Geographic distribution of talent in urban Mexico and its expression in patterns of specialization and / or diversification.

The geographic distribution of Mexican highly qualified labor force, its expression in forms of specialization, diversification or complementarity and their impact in the performance of cities are relevant issues, from a public policy and an academic point of view. For the analysis of the geographic distribution of human capital (hc) in Mexico we depart from a functional structure derived by the interactions of 56 cities placed in 16 regional networks. We approach these as labor markets and people engaged in knowledge-intensive (ki) occupations as part of their high-level hc. We classify cities and networks by the relevance of their ki occupation structure in three types: balanced hubs, specialized hubs and emergent specialization. We also approach hc accumulation in terms of educational achievement and its evolution overtime and classify cities as outstanding, at risk, pre-emergent and deteriorated. We find that, as aggregates, diversified hubs are an ‘at a risk’ position, specialized hubs of cities show an emergent outstanding position but the corresponding networks are ‘at risk’; and the emerging aggregate with the greater shortage of highly educated hc, show a great dynamism in its formation. We finally analyze the association of these types with indicators of social and economic performance of these urban areas
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53 632
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Regular session only
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Initial First Choice
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1 000
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Does Happiness Have A Place in Demography?

In this study, the author would attempt to critique the assumption of Rationality in Demography . This topic will be explored since various studies have already been attempting to prove that the assumption of Rationality is not anymore very reliable when it comes with decision-making. As far as Demography is concerned, decisions are important in determining certain trends in demographic processes or dynamics like Fertility, Marriage, Mortality, and Migration. Furthermore, Demography, most especially Formal Demography has been known as a discipline usually dealing with aggregates where Rationality is assumed. Then, the author would explore how Happiness can be a substitute to this Rationality assumption, proposing that Happiness can capture the limits of Rationality as well as aspects of Irrationality referring to previous researches on Bounded Rationality, Happiness Economics, and Happiness Studies which involve various demographic processes. Then the author would look at sample instances when Irrationality or Bounded Rationality, Happiness, and a demographic process like Fertility come into play. Finally, the author would attempt to present possible frontiers Demographers can explore in the study of Happiness, particularly in its measurement and its applications in policy-making, using Bhutan's GNH Survey as a model.
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Event ID
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53 756
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
Language of Presentation
Weight in Programme
1 000
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The effect of changing in age structure of Iranian population on the labor supply,1966-2026

Iran, like other developing countries, has been deeply concerned with the process of demographic transition since 1950s. During 1955-1975 the high fertility rate {6.5 children per women} led to relative increase of population under 15 years to above 40 %. Iran, experienced signs of reduction of fertility over 1980-2010. With appearance of fertility control in this decade, the share of population under 15 years has reduced gradually, and the share of the potentially active population aged 15-64 years which had vacillated around 52% between 1956-1986, had risen to 56.1% in 1996 and to over 71% by 2011. The aim of this paper is to measure and provide a basis for a better understanding of the effect of population age structure changing on the labor supply in Iran, during the 1966-2011 and its forecasting for 2026.This study has measured the changes in population age structure by applying the indirect method {standardizing age specific activity rates}.Data are taken from the Statistical Center of Iran and ILO estimation's for 1966-2011. Estimations in the five years ago which are comparable in terms of demographic experiences of diverse countries over the past half century. This comparative study showed that labor participation rates for male and female in the final projection year 2026 will show remarkable changes.
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Event ID
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48 851
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
Language of Presentation
Initial Second Choice
Weight in Programme
1 000
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Gender Equality and Economic Growth of Nepal: A Positive Synergy Hypothesis

Nepal is at a historical period of social, economic and demographic transition. Having multiple transitions at once have provided rooms to explore the experiences that are undergoing on different avenues. This study attempts to explore the relation between gender dynamics and economic growth. Nepal is witnessing historical changes in gender dynamics in the last few decades. These changes are expected to add synergy effect on other socio-economic development. Using time series data for the period of 1990 to 2005, this study investigates to what extent gender equality in life expectancy, education, labour force participation and HDI promote economic growth of Nepal. First, this article calculates the gender equality using the auxiliary of UNDP's HDI calculation methodology in the above mentioned area. Second, this equality index is regressed with lagged differences of GDP per capita growth and the results are analyzed. Although different studies have shown gender inequality in above-mentioned indicators impede economic growth, this study finds no conclusive relationship in case of Nepal. While the gender equality is increasing considerably, economic growth is not yet supported by the increase. In the past 15 years female advantages in life expectancy, education attainment and labour force participation are remarkable.
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Event ID
Paper presenter
53 471
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
Language of Presentation
Weight in Programme
1 000
Status in Programme


Informal sector plays an important role in reducing urban unemployment, crime and violence, and serving as a breeding ground for new entrepreneurs. This study is aimed at assessing the role of informal sector in reducing youth unemployment. Data are gathered from a sample of 264 youth informal sector operators in Hawassa city. Ordinary logistic regression is used to determine the factors that can contribute to the livelihood improvement of the operators. Nearly, 90 percent of the operators have witnessed that their livelihood has improved after they joined the sectors. Operators who are more educated, natives to the city, more profitable, stayed longer in the activity, and have a culture of saving, have depicted better livelihood improvement vis-à-vis their counterparts. However, lack of working capital, working premises, adequate market and raw materials were reported as the major impediments for the operators. Given the immense contribution that the sector has, therefore, the government needs to consider the sector as one of the fundamental pillar to combat youth unemployment. Thus, operators should be encouraged to join the formal sector by lessening the bureaucracy to get license, minimizing entry cost such as lowering registration or licensing cost, and providing tax-holidays for sometimes.
confirm funding
Event ID
Paper presenter
52 191
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
Language of Presentation
Weight in Programme
1 000
Status in Programme