Young mothers and their children. On teenage motherhood in Argentina

Martha Beatriz Melo
Escuela de Salud Pública U.N.C

Teenage pregnancy is a social problem when it is not wanted for different reasons and has serious implications on maternal and child health.
This fact is associated with risk of poor birth outcomes, including low birth weight and prematurity as well as stillbirth
The objective of this paper is to find out the adverse conditions to mental and physical health of the young mothers and their children when the pregnancy is unwanted
Some researchers are focused in mother and the children health, as an only consequence to the socio-economic condition but the fact of being forced into sexual intercourse is other important factor. This last fact influences in a negative way on their mental health, conditioning a low self-steam and depressive symptoms.
In this way, we conducted a quantitative and qualitative study in 6 Health Centers in two Argentine provinces: Chaco and Formosa, to determine the mental health of these young mothers and their children
The methodology was quantitative and qualitative. We find that there are physical and mental problems in the mother and child when the pregnancy is unwanted
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35 446
Language (Translated)
Title (Translated)
-Les jeunes mères et leurs enfants : les grossesses adolescentes en Argentine
Abstract (Translated)
-Les grossesses adolescentes représentent un problème social lorsqu’elles ne sont pas désirées pour différentes raisons, et ont des conséquences importantes sur la santé maternelle et infantile. Elles sont également associées à un risque de complications, comme un faible poids de naissance des nouveaux-nés, la prématurité et la naissance d’enfants mort-nés. Cette étude a pour objectif d’identifier les obstacles à la bonne santé mentale et physique des jeunes mères et de leurs enfants en cas de grossesse non désirée. Une partie de la recherche considère la santé maternelle et infantile comme dépendant uniquement des conditions socio-économique, mais le fait d’avoir été contrainte à des relations sexuelles forcées constitue également un facteur important. Cette contrainte a un impact négatif sur leur santé mentale, et induit chez les jeunes mères une mauvaise estime de soi et des symptômes dépressifs. Nous avons donc mené une étude quantitative et qualitative auprès de 6 centres de santé dans deux provinces d’Argentine : Chaco et Formosa, afin d’évaluer la santé mentale de ces jeunes mères et de leurs enfants, en adoptant une méthodologie quantitative et qualitative. Nous avons observé que les grossesses non désirées entraînent des problèmes de santé physique et mentale pour les mères comme pour leurs enfants.
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Politics, religion, and the Internet: A survey of attitudes and aspirations of the Indonesian youth bulge

While a number of studies have examined the demographic processes behind Indonesia’s youth bulge, or have noted the potential consequences at a macro level, there have been no large scale studies of the political and religious views and attitudes of Indonesia’s youth bulge. In this paper we aim to shed some light on this issue using data from a recent survey of 3,006 Indonesian young adults aged 20-34 living in Greater Jakarta. The data collected a wide range of information on the religious and political views, and digital connectedness of young adults, as well as their life time aspirations and satisfaction with various aspects of their current lives. Such study is timely given the current political situation in Indonesia, a country with the largest Muslim population in the world. About twelve years following the onset of the Reform in 1998, forces of democracy continue to compete with a plethora of conservative movements promoting traditional customary laws and religious sentiments, including at one extreme, a call for an Islamic state.
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51 325
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Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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1 000
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Drink, pray, love: Family, religion, and risk behavior among high school students in three municipalities of Minas Gerais, Brazil

The objective of this paper is to investigate the association between family, religion, religiosity, and two risk behaviors – drinking and unprotected sex – among male and female 16-17 year-old public high school students, in three municipalities of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Data come from Pesquisa Jovem (Youth Survey), a survey of students of public high schools in several municipalities in the state of Minas Gerais carried out by Cedeplar, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais between 2007 and 2010. This paper focuses specifically on senior high school students interviewed in 2010 in three municipalities: Governador Valadares, Ibirité, and Ribeirão das Neves (n=2,615 total; n=1,047 ever had sex). Although drinking is illegal for individuals younger than 18 years of age, preliminary results indicate that more than half of the students drink and, among those, ¾ do so at parties. Less than half of the students who have ever engaged in sex used a condom during their last episode of intercourse, and those who live with their mothers are more likely to have used a condom.
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48 227
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Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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1 000
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Education and occupation perspectives of teenage mothers in Rio de Janeiro

