Georgina Binstock

Principal Researcher
Centro de Estudios de Población (CENEP) and National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET) - Argentina.

Field of Study: Demography, Sociology
Specialization: Marriage, Divorce and Consensual Unions, Reproductive Health (Family Planning), Social Demography
Regional focus: Latin America and the Caribbean
Education: Doctorate (Ph.D, or MD), University of Michigan, Sociology, 2001
Working languages: Spanish
English (United States)
Other association membership in population or related fields: Latin American Population Association (ALAP)
Asociación Argentina de Estudios de Población (AEPA)
Professional web page:
Professional Summary:

I am a Sociologist from the University of Buenos Aires (Argentina), Master of Arts and a Ph.D. in Sociology with specialization in Population Studies from the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, USA. I am a Principal Researcher at CONICET (National Council for Scientific and Technical Research, based at CENEP (Populations Studies Center), Buenos Aires, Argentina, an institution where I started working as a research assistant in 1989 and later served as Director from 2005 to 2008 and again from 2016 to 2022. 

I am also an active member of the Argentine Population Association (AEPA) and the Latin American Population Association (ALAP). I have coordinated the Reproductive Health and Family scientific commissions and served on the board of directors in various roles, including vice president in both associations. 

I am a member of the IUSSP Scientific Panel on Rethinking Family Planning Measurement with a Reproductive Justice and Rights Lens. My research focuses on reproductive health, particularly adolescent reproductive health, and family studies.



Sarah Keogh, S.; Binstock, G.; Singh, S. y M. Perez Tort.          Progress in providing legal abortion services after law reform: a quantitative study in three provinces of Argentina. PLOS Global Public Health 5(2): e0003526. February 2025.


Binstock, G.; Keogh, S.; Binstock, G.; Singh, S. y M. Perez Tort; Pantelides, A. Implementación de la ley de aborto en efectores públicos de salud. Dos años de experiencia en Argentina. Buenos Aires, CENEP y Guttmacher Institute. 2024. 


Binstock, G. Fecundidad y maternidad adolescente en el Cono Sur: Estado de situación y nuevos desafíos. Documento presentado para publicación. 2024. UNFPA.


 Binstock, G. y W.Cabella. Las mujeres que terminan su vida reproductiva sin hijos: evolución reciente en América Latina y el Caribe (1980-2010). Población & Sociedad, 28(1), pp: 32-52.    DOI: 2021


Binstock, G. y Cerrutti, M. Los impactos de las uniones y embarazos tempranos en la autonomía de las mujeres.  Centro de Estudios de Población, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2022. INFORME FINAL para la Elaboración de insumos para documento de posición de la XV CRM desde la perspectiva de la autonomía física