In 2005, with the goal of reducing the numbers of maternal and neonatal deaths, the Government of India launched Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY), a conditional cash transfer scheme, to incentivize women to give birth in healthy health facility. The main objective of this program is to ensure that each delivery is conducted in an institution and is attended by a skilled birth attendant (SBA), to minimize or prevent maternal deaths and pregnancy -related complications in women and at the same time ensure the well -being of the mother and the new-born. This paper investigates the different dimensions of Janani Suraksha Yojana and the impact of the JSY on the behavior of beneficiaries.
A total 1500 married women has interviewed and all were from the rural villages under the Community Health Centre (CHC). The findings indicate that the maximum women’s prefer to conduct their deliveries at the private hospitals because the attitude of the health personnel at the government hospital is not cordial and they have to suffer many problems to receive the benefits of the JSY. 33% respondent has given the birth of their baby at the government hospital while 61% at the private hospitals. While 83% were registered at the CHC for their health checkups during pregnancy.
Keywords: Janani Suraksha Yojana, ASHA, Community Health Centre
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Submitted by virendra.kumar on