The Researchers experience in population education and family welfare allowing drawing from experience and collecting literature for the importance of family welfare issues is limited. Population education is a new issue in studying population problems and family structure in the World. To use population education in the strategic plans to attain human welfare, through evaluation of the population problems.
Therefore, the study examines origin and development of population education approaches. It also examines the definitions, concepts and contents of population education. Population education and family welfare are reviewed and critical evaluated in this study along the following subjects:
- The role of Population Education the Process of Family Welfare,
- Assessment of the advantage and disadvantage, the role of
population education on the family welfare.
Present world population growth is unprecedented. As a result through the late sixties and early seventies the term Population Education was virtually synonymous with in-school population education.
Population education should, therefore, stress the interrelationship between population dynamics both determinants and consequences of population planning, be viewed as a part of total social and economi
Therefore, the study examines origin and development of population education approaches. It also examines the definitions, concepts and contents of population education. Population education and family welfare are reviewed and critical evaluated in this study along the following subjects:
- The role of Population Education the Process of Family Welfare,
- Assessment of the advantage and disadvantage, the role of
population education on the family welfare.
Present world population growth is unprecedented. As a result through the late sixties and early seventies the term Population Education was virtually synonymous with in-school population education.
Population education should, therefore, stress the interrelationship between population dynamics both determinants and consequences of population planning, be viewed as a part of total social and economi
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Event ID
Session 2
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51 592
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