Living in single-parent families and the human capital achievement by children aged 15-19 years in Iran

Using the data from the Time Use Survey conducted on Iranian urban households during 2008-2009, this paper examines the effect of family type (single-parent or two-parent) on the amount of time spent, by children, on activities related to human capital. Target population includes unmarried children, aged 15-19 years, living in Iranian urban households. Relevant literature shows that children in single-parent families (either by divorce or the death of a parent) experience more difficulties and barriers towards human capital achievement. Findings show that children in single-parent families have higher levels of dropout and their level of human capital attainment is significantly lower than that of their counterparts in two-parent families. By controlling independent variables especially parental care and supervising activities at home, the negative effect of the family type disappears. Therefore, such family will exert its effect on children's achievement mainly through decreasing parent-child relationship, reducing opportunities for parents to engage in home affairs, and losing parents' supervision over their children's activities. Such negative effect can have important consequences and implications for educational attainment of children in Iran as the country is experiencing a high level of divorce now.
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Event ID
Paper presenter
48 595
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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Weight in Programme
1 000
Status in Programme

Challenges of rehabilitating juvenile delinquents in Uganda: a case study of Kampiringisa National Rehabilitation Center and NRH

The study explored the challenges of rehabilitating juvenile delinquents in Uganda.
In Uganda, juvenile delinquency has become a threat to the urban centers and families; with major characteristics of theft, arson, drug trafficking, addiction to commit crimes which altogether have constituted a threat to the general public.
By 1960s, the Government of Uganda had realized a threat emanating from the juvenile delinquents and thus came up with the construction of rehabilitation centers among which were Naguru Remand Home and Kampiringisa National Rehabilitation Centers where the study was carried out. Nevertheless, the challenges pertaining to juvenile delinquency continue to be felt.
Qualitative and quantitative research techniques were employed. Data was collected through interviews, Focused Group Discussions and observation. Descriptive statistics were presented in percentages and graphs after the use of Statistical Program for Social Scientific (SPSS) and Microsoft excel.
The findings collected reveal that the challenges of the juvenile delinquents emanate largely from the home environment albeit other factors are held vital.
Some characters have remained untamed due to the long stay on streets and loss of hope in life especially after the death of their parents particularly due to AIDS.
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Event ID
Paper presenter
35 424
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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Models for waiting time to first conception for females of lower ages at marriage: A comparative approach

The duration of the waiting time to first conception is much influenced by the female's age at marriage. The waiting time to first conception is longer for females of lower ages at marriage due to the biological factor viz., adolescent sterility and various sociological factors associated with it. However, this duration becomes shorter for females of higher ages at marriage as the strictness of the social norms and taboos decreases with increasing age. Hence, the study of waiting time to first conception under different sampling frame, ascertained according to different ages at marriage is of greater importance for researchers. Here, for females of lower ages at marriage (less than equal to 15 years), two probability models for waiting time to first conception are being considered to study which factors mainly influence this duration variable. These models are applied on the data of first birth interval obtained from NFHS-III data and M.L. estimates of the parameters of the two models are obtained. Although both models are derived under different sets of assumptions, the analysis shows that both the models are appropriate, but one of them is fitting well (as per Akaike information criterion) than the other.
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Event ID
Paper presenter
53 253
Language (Translated)
Title (Translated)
Modèles de délai d'attente de la première conception chez les femmes mariées à un âge précoce : une approche comparative
Abstract (Translated)
Le délai d'attente de la première conception est fortement influencé par l'âge des femmes au mariage. Le délai d'attente de la première conception est plus long chez les femmes mariées à un âge précoce, à cause de facteurs biologiques tels que la stérilité adolescente et divers facteurs sociologiques associés. Ce délai est toutefois plus court chez les femmes mariées à un âge plus avancé, les normes sociales et les tabous perdant de leur rigidité à mesure de l'avancée en âge. De ce fait, l'étude du délai d'attente de la première conception pour différents cadres d'échantillonnage selon l'âge au mariage est d'une importance majeure pour les scientifiques. Ici, pour les femmes mariées à un âge précoce (15 ans et moins), nous utilisons deux modèles de probabilité pour le délai d'attente de la première conception afin d'identifier les principaux facteurs qui influencent cette variable. Ces modèles sont appliqués aux données sur l'intervalle avant la première naissance tirées des données NFHS-III, permettant ainsi d'obtenir des estimations M.L. des paramètres de ces deux modèles. Bien que les deux modèles soient dérivés selon deux séries d'hypothèses différentes, l'analyse montre que les deux modèles sont appropriés, mais que l'un d'entre eux (selon le critère d'Akaike) l'est davantage que l'autre.
Status (Translated)
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
Language of Presentation
First Choice History
Initial First Choice
Weight in Programme
1 000
Status in Programme

