A study to identify factors influencing immunization coverage in urban slums of Bhubaneswar

Under-5 mortality rate of urban poorest was 85 per 1,000 live births where was 27 per 1,000 live births in urban wealthiest. It was estimated that 40% urban population of Bhubaneswar were slum dwellers. The main objective of the study was to assess the immunization coverage and to identify barriers for poor coverage in urban slums of Bhubaneswar in Odisha. Required sample is 200 with design effect 2, 10% precision, 95 % confidence interval and estimated immunization coverage of odisha was 59.5% (CES 2009). Fifty six percent (56%) of children were completely immunized, 39.5% were partially immunized and 4.5% had not received any vaccine. Dropout rate was high between BCG and Measles was 22.0%, followed by DPT-1 Measles dropout rate was 21.5%, BCG to DPT 3 dropout rate was 4.4% and DPT 1 to DPT 3 dropout rate was 3.8%. Immunization status was significantly associated with variables like social class, mother education, location of urban health centre, family income and presence of immunization card. Routine immunization coverage was low mainly because of poor measles coverage. Special attention is required for improving measles coverage and can be increased by integrating with mother and child tracking system (MCTS).
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35 417
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Cosmetics utilization pattern and related adverse reactions among female university students

Cosmetics are articles applied to the human body for cleansing, beautifying or promoting attractiveness. Studies showed that cosmetics are causing alarming adverse reactions to consumers. The study aimed to assess cosmetics utilization pattern and common cosmetics related adverse reactions among female university students. A cross-sectional study was conducted on participants selected by stratified and then systematic sampling technique. Data were collected by using semi-structured questionnaire through trained pharmacists. Epi-info 3.5.1 and SPSS version-12 were used for data entry and analysis, respectively. The study showed that 710(97.8%) of the participants had a habit of using cosmetics. Most frequently used cosmetics were body lotions(76.0%) and deodorants(74.0%). Adverse reactions were encountered by 131(18.4%) of cosmetics users primarily on their face and hair mainly due to deodorant and lotion. There was a significant association between economic status of the students and cosmetics use. Occurrence of cosmetics related adverse reactions was significantly associated with the number of cosmetics used per day, source of cosmetics and cosmetics sharing. A significant proportion the users suffered from cosmetics related adverse reactions. The students need to be aware on rational cosmetics utilization practices.

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35 426
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Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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Initial First Choice
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Does early age of menarche lead to an early age of coitarche? Reproductive health experience, behavior and pregnancy among adolescents in the Philippines

Contemporary research on the onset of puberty among boys and girls indicate earlier entry. Indicators like genital development, pubic hair growth, breast development and menstruation were studied to support such claim. Of particular importance among these reproductive health experience is age at menarche which signals the reproductive readiness of a girl. Early menarche has been found to have biomedical, emotional, and socio-cultural consequences - higher risk for cancer and heart disease and earlier experience of risky behaviors like cigarette smoking, alcohol abuse, and sexual activity (Chodick et al., 2005). Using the 1993 National Demographic Survey (NDS), the 1998, 2003 and 2008 National Demographic and Health Survey (NDHS) data, this paper examines the age at menarche experience of adolescents in the Philippines from 1993 to 2008 and determines the timing entry into the reproductive phase. It also establishes the association between early reproductive health experience (age at menarche) and reproductive behavior (age at coitarche or the age of sexual debut) which in turn will be related to early pregnancy. These three factors are studied across socio-demographic variables such as birth cohort, type of residence and religion. This study provides valuable information to comprehend teenage pregnancy in the country.
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Session 2
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49 757
Language (Translated)
Title (Translated)
Des règles précoces conduisent-elles à une activité sexuelle précoce ? Santé reproductive, comportements et grossesses chez les adolescents aux Philippines
Abstract (Translated)
Les recherches actuelles sur la puberté chez les filles et les garçons montrent un démarrage plus précoce de celle-ci. Pour étayer cette hypothèse, des indicateurs tels que le développement génital, l'apparition de poils pubiens, le développement des seins et les menstruations ont notamment été étudiés. Parmi ces indicateurs de la santé reproductive, l'âge des premières règles est particulièrement important, parce qu'il signale la disponibilité reproductive des filles. Il apparaît que des règles précoces ont un impact biomédical, émotionnel et socio-culturel : un risque plus élevé de cancer et de maladies cardiaques, et une expérimentation précoce de comportements à risque tels que que le tabagisme, l'abus d'alcool, et l'activité sexuelle (Chodick et al., 2005). A partir des données de l'Enquête démographique de 1993 (NDS), et des Enquêtes démographiques et de santé de 1998, 2003 et 2008 (NDHS), nous étudions l'âge des premières règles chez des adolescentes aux Philippines de 1993 à 2008 et tentons de déterminer le moment de l'entrée en vie reproductive. Cette étude établit un lien entre une expérience précoce de la santé reproductive (âge de survenue des règles), et le comportement reproductif (âge au début de l'activité sexuelle), lui-même associé aux grossesses précoces. Ces trois facteurs sont étudiés en fonction de variables socio-démographiques telles que la cohorte de naissance, le type de résidence et la religion. Cette étude fournit des informations utiles pour une meilleure compréhension des grossesses adolescentes dans ce pays.
Status (Translated)
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
Language of Presentation
First Choice History
Initial First Choice
Initial Second Choice
Weight in Programme
1 000
Status in Programme

