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IUSSP Bulletin  Issue 64, June 2024

In this issue: IPC 2025 is now OPEN FOR SUBMISSIONS! ● Advertise & encourage attendance to IPC2025 ● Call for Research Leader Session Proposals ● Call for host country proposals for IPC 2029 ● Global Dialogue on Demographic Diversity and Sustainable Development ● 9th African Population Conference in Lilongwe, Malawi ● IUSSP at the 2024 EAPS Conference in Edinburgh ● IUSSP at the 2024 Annual Meeting of the PAA ● Institutional affiliations ● 2023 IUSSP Early Career Awards Webinars ● 2024 Laureate ceremony for Wolfgang Lutz ● Call for 2025 Early Career Awards nominations ● Call for 2025 IUSSP Laureate Award nominations ● Call for 2025 IUSSP–Mattei Dogan Award nominations ● Survey on multilingual demographic dictionaries ● Assessing FP measurement with a reproductive justice and rights framework ● Population and conflict ● Toward the elimination of cholera epidemics ● Exploring migration patterns using digital trace data ● Migration over the life course ● Members news ● Regional population associations ● N-IUSSP ● Calls for papers ● Training courses and workshops ● Career and study opportunities ● Calendar

International Population Conference


The website to submit an abstract for the 30th International Population Conference (IPC2025), in Brisbane, Australia from 13 to 18 July 2025, is now open! Don’t miss this opportunity to meet up with your colleagues from around the world! Deadline to submit: 15 September 2024. 

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Advertise & encourage attendance to IPC2025

As Ambassadors of IUSSP, please make sure your colleagues and students are aware of next year’s International Population Conference in Brisbane, Australia. Remind them that the deadline to submit is 15 September 2024. Highlight that this conference is a unique opportunity to meet and discuss with population scientists from all over the world. Help advertise the conference by posting this poster.

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Call for Research Leader Session Proposals

Become a knowledge partner and raise awareness of your organization’s research and work in the population field. A limited number of Research Leader Sessions are available on the IPC2025 conference programme. Deadline to submit: 15 November 2024. 

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Call for host country proposals for IPC 2029

The IUSSP Council invites national population associations and other national institutions to consider hosting the XXXI International Population Conference in 2029. Formal bid proposals are requested for 15 March 2025, but in the meantime, expressions of interest are welcome.

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IUSSP activities at several events 

Global Dialogue on Demographic Diversity and Sustainable Development

2024 marks the 30th anniversary of the ICPD. To celebrate achievements made in implementing the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development Programme of Action, UNFPA has organised three Global Dialogues on key population issues. The second Dialogue, entitled the Global Dialogue on Demographic Diversity and Sustainable Development, was organised in Dhaka, Bangladesh, 15-16 May 2024.

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9th African Population Conference in Lilongwe, Malawi

The Union for African Population Studies (UAPS) held its 9th African Population Conference on the theme “Road to 2030: Leveraging Africa’s Human Capital to Achieve Transformation in a World of Uncertainty” in Lilongwe, Malawi, from 20 to 24 May 2024. Read about the highlights of the conference including the results of the UAPS Council elections and the events IUSSP organized at the 9th APC.

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IUSSP at the 2024 EAPS Conference in Edinburgh

The IUSSP had a booth at the European Population Conference (EPC2024) in Edinburg 12-15 June 2024 to advertise the Call for Papers for the upcoming IPC2025. The IUSSP Panel on "Lifetime Migration" held a day-long workshop on "Migration Over the Life Course".

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IUSSP at the 2024 Annual Meeting of the PAA

The IUSSP had a booth at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America (PAA) in Columbus, Ohio, 17-20 April 2024 to advertise the Call for Papers for the upcoming IPC2025. The IUSSP Panel on "Rethinking FP Measurement" held a meeting that focused on "Measurement with a Person-Centered Lens".

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IUSSP outreach

Institutional affiliations

Population centers across the globe can now join IUSSP as an Affiliated Institution. Affiliation will foster cooperation and strengthen international networks across the field of population research to increase the voice and relevance of population sciences.

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IUSSP awards

2024 Laureate ceremony for Wolfgang Lutz

The Laureate Award ceremony took place virtually on 6 June 2024. Speakers included Joel E. Cohen, Raya Muttarak, Tomas Sobotka, Alicia Adsera, Nyovani Madise, Leiwen Jiang and Jalal Abbasi-Shavazi. Wolfgang Lutz delivered an insightful speech.

(Watch the video of the 2024 IUSSP Laureate award ceremony)

2023 IUSSP Early Career Awards Webinars

The 2023 IUSSP Early Career Awards ceremony was held on 25 April in two separate webinars to better accommodate the various regions of the world. The webinars offered awardees – Aude Bernard, Chaimae Drioui, Heini Väisänen, Amanda Stevenson and Raquel Coutinho – the opportunity to present their current work and highlight their research interests.