What works in promoting sexual and reproductive health knowledge among youth in India?

The increasing incidences of reproductive tract infection and sexually transmitted diseases including HIV/AIDS are a great challenge today. Due to consequences of sexually transmitted infections and diseases, it is necessary to increase awareness on reproductive and sexual health matters among unmarried youth. Thus, in an attempt to identify the sources through which youth get information on reproductive and sexual health issues and which source need to be focused more in promoting the reproductive and sexual health awareness among youth, this study reveals that majority of youth get information on reproductive and sexual health through their friends and peer networks. Mass media is the second most commonly used source of information on several issues related to the issue. Parent’s of youth plays very negligible role in increasing awareness among youth. To some extent, school/teachers and health care providers are also supportive in promoting awareness among youth on reproductive and sexual health.
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Event ID
Paper presenter
35 445
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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Status in Programme

Meaning of Sexual rights and child abuse among primary school children in Bangkok, Thailand

The objectives of this study first explores, the meaning of sexual rights and sexuality exist, among pupils and teachers in Thai Society. Second it examines the attitudes of teachers towards making aware school children about the issues of sexual rights, abuse and harassment. The data for this study gathered from a qualitative study which collected information following 16 in-depth interviews from 10 students and 6 teachers in two primary school in Bangkok. We analyze data by using both disclosure and content analyses. Results revealed that students and teachers have different meaning on sexual abuse and harassment.
Students have different meaning of sexual rights and sexual abuse depending on child’s age, sex, and experience. Most of the adult children explained that they aware about sexual abuse and harassments and they had knowledge on prevent such occasions, while young children had very little knowledge on sexual rights and abuse. All teachers emphasized that there is need for teaching students about rights, harassment, including sexual communication to make aware students about such issues in order to reduce incidences. In addition, teachers suggest that use of mass media and conducting awareness programs at schools, are very effective methods of making aware the children about such issues.
confirm funding
Event ID
Paper presenter
50 099
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
Language of Presentation
First Choice History
Initial First Choice
Weight in Programme
1 000
Status in Programme

Premarital sex among adolescents and youths in Vietnam: Findings from the national survey

Along with socio-economic development, adolescents and youth in Vietnam are more actively and early engaging in sexual practice, including premarital sex. This practice produces bad consequence as the fact that Vietnam now is one of the countries having highest abortion rate, for both women and adolescents/youth, in the world. The National Survey Assessment on Vietnamese Youth (SAVY) can provide a comprehensive picture of premarital sex among adolescents/youth as well as possible factors affecting this practice. Research findings reveal that 9.3 percent of adolescent and youth have had premarital sex. Various individual demographic, socio-economic, family and community factors possibly having influence, both good and bad, on shaping sexual attitude and practice of adolescents and youth are examined. Statistically significant relationships between the examined factors and sexual practice may give suggestion to policy makers and programs to address reproductive health information and services needed for this vulnerable group of population.
confirm funding
Event ID
Paper presenter
48 976
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
Language of Presentation
Initial Second Choice
Weight in Programme
1 000
Status in Programme

A Comparative Study on the Legal System for Child Sex Offenses in Korea and the US

The purpose of this study is to better understand the child sex offenses. Then by comparing the laws and social support system in Korea and the U.S, the research suggests the proposal to improve our legal system in Korea. This study showed that (1) the definition, term and object for child sex offenses are comprehended differently by various individual laws (2) yet child sex crime is rarely prosecuted (3) the criminal justice system's mandate does not focus on the needs, wants, or interests of the child victim or family. Finally future directions of the legal system in Korea are presented.

