This study is about teenage pregnancy in Mexico and its associated factors, taking into account the time lapse that goes from the beginning of sexual intercourse until the moment of first pregnancy.
For this propose, the survival graphics were estimated and the Cox modeling risk were applied.
The subject of study is young women from 15 to 19 years old and the data is taken from ENADID 2006.
The results show the existence of big differences according to different social conditions. The level of education and socio-economic status are predictive variables of pregnancy risk in Mexican teenage women. We can also draw the conclusion that the period of time between sexual intercourse and pregnancy is shortest in the case of the lowest socio-economic groups.
Population and health policies must intensify the offer of contraceptive methods, particularly in the case of teenagers who have recently started to have sexual intercourse, given the fact that this is the period when pregnancy happens most frequently. Also, it must be taken into account that there is a very great variety inside the reproductive behavior of teenagers according to different contexts.
For this propose, the survival graphics were estimated and the Cox modeling risk were applied.
The subject of study is young women from 15 to 19 years old and the data is taken from ENADID 2006.
The results show the existence of big differences according to different social conditions. The level of education and socio-economic status are predictive variables of pregnancy risk in Mexican teenage women. We can also draw the conclusion that the period of time between sexual intercourse and pregnancy is shortest in the case of the lowest socio-economic groups.
Population and health policies must intensify the offer of contraceptive methods, particularly in the case of teenagers who have recently started to have sexual intercourse, given the fact that this is the period when pregnancy happens most frequently. Also, it must be taken into account that there is a very great variety inside the reproductive behavior of teenagers according to different contexts.
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Event ID
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56 472
Language (Translated)
Title (Translated)
-Grossesses adolescentes au Mexique
Abstract (Translated)
-Cette étude porte sur les grossesses adolescentes au Mexique et leurs facteurs associés, en tenant compte du laps de temps entre le début de l'activité sexuelle et la première grossesse. A cet effet, les courbes de survie ont été évaluées à l'aide du modèle de Cox. Nous étudions les jeunes femmes de 15 à 19 ans à partir de données ENADID 2009. Les résultats mettent en évidence l'existence de grandes différences selon la condition sociale. Le niveau d'instruction et le statut socio-économique sont des variables prédictives du risque de grossesse chez les adolescentes mexicaines. Nous pouvons également déduire que le délai entre le début de l'activité sexuelle et la grossesse est le plus court pour les groupes socio-économiques les plus défavorisés. Les politiques démographiques et sanitaires doivent renforcer l'offre de méthodes contraceptives, particulièrement auprès des adolescents ayant depuis peu une activité sexuelle, cette période étant justement celle à laquelle survient le plus souvent une grossesse. Par ailleurs, il est également nécessaire de prendre en compte la grande variété de comportements reproductifs chez les adolescents, en fonction de leurs différents contextes.
Status (Translated)
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
Language of Presentation
First Choice History
Initial First Choice
Weight in Programme
1 000
Status in Programme