(Watch the lively Early Career Award videos!)

Call for 2025 Early Career Awards nominations

The IUSSP Early Career Awards, established in 2023, are offered in the following world regions: Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, and North America. One award will be bestowed per region in a unique collaboration with UAPS, APA, EAPS, ALAP and the PAA. Deadline for nominations: 1 October 2024.

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Call for 2025 IUSSP Laureate Award 

The IUSSP Laureate Award honours exceptional achievements in the population field. Nominate a deserving colleague for the 2025 IUSSP Laureate Award. Deadline for nominations: 1 November 2024.

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Call for 2025 IUSSP–Mattei Dogan Award 

This Award honours a mid-career scientist of high international renown for the contribution of his or her work to the development of studies of population that draw on the perspectives of different disciplines and for the importance that this work has accorded to international comparisons. Deadline for nominations: 2 December 2024.

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IUSSP Panel activities

Survey on multilingual demographic dictionaries

The IUSSP Standing Committee on Demographic Terminology intends to create a vocabulary of demographic terms consistent with the FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable), which will provide authoritative definitions of demographic terms in a form accessible by both humans and machines. Please answer this very short survey by 30 June to share your ideas and suggestions. 

(Answer survey)

Assessing FP measurement with a reproductive justice and rights framework

Read an update of the Panel's outreach activities at PAA and African Population Conference and download the full report from the expert meeting on "Assessing approaches to demand-side family planning measurement with a reproductive justice and rights framework" held in Mombasa, Kenya 5-7 March 2024. 

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Population and conflict

The IUSSP Workshop on Population and Conflict, organized under the auspices of the Scientific Panel on Population Dynamics under Global Conflict and Climate Change, and held in Southampton, United Kingdom on 7-8 March 2024 brought together 46 participants from all regions of the world to address the broad topic of how conflict can affect population dynamics. 

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Toward the elimination of cholera epidemics

The virtual workshop "Toward the Elimination of Cholera Epidemics: From the Past to Contemporary Societies", organized by the IUSSP Scientific Panel on “Epidemics and Contagious Diseases: The Legacy of the Past” took place on 19 April 2024, hosted virtually by Adam Mickiewicz University. 

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Exploring migration patterns using digital trace data

The workshop on “Exploring Migration Patterns Using Digital Trace Data” held on 21 May 2024 at the 9th African Population Conference in Lilongwe, Malawi was organized by Carolina Coimbra Vieira and Ebru Şanlıtürk on behalf of the IUSSP Scientific Panel on Digital and Computational Demography. 

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Migration over the life course

The IUSSP Panel on Lifetime Migration organized a workshop on "Migration Over the Life Course" in Edinburgh on June 12 as a side event of the European Population Conference. The workshop was structured into two modules: an open peer-review session for 6 young authors in the morning and a public event on the use of life course migration in various research projects in the afternoon. 

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Members news

Members' new publications

  • Human Evolutionary Demography, edited by Oskar Burger, Ronald Lee and Rebecca Sear

(Read Summaries)

In memoriam

•    Karen Oppenheim Mason (1942-2024)

Karen Oppenheim Mason died peacefully at home on April 11, 2024. Karen was the founding co-chair of the IUSSP Committee on Gender and Population,1990-1994. The Committee organized several seminars during its tenure and published several volumes authored or co-edited by Karen. 

•    Joseph E. Potter (1946-2024)

Longtime IUSSP member Joe Potter died on May 13, 2024. He was an American sociologist and demographer, leader of the Texas Policy Evaluation Project (TxPEP), which has aimed to investigate the effect of restrictive abortion and family planning laws passed in Texas.

New IUSSP members

Eleven new members and 22 new Student Associates joined the IUSSP between 1 March and 31 May 2024. Please encourage your colleagues and students to become members.

(See list)

Regional population associations

XXII International AIDELF Conference

The XXII International AIDELF Conference will take place in Aveiro, Portugal, on 27-30 August 2024 on the theme: "Demography and mobility".

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2024 APA conference in Kathmandu, Nepal

The 6th Asian Population Association Conference will take place in Kathmandu, Nepal, on 27-30 November 2024. 

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2024 ALAP congress in Bogota, Colombia

The 11th Latin American Population Association (ALAP) Congress will be held in Bogota, Colombia, 9-13 December 2024 on "New" demographic scenarios: the contribution of population studies in Latin America and the Caribbean. 