This article aims to analyze the occurrence of adolescent pregnancy aged 15-19 years and its impact on women education and occupation in Rio de Janeiro. According to evidence gathered through national household surveys, this city has one of the lowest fertility rates in the country. However, there are some poor regions where fertility rates are higher and young motherhood is part of life trajectories. In order to achieve the purpose of this research, some social aspects as household income, schooling, occupational status position, household position and number of children have been considered. The methodology consists on multivariate analysis of indicators provided by 2010’s Census (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) and the latest School Census (National Institute for Educational Studies and Research). The results points out that adolescent aged 15-19 years that had given birth have much more probability to stop studying than other girls with no child. As young motherhood incidence is higher through more vulnerable youth, lack of education constrains living conditions and perpetuates poverty.
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Event ID
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35 430
Language (Translated)
Title (Translated)
-Education et perspectives d’emploi des mères adolescentes à Rio de Janeiro
Abstract (Translated)
-Cet article a pour objectif d’analyser les grossesses adolescentes chez les 15-19 ans et leur impact sur l’éducation et l’emploi des femmes à Rio de Janeiro. Selon les résultats obtenus à partir des données des enquêtes ménage au niveau national, cette ville présente un des taux de fécondité les plus bas du pays. Cependant, certaines régions pauvres présentent des taux de fécondité plus élevés, et les grossesses adolescentes font partie intégrante des trajectoires de vie. Aux fins de notre analyse, nous avons étudié certains aspects sociaux, tels que le revenu du ménage, la scolarisation, le statut professionnel, le statut au sein du ménage ainsi que le nombre d’enfants. La méthode adoptée est celle de l’analyse multivariée des indicateurs fournis par le recensement 2010 (Institut brésilien de géographie et de statistiques) et par le dernier recensement scolaire (Institut national des études et des recherches en éducation). Les résultats révèlent que les adolescentes de 15-19 ans ayant eu un enfant ont une probabilité beaucoup plus forte d’arrêter leurs études que les adolescentes sans enfant. Alors que l’incidence des maternités adolescentes étant plus élevée chez les jeunes les plus vulnérables, le manque d’éducation est un frein à l’amélioration des conditions de vie et perpétue la pauvreté.

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Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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Maternity before age 20 refuses to decline in Latin America. As relevant as this fact, is the shift in its nuptial context, given the increasing fraction of adolescent parents that neither form a union nor get emancipated from their parental homes. This carries psycho-social and socio-cultural mutations of this kind of reproduction and its potential effects. In turn, it also guides research into including a third generation in the analysis of the phenomenon, i.e., the origin family of teenage parents, in particular the grandmothers of the babies. By using census microdata from the 2010 decade (at least from seven countries), this paper will update the figures on single teen mothers and teen mothers who remain in the parental home. Additionally, the effect of this lack of emancipation will be investigated, in terms of some of the drawbacks commonly associated to early reproduction. In particular, school drop-out, dedication to domestic chores and provision of care to babies will be looked at. Some relevant factors will be controlled for, such as mother’s age, place of residence and family socio-economic status.
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Event ID
Paper presenter
54 485
Language (Translated)
Title (Translated)
-Fécondité adolescente et soins des enfants : un nouveau scénario
Abstract (Translated)
-Les maternités précoces, avant l'âge de 20 ans, ne diminuent pas en Amérique latine. Par ailleurs, on assiste également à une importante mutation du contexte matrimonial de ces maternités, avec une part grandissante des parents adolescents qui ne sont pas en union et ne quittent pas le foyer parental. Cela implique des mutations psychosociales et socioculturelles de ce type de reproduction et de ses effets potentiels. De sorte que nous sommes amenés à intégrer une troisième génération dans l’analyse du phénomène, c’est-à-dire la famille d’origine des parents adolescents, et en particulier les grands-mères des nouveaux-nés. A partir de micro données de recensement concernant la décennie 2010 (pour sept pays au moins), cette étude permettra d’actualiser les chiffres concernant les mères adolescentes célibataires et les mères adolescentes qui restent au domicile parental. Nous examinerons également l’impact de ce manque d’émancipation, et notamment les inconvénients souvent associés à la reproduction précoce. Nous étudierons en particulier le décrochage scolaire, le temps consacré aux travaux domestiques et au soin des enfants, en contrôlant certains facteurs pertinents tels que l’âge de la mère, le lieu de résidence et le statut socio-économique de la famille.
Status (Translated)
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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First Choice History
Initial First Choice
Weight in Programme
1 000
Status in Programme