Memory performances in Moroccan children: Socioeconomic, anthropometric and environmental factors

Low basin’s Sebou River (area of our study) located in the North-West of Morocco is one of the most important agricultural and industrial regions of the Kingdom. These sectors generate low income among parents illiterate and/or with low instruction level and also increase pollution level in the environment. These factors could threat health of population living in this region, especially children.
The aims of this study are to evaluate the memory performances among schooled children living in Low basin’s Sebou River, and to study the relationship between this neurocognitive performance and socioeconomic, anthropometric and environmental factors, using Memory Sub-test of WISC III and questionnaire.
The higher memory scores are found among urban children (p< 0.01). Moreover, significant correlations between memory performances and parents’ level of education and low parent’s income (p< 0.01), body weight and body Mass Index (p< 0.05), source of pollution near the school (p< 0.05), house building materials (p< 0.05) and consumption of well water (p< 0.001) are registered.
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Event ID
Paper presenter
35 436
Type of Submissions
Poster session only
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Population growth, youths bulge and social conflict - The challenge of the nation building process of Asia’s newest nation - Timor-Leste

As globally 2.5 billion more people are going to be added by 2075 to current population and as 85% of these additions will be from developing countries with a very high proportion young population, it raises the concern that in future the destabilising effects of demographic changes could have a profound impact not only on national security but also global security. This concern has been echoed by United Nations in its report which mentions that societies currently in conflict or in post conflict transition, are facing a demographic challenge of extremely high proportion of young population at a time when people in these societies are still recovering from the scars of occupation, an economic slump, and periodic outbreaks of political violence. Timor-Leste, Asia’s newest nation characterised by exceptionally high fertility rates, extremely low formal sector employment and very limited international migration options, will generate very high proportions of excess labour. Analysis based on a combination of primary and secondary data this paper predicts that the unmet aspirations and building frustration of the youths may lead to re-emerging civil conflict as evident in the recent past unless the country utilise the widow of opportunity for a demographic dividend.
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Event ID
Paper presenter
48 904
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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Weight in Programme
1 000
Status in Programme


Background: Adolescent smoking rate is increasing in South Korea. An adolescent period is influenced by surrounding environment. Adolescents spend most of their days in the school. Therefore, school environment is important to them. While previous studies have found individual, a family and peers factors among adolescents in smoking, school environment factors have been neglected.
Objectives: The aim of this study is to examine school environment influence as factors in smoking behavior of adolescents.
Contents and Methods: Data are used from The 3st Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Survey (KYRBWS) conduced by the Korea Center for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC) in 2007 and the “school factors” data. Multi-level logistic regression analysis is used to identify school environmental factors.
Contribution: The results of the analysis show school environmental factors among adolescents. This study finds school environmental factors and those factors are utilized for school smoking policies considering school factors and school smoking prevalence. The study suggests that Individual level and school level be linked. So, Adolescent smoking prevalence rate can be effectively reduced by changing school environment.
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Event ID
Paper presenter
55 845
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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Weight in Programme
1 000
Status in Programme

