Barbara Helen Seligman

Senior Vice President
Population Reference Bureau (PRB)

Field of Study: Anthropology, Demography, Public Administration/ Government, Statistics
Specialization: Fertility, Policy and Ethics, Population and Development, Reproductive Health (Family Planning)
Regional focus: Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia
Education: Masters level, University of Chicago, Public Administration/Government, 1986
Working languages: English
Other association membership in population or related fields: Population Association of America (PAA)
Professional Summary:

Non-profit executive and reproductive health expert with a record of accomplishment in visioning and strategy, technical leadership, program growth and diversification, and mentoring leaders. Forward-thinker who has held executive and senior advisory roles with nonprofit and for-profit global health and development consulting firms, foundations, “Think Tanks”, and the U.S. government. Experienced and effective leader of teams and individuals from the research and policy communities. Frontline experience advising governments on developing and implementing health policy in 20 countries, including leading a USAID-funded health reform program in Tbilisi, Georgia following the Rose Revolution. Leadership experience and networks reaching across development sectors (health, governance, livelihoods, climate change) and funders.



Barbara Seligman and Lori Ashford, “Cities no Longer Lead Fertility Decline in Sub-Saharan Africa,” (PRB blog, May 28, 2021).

Jay Gribble and Barbara Seligman, “Looking Beyond 2020: A Roadmap for Family Planning,” (Medium, April 4, 2019).

Barbara Seligman with Jocelyn Finlay, “Child Soldiers and Child Moms: A New lens on Conflict and Childbearing” (PRB blog, June 24, 2016).

Barbara Seligman, “Advisory Memorandum on Options for Enhancing the Policy Relevance of Research Produced under the Population/Poverty Initiative” (paper, William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, Menlo Park, CA, 2011). 

Rena Eichler, Barbara Seligman, Alix Beith, and Jenna Wright, “Performance-Based Financing: Ensuring Voluntariness in Family Planning Initiatives” (paper, Health Systems 2020 Project, Abt Associates, Bethesda, MD, 2010).

Rachel Nugent and Barbara Seligman, “Demographics and Development” (technical background paper, The Center for Global Development, Washington, DC, 2008).  


Honorary or professional positions and awards:
• Member, Technical Advisory Group, Family Planning High Impact Practices, 2019 - present

• Member, Executive Committee, USAID Alumni Association, 2016 - present