Social Media and Cyber Psychology of Teenagers with Hearing Without Hearing Ability

The social media has been booming for more than a decade and it has affected the lives of people to a great extent. According to eMarketer, India has seen highest growth in last year (51.7%)social media communication tools have profoundly changed our lives and how we interact with one another and the world around us. Here are the top areas that social media has affected in our daily lives. This research will focus on how demographically the social media is being consumed by teenagers with hearing disability in comparison with that of teenagers without hearing disability and how it affects consumption of news, business, interaction, sharing and influence their growth to adulthood. The focus of the research will be on visual social media & instant texting (IM), Facebook, Skype and ovoo. To find whether teenagers with and without hearing are using social media for social networking or for any other purpose and how it has affected their growth to adulthood life will be also the main objective of this study.
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Paper presenter
56 084
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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1 000
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Self-determination and identity formation via social media: Experiences of youths-at-risk

Social media via Internet-enabled platforms allow youths actively consume, create and disseminate information. Without exception, services such as online social networking, micro-blogging and video-sharing have been embraced by youths in countries with widespread Internet access. Research findings suggest that youths' use of social media, be it in educational or recreational pursuits, whether with proximate peers or distant others, help to shape their sense of self. However, prior research has focused on mainstream youths rather than marginalised youth populations. To address this inadequacy, social media use of juvenile delinquents and youths-at-risk in Singapore was studied through 36 interviews with youths-at-risk, and 24 with social workers. The findings indicate that for this vulnerable youth population, social media can become a platform through which they are unwittingly drawn into criminal behaviour; and post-rehabilitation, social media may offer an insidious route to recidivism. Yet opportunities also arise for these youths’ self-determination as they can derive competence, autonomy and relatedness through their social media use. Benefits also accrue for these youths’ identity formation as they employ social media in their bid for self-discovery and self-awareness.
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Event ID
Paper presenter
56 588
Type of Submissions
Regular session only
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Weight in Programme
1 000
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Social Media and Transition of Persons with Orthopaedic Disabilities to Adulthood

The process of growing from youth to an independent adult is an exciting and positive experience. However it can be uncertain, challenging and distressing for youth persons with Orthopedic disability. The long-term outcome of their social life of such youth can be effective through social media. Young orthopedic disabled persons are more likely to be living in poverty and have poor physical and mental health; they can be socially isolated and economically inactive. The following trend of social media has created a new a platform for these youth in society to get connected to the real world and actively participate and contribute to society. Social media gives them chance to show their ability and create their niche for themselves in the field of own choice in the adult population. This research study aims at evaluating the influence of social media on the young disabled population.
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Event ID
Paper presenter
56 351
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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Weight in Programme
1 000
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Youth Population Dynamics in Nigeria: Implications for Socio-Economic Challenges and Stability

Youth Population Dynamics in Nigeria: Implications for Socio-Economic Challenges and Stability by
Baffa Aliyu Umar
Musa Balarabe Musa
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52 622
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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Weight in Programme
1 000
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What works in promoting sexual and reproductive health knowledge among youth in India?

The increasing incidences of reproductive tract infection and sexually transmitted diseases including HIV/AIDS are a great challenge today. Due to consequences of sexually transmitted infections and diseases, it is necessary to increase awareness on reproductive and sexual health matters among unmarried youth. Thus, in an attempt to identify the sources through which youth get information on reproductive and sexual health issues and which source need to be focused more in promoting the reproductive and sexual health awareness among youth, this study reveals that majority of youth get information on reproductive and sexual health through their friends and peer networks. Mass media is the second most commonly used source of information on several issues related to the issue. Parent’s of youth plays very negligible role in increasing awareness among youth. To some extent, school/teachers and health care providers are also supportive in promoting awareness among youth on reproductive and sexual health.
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Event ID
Paper presenter
35 445
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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The roll of population education in the process of family welfare in the Sudan

The Researchers experience in population education and family welfare allowing drawing from experience and collecting literature for the importance of family welfare issues is limited. Population education is a new issue in studying population problems and family structure in the World. To use population education in the strategic plans to attain human welfare, through evaluation of the population problems.
Therefore, the study examines origin and development of population education approaches. It also examines the definitions, concepts and contents of population education. Population education and family welfare are reviewed and critical evaluated in this study along the following subjects:
- The role of Population Education the Process of Family Welfare,
- Assessment of the advantage and disadvantage, the role of
population education on the family welfare.

