Domestic violence has stems in Indian society because of women’s subordinate position relative to men in families and society. While some progress has undoubtedly made to decrease the violence, women in India continue to suffer from violence at homes mainly by their partners. Seeking to address the problem, this study tries to identify how does prevalence of spousal violence vary by educational and occupational status of women? What is the relationship between spousal violence and education? What type of occupation has stronger effect on spousal violence? Data for this study is Indian National Family Health Survey-3 (2005-06). The study shows that highly educated women experience less spousal violence as compare to uneducated women or women with less education. It has also been found here, working women were more likely to experience violence from their husbands. Further, violence is high among women who were agric employee or engaged in service or skilled or unskilled manual work. The interaction effect of education and occupation show that illiterate and working women experience more violence as compare to other interaction categories. Thus, the study points the seriousness of the issue and reveals that spousal violence against women is widespread and an alarming global concern.
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52 160
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Submitted by Pallavi.Gupta on