Is Parental Behaviour a Risk Factor for Substance Use and Violence among Indian Youth?

This study examines whether parental characteristics represents risk factor for substance use and violent activities among youth (15-24) in both setting i.e. within and outside family. Study uses a national sample of 13119 married and 25197 unmarried youth from Youth in India study (2006-07). Logistic regression results show that parents’ behavior plays role in determining youth’s behavior towards substance use and involvement in violence. Parent’s substance abuse increases twice the risk of substance abuse among youth. Similarly, witness of parental violence increases risk of all three factors of substance use, spousal violence and communal fights among by 1.3, 3.1 and 1.5 times respectively. Years of schooling is showing positive impact on lowering the risk for substance use and violent activities among them. Early life experiences such as age at cohabitation, work and premarital sexual behavior is also found to have influence on substance use and violence or may be supporting each other. Therefore, along with early life experiences and low socioeconomic status of parents it is also parental behavior which makes youth vulnerable towards substance abuse and violence.
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50 572
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Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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1 000
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Familial Factors and Life Satisfaction Impact on Risk of Psychological Difficulties among Children

Psychological difficulties among children seem to explode evidently, principally those in low socio-economic status. The study examines the impact of familial factors and life satisfaction toward risk of psychological difficulties among children. The risk of psychological difficulties is defined by parent-rated SDQ score (Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire). The findings show the significant relationship within family, particularly child caregiver’s mental health. The mental health of caregiver measured by SRQ score is positively correlated with the psychological difficulties among children assessed by SDQ score. Even the caregivers are children’s own mother or not, the mental health of caregivers is significant for psychological well-being on children. The inverse relation patterns are found, however. When child age is growing, risk of psychological difficulties among children is decreased. The same pattern of relationship can be found between family function and satisfaction on friendship, and psychological difficulties on children. If the family function score is up, risk of psychological difficulties among children is reduced. In addition, friendship is significant related to the decreased SDQ score, even the number of friends is not significantly included in the model.

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56 488
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Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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Teenage Pregnancy in Mexico

This study is about teenage pregnancy in Mexico and its associated factors, taking into account the time lapse that goes from the beginning of sexual intercourse until the moment of first pregnancy.
For this propose, the survival graphics were estimated and the Cox modeling risk were applied.
The subject of study is young women from 15 to 19 years old and the data is taken from ENADID 2006.
The results show the existence of big differences according to different social conditions. The level of education and socio-economic status are predictive variables of pregnancy risk in Mexican teenage women. We can also draw the conclusion that the period of time between sexual intercourse and pregnancy is shortest in the case of the lowest socio-economic groups.
Population and health policies must intensify the offer of contraceptive methods, particularly in the case of teenagers who have recently started to have sexual intercourse, given the fact that this is the period when pregnancy happens most frequently. Also, it must be taken into account that there is a very great variety inside the reproductive behavior of teenagers according to different contexts.
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56 472
Language (Translated)
Title (Translated)
-Grossesses adolescentes au Mexique
Abstract (Translated)
-Cette étude porte sur les grossesses adolescentes au Mexique et leurs facteurs associés, en tenant compte du laps de temps entre le début de l'activité sexuelle et la première grossesse. A cet effet, les courbes de survie ont été évaluées à l'aide du modèle de Cox. Nous étudions les jeunes femmes de 15 à 19 ans à partir de données ENADID 2009. Les résultats mettent en évidence l'existence de grandes différences selon la condition sociale. Le niveau d'instruction et le statut socio-économique sont des variables prédictives du risque de grossesse chez les adolescentes mexicaines. Nous pouvons également déduire que le délai entre le début de l'activité sexuelle et la grossesse est le plus court pour les groupes socio-économiques les plus défavorisés. Les politiques démographiques et sanitaires doivent renforcer l'offre de méthodes contraceptives, particulièrement auprès des adolescents ayant depuis peu une activité sexuelle, cette période étant justement celle à laquelle survient le plus souvent une grossesse. Par ailleurs, il est également nécessaire de prendre en compte la grande variété de comportements reproductifs chez les adolescents, en fonction de leurs différents contextes.
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Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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Initial First Choice
Weight in Programme
1 000
Status in Programme