Present world population growth is unprecedented. As a result through the late sixties and early seventies the term Population Education was virtually synonymous with in-school population education.
Population education should, therefore, stress the interrelationship between population dynamics both determinants and consequences of population planning, be viewed as a part of total social and economi
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Event ID
Paper presenter
51 592
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
Language of Presentation
First Choice History
Initial First Choice
Weight in Programme
1 000
Status in Programme

Content Analysis of Blogs: Transformation in Adulthood

The proposed study is content analysis based research on bloggers with specific target respondents comprising of Post Graduate students pursuing Communication and Journalism Program in University of Mumbai, India. It studies how blogging causes transformation of digital knowledge in adult population. Blogs by and large connect to the community and bring about behavioral changes in human beings. The researcher wants to investigate how blogs can help open bloggers to views, sharing of experiences, behavior, solve problems, enhance articulation, and improve literacy bringing about, cultural-intellectual–philosophical and socio-psychological changes among the students. The respondents are belonging to diverse sections of Indian society and they are exposed to comprehensive thinking, clear vision and they form opinion based thinking. Students have voluntarily chosen an assignment to start and maintain the blogs out of ten parameters of internal assessment within the program. The methodology is quantitative and qualitative. The content analysis will be done on daily updates made by the respondents on their blogs. In-depth interviews of the respondents shall be taken to ascertain transformation in adulthood. This study is more contemporary and relevant in India, because young adult population has started digital migration.
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Event ID
Paper presenter
53 765
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
Language of Presentation
Weight in Programme
1 000
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This descriptive study investigated the influence of internet use on the sexual behaviour of 413 young persons aged 10-24 years selected from households in Ibadan North Local Government Area, Nigeria. Mean age of males was 21.7 + 3.4 years while that of females was 20.9 + 3.2 years. Main source of information about the internet was friends (63.3%) and 99.3% accessed the internet from cybercafé. Sending and receiving mails (55.0%) and online chatting (34.1%) were main activities involved in. Seventy-two percent had ever stumbled on pornographic sites and reactions to the scenes included closure of the sites (females, 57.5%; males, 38.7%), glancing through before closing (females, 30.1%; males, 46.7%) and minimizing page to view later (females, 12.3%; males, 13.6%). Post-exposure influence on behaviour were desire to know more about sexual activities (45.0%) and an urge to have sex (31.7%). Twenty-seven percent of daily internet users who had ever watched pornography sites had practiced what was viewed. More males than females (95% CI OR =1.245-6.465) were likely to report a change in sexual behaviour. There is a need for interventions aimed at reducing exposure to sexual content on internet targeting young persons especially the males and cybercafé operators.
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Event ID
Paper presenter
48 617
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
Language of Presentation
Weight in Programme
1 000
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Youth Perspectives on Quality of Lofe Issues in Some MENA Cities

Youth perspectives on Quality of life issues
in some MENA cities
Dr. Osman Nour, Population Expert and Consultant of MENA Child & Youth Initiative(CYI). Arab Urban Dev. Institute.
The most evident and challenging aspect of MENA region’s demographic profile is its youth bulge, young people are the fastest growing segment of the population(60% are under age 25 years).
Despite some improvement in the quality of life in some MENA countries, according to the 2009 Arab Human Development Report, there are still many people, especially children and youth living insecure lives, and others are living under persistent pressures that inhibit them from realizing their potentials. Many young people in the MENA cities are unemployed and facing other problems such as health, school drop-outs, marginalization and limited community participation in public issues that absolutely deter them from realizing their potentials. This situation has result in the Arab spring
The main objective of the present study is to examine how youth in the MENA cities perceive the threats of unhealthy behaviors such as smoking, violence, drug abuse and crime, and how these unhealthy behaviors impact on youth sense of wellbeing and safety.
The present study will use the findings of the Rapid Community Appraisal surveys (RCA) conducted in three MENA cities
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Event ID
Paper presenter
47 315
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
Language of Presentation
Weight in Programme
1 000
Status in Programme