Indian Female Late Adolescence Substance Use and Risky Sexual Behavior: Does these Behaviors impacts their Sexual and Reproductive Health Systems?

Adolescence face many pressures and decisions that often occur simultaneously. Research has shown that many health risk behaviors occur in combination with one another, yet it is often unclear which behavior comes first. Substance use increases the probability that an adolescent will initiate sexual activity at an earlier age which may lead to unprotected sexual intercourse, and have multiple partners which might impacts their sexual and reproductive health systems such as by contracting sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and HIV/AIDS. Therefore, an attempt has been made to study the Indian female late adolescents’ substance use, risky sexual behavior and resulting of impacts on their sexual and reproductive health systems. Uni-variate, bi-variate was used to see the percentage distributions and by different background characteristics and multivariate analysis was applied in order to examine the most important predictors of their substance use and risky sexual behavior. Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficient to see if there were any significant relationships between their risky behaviours and impacting of their sexual and reproductive health systems. Hence it proved to have a strong statistically significant positive correlation between risky behavior and impacting on their sexual & reproductive health systems (rho=0.286,p<.000
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Health Consequences of Adolescent childbearing on Maternal and Child Health in India

Adolescent childbearing, which is usually defined as childbearing in the age group 15-19, is a matter of concern in India, as among all the maternal deaths during 2007-09, 9% occurred among women below age 20. The data for present study has been drawn from National Family Health Survey-3(2005-06). The vulnerability of adolescent married women is evident from the analysis. As compared to never married women of age-group 15-19 and the currently married women of age-group 20-24, married women of age-group 15-19 are mostly from rural area, with no or low formal education, having poor exposure to mass media, from lower economic class, and have poor nutritional status. Low level of education associated with adolescent childbearing has negative impact on birth weight and high mortality of children of adolescent women. As in India, one-fourth of new born children born to adolescent women are smaller than average size. Adolescent childbearing also results into lower utilization of maternal and child health care services and higher experience of maternal complications. The double disadvantage of women in terms of socio-economic status and physical immaturity has serious negative impact; though socio-economic impact is much larger than the effect of young age per se.
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35 432
Language (Translated)
Title (Translated)
Conséquences des grossesses adolescentes sur la santé maternelle et infantile en Inde
Abstract (Translated)
Les grossesses adolescentes, généralement définies comme des grossesses survenant chez des jeunes filles âgées de 15 à 19 ans, est un sujet de préoccupation en Inde. De 2007 à 2009, en effet, 9 % des décès maternels concernaient des jeunes femmes âgées de moins de 20 ans. Les données utilisées dans la présente étude sont extraites de l'Enquête nationale sur la santé familiale (NFHS-3) (2005-06). La vulnérabilité des jeunes adolescentes mariées est clairement mise en évidence par l'analyse. Comparées aux jeunes filles de 15 à 19 ans n'ayant jamais été mariées et aux femmes mariées de 20-24 ans, les jeunes filles mariées de 15-19 ans sont majoritairement originaires de zones rurales, peu ou pas scolarisées, avec un accès limité aux médias, appartenant à la classe sociale la plus pauvre, et en mauvais état nutritionnel. Le faible niveau d'instruction lié aux grossesses adolescentes a un impact négatif sur le poids des nouveaux-nés à la naissance et la forte mortalité des enfants nés chez les adolescentes. En Inde, un quart des nouveaux-nés de mères adolescentes sont plus petits que la moyenne. Les grossesses adolescentes impliquent également un moindre recours aux services de santé maternelle et infantile, et une plus grande fréquence des complications pour les mères. Le double désavantage des femmes en termes de statut socio-économique et d'immaturité physique a un impact fortement négatif, mais l'impact du statut socio-économique est bien plus important que celui de l'âge en soi.
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Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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Socio-Demographic Determinants of Adolescent Fertility in Zambia

Adolescent fertility is a major health concern because it’s associated with higher morbidity and mortality for both the mother and child. Zambia’s total fertility rate has remained at a high level, from 6.5 births per woman in 1992 to 6.2 births in 2007. At the same time adolescent childbearing is also high in Zambia such that at the age of nineteen years 59% of adolescent females have started childbearing. Using Zambia Demographic and Health survey 2007 (ZDHS) data this study examines the role of socio-demographic factors on adolescent fertility.
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47 204
Language (Translated)
Title (Translated)
Les déterminants socio-démographiques de la fécondité adolescente en Zambie
Abstract (Translated)
La fécondité adolescente représente une question de santé majeure parce qu’elle s’accompagne d’une morbidité et une mortalité accrue pour la mère comme pour l’enfant. Le taux de fécondité total en Zambie est resté à un niveau élevé, passant de 6,5 naissances par femme en 1992 à 6,2 naissances en 2007. Par ailleurs, les grossesses adolescentes sont également très répandues en Zambie. A l’âge de 19 ans, 59 % des jeunes filles ont déjà commencé à procréer. A partir des données de l’Enquête démographique et de santé 2007 de la Zambie, cette étude examine le rôle des facteurs socio-démographiques sur la fécondité adolescente.
Status (Translated)
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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First Choice History
Initial First Choice
Weight in Programme
1 000
Status in Programme

Prevalence of overweight and obesity and status of chronic non- communicable diseases and some related risk factors among Egyptian adolescents

Objectives are to study the current prevalence of overweight and obesity among adolescents in Egypt from 2000 to 2008, to estimate the prevalence of glucose disorders, hypertension, Lipid profile, and metabolic syndrome, and to investigate some related risk factors among 10 to 18 years old school adolescents. For assessing prevalence rates of overweight and obesity among adolescents, data from reports of other cross-sectional studies carried out by NNI (2000-2005) and EDHS, 2008 were compared. To estimate the prevalence of glucose disorders, hypertension, lipid profile, and metabolic syndrome, a randomized stratified cluster-sample of preparatory and secondary school students was used. BMI was calculated and referred to corresponding international reference values for age and sex. A fasting blood sample was drawn to assess lipid profile and fasting plasma insulin. Overweight and obesity are prevalent among Egyptian adolescents of both sexes, and at least for girls the prevalence has increased in the last few years. Pre-diabetic state was present among 16.4% of adolescents. The crude prevalence of hypertension is 1.4% The overall proportion of adolescents with high total cholesterol is 6.0 %; the proportion with high LDL-cholesterol is 7.5 %, with high triglycerides 8.2 %, and with low HDL cholesterol 9.4 %. Conclusions; over
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Event ID
Session 2
Paper presenter
35 441
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
Language of Presentation
Initial Second Choice
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