Brazilian adolescent mothers

The objective of this work is to identify the causes and consequences of motherhood for the Brazilian adolescent mothers aged 15-19. Taking into account the differences in their reproductive behavior, they were split into two groups of age: 15-17 and 18-19 years old. In order to achieve the purpose of this research, some aspects of their quality of life, such as household income and their school enrollment and years of schooling completed have been analyzed. The data on quality of life of adolescent mothers have been compared with the data on female adolescents who have never had children. The research findings indicate that motherhood in adolescence prevail among the poorest. They indicate as well that even before pregnancy most of them were not enrolled at school and as a consequence were not likely to get a decent job. This is a quantitative research, in which we used as source of data the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics’ National Household Sample Survey (PNAD).
Keywords: motherhood in adolescence; adolescent mothers
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35 422
Language (Translated)
Title (Translated)
-Les mères adolescentes au Brésil
Abstract (Translated)
-Cette étude a pour objectif d'identifier les causes et les conséquences de la maternité chez les jeunes mères adolescentes de 15 à 19 ans au Brésil. Deux groupes d'âge ont été distingués en fonction des différences de comportement reproductif : 15-17 ans et 18-19 ans. Pour atteindre cet objectif de recherche, nous avons également analysé certains aspects de leur qualité de vie, tels que le revenu du ménage, la scolarisation et le nombre d'années de scolarité suivies. Les données sur la qualité de vies des mères adolescentes ont été comparées avec les données sur les jeunes adolescentes n'ayant jamais eu d'enfants. Les résultats montrent que la maternité adolescente s'observe surtout chez les plus pauvres. Ils indiquent également que même avant d'être enceintes, la plupart d'entre elles n'étaient pas scolarisées et avaient donc peu de chances de trouver un emploi décent. Il s'agit ici d'une recherche quantitative, réalisée à partir de données tirées l'enquête ménage NHSS de l'Institut brésilien de géographie et de statistique (IBGE). Mots-clé : maternité adolescente, mères adolescentes.
Status (Translated)
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Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
Language of Presentation
Initial First Choice
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Do First Time Mother’s in India Utilizing Less Maternal and Child Health Care Services?

Utilization of maternal health services has a potentially important role in the improvement of reproductive health status of adolescent women. Understanding the challenges of different aspects of adolescent’s reproductive health is very important. In order to get better understandings of adolescent mothers' needs, health seeking practices of first time adolescent and adult mothers during pregnancy and early motherhood are compared. The National Family Health Survey-3 data is used for analysis purpose which provides a comprehensive picture of population and health conditions in India. Findings suggest that first adolescent mothers are more disadvantaged in terms of health care seeking for reproductive health services during pregnancy and delivery compared to first time adult mothers. First time adolescent mothers were less likely to use all three services (any antenatal care, full antenatal care and institutional delivery) compared to first time adult mothers. These results are compelling and call for urgent adolescent focused interventions.
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35 429
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Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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