Improvements in the business environment in Amazonas State, which is located in the northern region of Brazil, have been strongly supported by federal and state actions such as credit increases and incentives to more dynamism in the retail, agricultural and industrial sectors. Consequently, the state’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has shown a continuous growth path since 2003, when its performance started to improve relative to national average. However, it is necessary to examine whether the living conditions of the local population agree with the precepts of sustainable development. This means that better infrastructure and local economic dynamism can generate much better living conditions and income for the population as can stimulate the predatory use of natural resources and deepening inequalities socioeconomic and environmental impacts from the growth model adopted by the region. This paper aims to analyze the living conditions of the population in Calha do Purus (sub region of Amazon state) in 2010.

Keywords: population, sustainable development, Amazon region, living condition
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Submitted by Annyeli.Nascimento on