
Maternal and Child Health, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Guttmacher Institute


Centro de Estudios de Población (CENEP) and National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET) - Argentina.
Makerere University
Groupe de Recherche et d'Action pour le Développement (GRADE Africa)
Population Council
US Agency for International Development (USAID)

IUSSP Secretariat

International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP)

Council Liaison


International family planning measures, such as contraceptive prevalence, unmet need and demand satisfied, serve as critical indicators for tracking progress and assessing the impacts of family planning (FP) policies and programs. Though these population-based measures are widely used and have been for decades, a strong and growing body of research offers compelling critiques, calling for clarified terminology and correct interpretation of current measures, and the development of new measures to capture important aspects of equity and person-centered preferences and behaviors. 


The IUSSP Scientific Panel on Rethinking Family Planning Measurement with a Rights and Justice Lens will engage a diverse pool of researchers, policy makers, and program planners from different regions and countries to critically examine global fertility and family planning indicators to inform improved collection, measurement, assessment, and communication about gaps in family planning programming. 


See also preliminary proposal for activities.



Programme of activities


Family Planning Measurement Reimagined - A side event at the African Population Conference in Lilongwe, Malawi, Thursday 23 May from 14:00 to15:30


Fertility and FP Measurement Double Feature: Updates on Measurement with a Person-Centered Lens and Measuring Individual and Community Agency<, a "Member-Initiated Meeting" at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America (PAA) in Columbus, Ohio, 17 April (15:00-18:00 in Franklin D).


International Expert Group Meeting on Assessing approaches to demand-side family planning measurement with a reproductive justice and rights framework, Mombasa, Kenya, 5-7 March 2024


Webinar 1:  Why do we measure what we do? Reflecting on the history and current use of demand-side family planning indicators 

Zoom, 31 May 2023 at 12:00-13:30 UTC 


Webinar 2:  How should we define and measure demand for and use of family planning? New directions and frameworks for family planning measurement. 

Zoom, 21 June 2023 at at 12:00-13:30 UTC