sign a supporting statement. 




The nomination document, including the letter of nomination and all supporting documents including the Curriculum Vitae of the nominee and any supporting emails, should be sent in one single PDF file to the IUSSP Executive Director Mary Ellen Zuppan (zuppan@iussp.org


Please mention “IUSSP Laureate Nomination” in the subject line of the email.


Note that Individual emails of support for a candidate should be sent directly to the person coordinating the nomination, who should include these in the nomination document.  


In 2024 the IUSSP awarded its 34th Laureate Award to Wolfgang Lutz.


Previous IUSSP Laureates include: