Why do we measure what we do?
Reflecting on the history and current use
of demand-side family planning indicators

The first of two webinars led by the
IUSSP Panel on Rethinking Family Planning Measurement with a Reproductive Rights and Justice Lens
Wednesday 31 May 2023
Presentation files:
- Amy Tsui - A Review of and Reflection on Demand-Side Measures of Family Planning
- Aasha Jackson - Reproductive Justice Framework and Movement
- Fredrick Makumbi - Measuring Demand side of FP: Case for Uganda
- Fatou Kiné Wathie - The Ouagadougou Partnership (OP)
- Kalpana Apte - Rethinking FP Measurements from Reproductive Rights & Social Justice lens
- Karen Hardee - Reflections on indicators to measure the demand side of rights-based FP
Webinar description:
This first webinar presented the history of family planning measurement, reproductive rights and reproductive justice, reflected on the utility and limitations of current family planning measures and considered directions for future measurement.
A second webinar was held on 21 June 2023 titled: How should we define and measure demand for and use of family planning? New directions and frameworks for family planning measurement (click here). This second webinar continued the conversation from the first webinar, focusing on new directions and perspective for the future of demand-side family planning measurement.
Featured speakers for the first webinar:
“Why do we measure what we do? Reflecting on the history
and current use of demand-side family planning indicators”

Amy Tsui, Professor Emerita, Department of Population, Family and Reproductive Health, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
Dr. Amy Tsui is a former director of the Bill and Melinda Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive Health at Hopkins and the Carolina Population Center at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill. Her longstanding research interests have centered on family planning, fertility, and related health issues in developing countries and she has carried out original and secondary data analyses on indicator measurement in collaboration with researchers globally.

Aasha Jackson (she/her), Associate Director of Black Leadership and Engagement at Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PFFA).
Ms. Aasha Jackson is a public health professional and reproductive justice advocate who currently works to strengthen and build PPFA’s partnerships, initiatives, and relationships with racial justice and reproductive justice organizations and coalitions as well as Black communities. She was previously the Director of Grantmaking and Strategic Partnerships at SisterSong: The Women of Color Reproductive Justice Collective. While at SisterSong, she directed and managed SisterSong’s community-centered grants programs, designed to bolster and strengthen the reproductive justice movement. She attended graduate school in the UK as a Marshall Scholar and earned her Master’s degrees in Public Health and Public Policy from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and the University of Cambridge. She earned her bachelor’s at Brown University.

Fredrick Makumbi, Associate Professor, Makerere University School of Public Health, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics.
Dr. Fredrick Makumbi is the Team Leader for the Performance Monitoring for Action (PMA) project in Uganda. His research interests include population health including sexual and reproductive health and HIV and surveys, management and analysis of large data sets. He is a member of the Ministry of Health FP-TWG, the Self-Care Expert Team for Uganda, and the Self Care Trailblazer Group Evidence and Learning Working Group.

Fatou Kiné Wathie, Senior Technical and Operations Lead, Ouagadougou Partnership.
Dr. Fatou Kiné Wathie coordinates at the central level, in collaboration with the various Country Liaison Officers, efforts to achieve the technical and operational results of the Ouagadougou Partnership through the implementation of innovative tools / processes, adequate funding and solutions. She is committed to addressing the challenges related to human rights – supporting the most vulnerable, especially women and girls. She has worked in Mali, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Nigeria, Democratic Republic of Congo, Senegal, and Guinea. She is an expert in strengthening health systems and access to quality services.

Kalpana Apte, CEO, Family Planning Association of India (FPA India).
Dr. Kalpana Apte is a medical doctor with an MPH in Human Sexuality from the Institute of Advanced Study of Human Sexuality in San Francisco, CA, USA. She is the CEO of the Family Planning Association of India (FPA India), one of the largest civil society organization, working on Sexual Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR) in India. She is a Champion of SRHR issues and works with her team in implementing at scale sexual and reproductive health related services, monitoring quality of services, training various cadres of health care providers in sexual and reproductive health and related issues and programme implementation. She has been involved in strategies to expand the contraceptive choices in India, particularly the newer methods like the implants, injectables, Female condoms, vaginal ring and others.

Karen Hardee, President, Hardee Associates LLC.
Dr. Karen Hardee is an expert in reproductive health and rights-based programming; gender; and population, development and climate change. She has been principal investigator on policy and programmatic studies and evidence syntheses and is a member of many advisory committees. She was previously director of the Evidence Project at the Population Council, a USAID-funded project using implementation science to strengthen Family Planning/Reproductive Health Programming. She has served as co-chair of the Performance Monitoring and Evidence Working Group for FP2020 and is on the editorial committee for Studies in Family Planning. She has worked globally, most intensively in Asia, Africa and the Caribbean. She holds a Ph.D. from Cornell University’s Population and Development Program.
The Rethinking Family Planning Measurement with a Reproductive Justice and Rights Lens steering committee members are:
Members: Georgina Binstock (Centro de Estudios de Población y CONICET); Fredrick Makumbi (Makerere University); Abdoul-Moumouni Nouhou (Groupe de Recherche et d'Action pour le Développement (GRADE Africa) ; Niranjan Saggurti (Population Council); Madeleine Short Fabic (US Agency for International Development (USAID)
Council Liaison: Irene Casique Rodríguez (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)