Education of the Ecological Immigrant Children as Ethnic Minorities in Sanjiangyuan region

Nowadays, with ecological protection becoming increasingly valued, Chinese government has conducted several ecological resettlement projects aiming at vulnerable ecological regions, including Sanjiangyuan area in Qinghai province.
Moving from pastoral area to the countryside, being identified as ethnic groups and immigrants, immigrant children faced many challenges, especially in terms of education. However, children’s education, as an essential factor that is closely associated with the future development of the immigrant families, is hardly explored.
Given this situation, the author conducted surveys in 2009 and 2011, focused on education of immigrant children in 5 different immigration villages. Based on the surveys, this paper discusses the educational profiles of this special group, reveals the advantages and disadvantages of immigration to children’s education, and finally puts forward suggestions in consideration of reserving cultural diversity.
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Event ID
Paper presenter
55 854
Type of Submissions
Poster session only
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1 000
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Changes in Health inequality among Korean adolescents before and after school meals

Currently debated issue in the last elections in Korea was offering free meals at schools. Since adolescent spend most of their days in school, it is considered that school meal play an important role in maintaining health. The adolescent prevalence of obesity has been increasing from 4.3% in 1979 to 13.1% in 2008. In 1981 the government passed the school meals act, this allowed local authorities to provide every child at school with a meal. While parental social economic status and nutritional factors have been widely studied by a number of previous studies on adolescent health; little attention has been paid to school meal factors. This study examines health inequalities on adolescent by expanding school meals in Korea. We will employ the KNHNES (1998, 2009) to compute the prevalence of obesity. Parental academic background and family affluence score will be considered as indicators of social economic status on adolescent. Regression analysis is used to identify parental SES factors
It may result that over the last decade, health condition on adolescents is improved and health inequalities between socioeconomic groups reduced than before starting school meals. This finding will be a useful resource for school nutrition policies in Korea and will cut down health problems on adolescent.
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Event ID
Paper presenter
55 826
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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Weight in Programme
1 000
Status in Programme


India is standing at a crucial juncture relating to substance abuse. The use of alcohol and tobacco is very prevalent among larger masses, including the adolescents. The country is passing through a crucial phase of epidemiological shift. It is estimated that India would have fastest rate of deaths attributable to substance abuse due to the high addiction rate during youth periods of life. Accordingly, the paper aims to assess the present condition of substance abuse among adolescent boys in India by identifying the key factors responsible for their engulfing into Substance abuse. The NFHS-3 data is used by applying appropriate statistical and GIS techniques. Findings reveal that the prevalence of substance abuse is highest among those adolescent boys who are illiterate, have low mass media exposure, living away from home, economically poor and living in the North-Eastern states of India. The use of alcohol is highest among adolescent boys belongs to Christian and Sikh religion whereas tobacco use is highest among Muslims. Adolescents must be educated and make aware of harmful effects of substance abuse through special programmes, especially through peer based approach. Role of mass-media should be strengthened to highlight the health warnings and adverse health implications.
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Event ID
Paper presenter
35 442
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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Assessing the socioeconomic status of adolescents in inequality research: a new perspective

The aim of this study was to (i) develop a material affluence scale (MAS) for measuring adolescent SES in health inequality research in developing countries, (ii) compare the association of the MAS with the parental SES measures (parental occupation and education), and (iii) evaluate the association of parental SES and MAS with key health and health behaviour indicators. We used school-based cross-sectional survey conducted in thirty districts within three administrative regions in southern Ghana (a West African country) among adolescents ages 12-18-year old (N=1,195) as an example. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was used as the main statistical technique. MAS categorised adolescents into material affluence groups (MAS scores for the poorest, poor, average, affluent and most affluent were-1.679, -0.355, 0.354, 0.725 and 1.022 from the first principal component quintile respectively), it has adequate internal coherence (α =0.622) and moderately correlates with parental SES (r=0.39, p<0.001). MAS and parental SES showed similar pattern of strength and direction of association with selected health and health behaviour indicators. MAS presents a viable alternative method for measuring adolescent’s SES in health inequality research in developing countries and could be useful as well in western countries.
confirm funding
Event ID
Session 2
Paper presenter
35 419
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
Language of Presentation
Initial Second Choice
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