In article tendencies, factors, consequences emigration from Russia scientists and qualified professionals are considered. Article is based on materials of empirical statistical and sociological research which was spent by authors in 2011-2012. On the basis of comparison of the data of the Russian and foreign statistics the scale of “brain drain” during 2002-2010 - from 750 thousand to 1 million persons with higher education, including an order of 1,2-1,6 thousand doctors and candidates of science is estimated. Definition is specified and characteristics of the Russian scientific Diaspora are given, including its number is estimated approximately in 100-150 thousand persons. Channels of emigration of the Russian scientists abroad on the basis of interview to scientists and the experts living in the different countries of the world more of 1 year are revealed. Differences of processes of “circulation of minds” between the developed countries and “brain drain” from Russia are proved.
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Event ID
Session 2
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55 848
Type of Submissions
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