Impact of obesity and physical inactivity on fasting blood glucose, lipid profile and homeostatic model assessment (HOMA) among children

Purpose: to study the impact of overweight and obesity on fasting blood glucose level and lipid profile among children.
Methodology: A cross sectional study included 200 child aged 2 -12 years was done to screen for plasma glucose, lipid profile and insulin abnormalities. They were assessed by interview questionnaires, anthropometric measures and by measuring their fasting blood glucose and plasma lipid levels.
Findings: The risk for having high triglycerides and low HDL levels is more than double among obese children compared to non-obese. Physically inactive children have 7.8 times the risk for obesity compared to active children. Significant high percentages among obese as regards prediabetes state and insulin resistance. The consumption of unhealthy snacks was higher than vegetables and fruits regardless of BMI.
Value: High BMI predisposes children to many of the medical complications of obesity found in adults, in particular components of insulin resistance syndrome.
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51 753
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Prevalence of overweight and obesity and status of chronic non- communicable diseases and some related risk factors among Egyptian adolescents

Objectives are to study the current prevalence of overweight and obesity among adolescents in Egypt from 2000 to 2008, to estimate the prevalence of glucose disorders, hypertension, Lipid profile, and metabolic syndrome, and to investigate some related risk factors among 10 to 18 years old school adolescents. For assessing prevalence rates of overweight and obesity among adolescents, data from reports of other cross-sectional studies carried out by NNI (2000-2005) and EDHS, 2008 were compared. To estimate the prevalence of glucose disorders, hypertension, lipid profile, and metabolic syndrome, a randomized stratified cluster-sample of preparatory and secondary school students was used. BMI was calculated and referred to corresponding international reference values for age and sex. A fasting blood sample was drawn to assess lipid profile and fasting plasma insulin. Overweight and obesity are prevalent among Egyptian adolescents of both sexes, and at least for girls the prevalence has increased in the last few years. Pre-diabetic state was present among 16.4% of adolescents. The crude prevalence of hypertension is 1.4% The overall proportion of adolescents with high total cholesterol is 6.0 %; the proportion with high LDL-cholesterol is 7.5 %, with high triglycerides 8.2 %, and with low HDL cholesterol 9.4 %. Conclusions; over
confirm funding
Event ID
Session 2
Paper presenter
35 441
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
Language of Presentation
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The Riskiest of Them All: Examining Adolescent Behaviors on Parental Time Inputs

Individuals with higher parental supervision are less likely to engage in teenage risky behaviors. Using a quantitative measurement of parental supervision instead of proxies, I confirm this negative relationship with a PSID-CDS sample of teenagers from 10 to 18
years old. Using lagged measurements of time supervision (observed at 5 to 12 years old), OLS results show a negative relationship with maternal time for risky behaviors engaged recently (i.e. smoked cigarettes in the past month, drank alcohol at least once a week in the past year). With a household fixed effects estimation that removes unobserved family-specific heterogeneity, the paternal role emerges among health risky behaviors measured over the long span (e.g. ever smoked a cigarette). A separate estimation that allows for non-linear effects of parental time shows that the negative influence of parents are present among those who have received the most amount of time supervision during the pre-adolescent period.
confirm funding
Event ID
Session 2
Paper presenter
53 436
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
Language of Presentation
Initial Second Choice
Weight in Programme
1 000
Status in Programme