Washington Group on Disability Statistics: Development of a survey questionnaire module on child functioning and disability

The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities calls for Member States to collect statistical and research data to enable them to formulate and implement policies that would improve the lives of persons with disabilities. The importance of improving statistical information on disability in order to develop internationally comparable indicators for purposes of policy design have been stressed by the UN General Assembly. This presentation will provide an overview of the work carried out by Children's Work-Group of the Washington Group on Disability Statistics (WG). In particular, the development of a survey questionnaire module designed to compile statistics on child functioning and disability. The primary purpose in developing these questions is to investigate the opportunities of participation of children with disabilities compared with same age children taking account the definition of disability set out in the CRPD. The questionnaire module is intended to identify the majority of those with difficulties in a range of ICF-CY domains. The presentation will outline the domains and questions developed as well as anticipated cognitive and pilot testing of questions developed.
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56 148
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Socio-economic inequality in the occurrence of disability in India: Evidence from a large scale sample survey

Background: Inequalities in disabilities act as a brake on economic growth and development. As there is no direct mortality associated with disabilities, they remain at the bottom of the government’s priority list. So the studies related to disability in India are limited. Moreover, none of the studies used the inequality measures to understand the inequality in occurrence of these disabilities.
Objective: We use data from India Human Development Survey conducted in 2004-05 to test the hypotheses: Occurrence of different kinds of disabilities is not associated with economic condition of the population.
Methods: The present study had measured four outcome variables: locomotor disability, visual impairment, hearing impairment and speech disability. Persons who were unable to perform their chores or performed with difficulty were taken as disable.
Bivariate analyses rich-poor ratio, Concentration curves, adjusted concentration indices, dominance test were used to understand economic inequality. Binary logistic regression models and Wald test were also used.
Results: Findings of the study reject our hypothesis. Findings suggest huge socio-economic inequalities in the occurrence of different kinds of disability. Poorer sections of the society have the disproportionately higher prevalence of all types of disability.
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52 398
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Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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1 000
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The Right to Sight: Distribution and Prevalence of Visual Difficulty in Indonesia

One group of human rights is to guarantee an adequate standard of living to everyone. This paper narrows the focus to health, particularly with respect visual difficulty. Indonesia is the ninth country who signed the UN Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in 2007. It took four years for Indonesia to finally ratify the convention, precisely on 18 October 2011. At almost the same time, the Indonesia 2010 population census collected information on visual difficulties. It is the first nationwide data gathering information on this type of disability. It is a self-assessment which takes three options: no difficulty, some difficulty and severe difficulty. Therefore, the paper aims at providing reference statistics, distribution and prevalence, on visual difficulty estimated from the Indonesia 2010 Population Census
We use two types of measurements: distribution and prevalence. It takes into account differential by age, sex and place of residence. This paper also examines the extent Indonesians have the financial ability and accessibility to improve their visual ability; and the laws as well as their enforcement to help improving the visual ability.
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48 934
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Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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Projection of Older Adults with Disability under the Demo-Socio-Economic Factors in China, 2006-2050

Objectives: This study creates a new model to predict the changing tendency of ageing population with disability, and gave some evidences on prevention and reduction of disability risk. Data & Methods: A cross-sectional data of Second China Sample Survey on Disability (2006) is used in this study. This study combines PDE model with the methods of static covariate-direct prediction, static covariate by type prediction and dynamic covariate effect prediction respectively. Results: The future total number and growth rate of older adults with disabilities in China are very striking. Under scenario II, about 1.5 million of older adults increase annually from 2006 to 2040, and more than 2.5 million increase annually from 2040 to 2050. Total number in 2050 is 3.05 times of 2006. And population ageing, sex, place of residence, marital status, education, income, provincial GDP per capita are significantly affect the prevalence of disability among the older adults. Conclusion: Social and economic factors affect the development process of future changes in size of population with disability, but the most far-reaching impact factor is population aging, so the health expectancy of the elderly population is most worthy of attention.
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Event ID
Paper presenter
53 366
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
Language of Presentation
Weight in Programme
1 000
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