Irene Casique


Field of Study: Demography, Sociology
Specialization: Families and Households, Gender Roles-Differentials, Reproductive Health (Family Planning), Social Demography
Regional focus: Latin America and the Caribbean
Education: Doctorate (Ph.D, or MD), University of Texas at Austin, Sociology, 1999
Working languages: Spanish
Other association membership in population or related fields: Latin American Population Association (ALAP), Population Association of America (PAA)
Other association membership in population or related fieldsSociedad Mexicana de Demografía
Sosiedad Mexicana de Demografía, Asociación Venezolana de Estudios de Población
Professional Summary:

Born in Caracas, Venezuela. 

Studied Sociology in Universidad Católica Andrés Bello, Master in Demography at El Colegio de México and PhD in Sociology in University of Texas in Austin.

Have been living in Mexico since 1999 and work at the Natioonal Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).

Married and two daughters.



2020                Casique, Irene. "Correlates of Satisfaction with Sexual Initiation Among Mexican Adolescents", International Perspectives on Sexual Health 46: 163-173. DOI:


2020                Cruz, Vianney and Casique, Irene. “Labor violence. Analysis of risk factors and consequences in the lives of working women in Mexico City”, Papeles de Poblacion v. 25, n. 102, p. 51-79, Jun. 2020. ISSN 2448-7147. DOI:


2019                Casique, Irene. “Gender Differences in the Sexual Well-Being of Mexican Adolescents”, International Journal of Sexual Health, published online February 10, 2019.

2019                Irene Casique (Coord.). New routes and evidences in the study of violence and adolescent sexuality. Contributions based on a survey in schools (ENESSAEP). Regional Center for Multidisciplinary Research, 232p. ISBN: 978-607-30-0482-4. DOI:



2018                Irene Casique. Bet on adolescent empowerment. Connections to sexual and reproductive health and dating violence. Regional Center for Multidisciplinary Research, UNAM, 232p. ISBN 978-607-30-0482-4.DOI:

Honorary or professional positions and awards:
Participant of the National System of Researchers in Mexico (SNI)_Level III