KEYWORDS child sex offense, legal system, victim, offender, protection
confirm funding
Event ID
Paper presenter
52 616
Type of Submissions
Poster session only
Language of Presentation
Weight in Programme
1 000
Status in Programme


Two thirds of the youth become daily smokers before reaching 25 years of age, and few quit smoking in China. Unlike their counterparts in western countries, Chinese youth have limited knowledge about the harm that smoking can cause, which places them at risk of negative outcomes. Based on the data from 1st National Youth Reproductive Health Survey in 2009, using binominal and ordered probit models with a Heckman’s two-stage estimation procedure, this study examines the socio-demographic and life-style related determinants explaining both cigarette smoking and its frequency, respectively. The results indicate that both the occurrence of cigarette smoking and the frequency of cigarette smoking are mainly associated with lifestyle-related variables covering other nonsexual risk behaviors and sexual behavior. The conclusions reflect an urgent need for exploring the relationship between cigarette smoking and other health risk behaviors will be helpful for designing further tobacco control interventions among Chinese youth.
confirm funding
Event ID
Paper presenter
50 954
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
Language of Presentation
Initial Second Choice
Weight in Programme
1 000
Status in Programme

Violence and Sexual Behavior in Adolescents. Argentine

Martha B. Melo
Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Argentine
School of Public Health


Emotional and physical abuses suffered in childhood have been conceptualized as an important predictor of adolescent sexual behavior.
When young people grow with violent family interactions, the onset of sexual life is conditioned by insecurity, low self-esteem and a strong interdependence with the partner
Objective: This study gives a contribution in the understanding of causal relation between violence in childhood and risk sexual behavior among adolescents in Argentine
We analyze the impact of violence in relation with some outcome variables: premature sexual initiation, sexual promiscuity, use of contraceptive methods and the risk to be diagnosed with sexual transmitted diseases.
Similarly we analyze gender differences, socioeconomic status, and educational level
We study adolescent sexual behavior considering 5 outcomes variables: age of sexual debut, sexual promiscuity, use of birth control methods, use of condom, and the number of diagnosed sexually transmitted diseases in the last year.
Just we completed the quantitative study with a qualitative study
We conclude that violence in childhood does not predict in a univocal way the sexual behaviors in adolescence
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Event ID
Paper presenter
35 444
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
Language of Presentation
Initial First Choice
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This descriptive study investigated the influence of internet use on the sexual behaviour of 413 young persons aged 10-24 years selected from households in Ibadan North Local Government Area, Nigeria. Mean age of males was 21.7 + 3.4 years while that of females was 20.9 + 3.2 years. Main source of information about the internet was friends (63.3%) and 99.3% accessed the internet from cybercafé. Sending and receiving mails (55.0%) and online chatting (34.1%) were main activities involved in. Seventy-two percent had ever stumbled on pornographic sites and reactions to the scenes included closure of the sites (females, 57.5%; males, 38.7%), glancing through before closing (females, 30.1%; males, 46.7%) and minimizing page to view later (females, 12.3%; males, 13.6%). Post-exposure influence on behaviour were desire to know more about sexual activities (45.0%) and an urge to have sex (31.7%). Twenty-seven percent of daily internet users who had ever watched pornography sites had practiced what was viewed. More males than females (95% CI OR =1.245-6.465) were likely to report a change in sexual behaviour. There is a need for interventions aimed at reducing exposure to sexual content on internet targeting young persons especially the males and cybercafé operators.
confirm funding
Event ID
Paper presenter
48 617
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
Language of Presentation
Weight in Programme
1 000
Status in Programme