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Recent articles

  • Remittances may redefine the demographic support ratio, Lukas Tohoff, Daji Landis, Letizia Mencarini and Arnstein Aassve
  • The rise of nontraditional rural families in Canada and the USA , Shelley Clark and Matthew Brooks
  • Stagnant motherhood work time penalty in Great Britain over 30 years, Muzhi Zhou and Man-Yee Kan
  • Drivers of fathers’ parental leave uptake in Belgium, Jonas Wood, Leen Marynissen and Dries Van Gasse
  • Mortality from cardiovascular diseases around the globe, Emerson A. Baptista and Bernardo L. Queiroz
  • Age structure changes and the potential for demographic dividends , Markus Dörflinger and Elke Loichinger
  • Plummeting fertility in Uruguay, 2016-2021, Wanda Cabella, Mariana Fernández Soto, Ignacio Pardo and Gabriela Pedetti
  • The shifting landscape of family forms around the world, David S. Reher
  • Decriminalization of homosexuality since the 18th century, Jean-François Mignot
  • Religion and fertility in Finland, Martin Kolk and Jan Saarela
  • COVID-19 exacerbated inequalities in life expectancy in Denmark, Cosmo Strozza, Serena Vigezzi, Julia Callaway and José Manuel Aburto
  • Global household trends: converging sizes, divergent structures, Maria Pohl and Albert Esteve
  • Low mortality drives population ageing in the long run, Gustavo De Santis and Giambattista Salinari

(Read articles)


Calls for papers

  • Quetelet Seminar 2024 - Behind and Beyond Numbers: Population Research Through Critical Lenses, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. 7-8 November 2024. Deadline for submissions extended to 30 June 2024
  • Open Call for proposals - Special Issue 2025 in Comparative Population Studies (CPoS). Deadline for submissions extended to 31 July 2024
  • Special Issue of China Population and Development Studies on Projections/analyses of Households and Living Arrangements, and Applications in Healthy Aging and Sustainable Development Studies. Deadline for submission of full papers to this special issue: 31 August 2024
  • 30th International Population Conference, Brisbane Convention and Exhibit Centre, Australia, 13-18 July 2025. Deadline for submission: 15 September 2024 


Training courses and workshops

  • Barcelona Four Seasons School of Demography. Provided by the Centre for Demographic Studies (CED), the Bcn4Seasons School consists of intensive courses offering the opportunity to acquire essential knowledge of sociodemographic topics and associated techniques.
  • Formation à l'Approche par les Capabilités. Provided by the Union for African Population Studies (UAPS), in collaboration with the Réseau Régional Afrique francophone, coordinated by the University of Geneva (Institut de démographie et de socioéconomie, IDESO). These modules are for population scientists from Francophone African countries.

Career and study opportunities

Jobs/Fellowships/PhD Positions/Post-Docs

  • Three-year PhD scholarship in Population Studies / Quantitative Social Sciences at the University of Strasbourg (France) & the Centre for Human Sciences (CSH) of New Delhi (India) [shared time]. Deadline for Applications: 11 July 2024
  • Senior Researcher in International Migration and/or Immigrant Integration at NIDI (The Hague, Netherlands). Deadline for Applications: 1 September 2024


Forthcoming IUSSP meetings & other events

  • 12th International Conference on Population Geographies, Belfast, Northern Ireland (United Kingdom), 1-3 July 2024
  • XXIIème Colloque de l'AIDELF - 2024, Aveiro, Portugal, 27-30 August 2024
  • IUSSP Seminar: From Influenza to COVID. Continuity and Discontinuity in the Factors of Inequality, Madrid, Spain,14-15 November 2024
  • IUSSP Seminar: Tuberculosis: The White Death as a Social Disease, Alghero, Italy, 26–28 September 2024
  • Quetelet Seminar 2024 - Behind and Beyond Numbers: Population Research Through Critical Lenses, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. 7-8 November 2024
  • IUSSP Seminar: Improving measurement of abortion incidence and safety: Innovations in Methodology and recent empirical studies, Mombasa, Kenya, 19-21 November 2024
  • Wittgenstein Centre Conference 2024 on “Delayed Reproduction: Challenges and Prospects", Vienna, Austria, 21-22 November 2024
  • 6th Asian Population Association Conference, Kathmandu, Nepal, 27-30 November 2024
  • 11th Latin American Population Association (ALAP) Congress, Bogota, Colombia, 9-13 December 2024
  • 2025 International Population Conference (IPC2025), Brisbane, Australia, 13-18 July 2025

Submit your announcements

Feel free to share news from your institution and region so that we can keep all IUSSP members informed about recent or forthcoming events and opportunities in the population field. IUSSP members are welcome to submit information on conferences, calls for papers, trainingcareer or study opportunities as well as their recent publications or peer-reviewed software for inclusion in the newsletter and IUSSP website. Please send the information to and remember to include important dates for application deadlines (and photos when appropriate). Information should be sent by email or in a Word document so that it can be edited. For inclusion in the next Bulletin, please send information by 1 September 2024. We look forward to hearing from you soon. 

IUSSP Bulletin / Bulletin de l’UIESP

Publication Director: Mary Ellen Zuppan, IUSSP Executive Director

ISSN: 2427–0059