IUSSP Seminar Reports
- International Workshop on The science of choice - How to model the decision-making process?
Rostock, Germany, 28-30 October 2015
- International Seminar on Spatial Analysis in Historical Demography: Micro and macro approaches
Quebec City, Canada, 17-18 September 2015
- International Seminar on Union Breakdown and Repartnering around the World
Montreal, Canada, 4–6 May 2015
- International Seminar on Promoting Postpartum and Post-abortion Family Planning: Challenges and Opportunities
Cochin, India, 11-13 November 2014
- International Seminar on Early-life Determinants of Late-life Employment, Ill Health and Early Death
Lund, Sweden, 20-21 October 2014
- International Seminar on Decision-making Regarding Pregnancy and Abortion: Determinants and Consequences
Nanyuki, Kenya, 3-5 June 2014
- International Seminar on Demographic Differential Vulnerability to Natural Disasters in the Context of Climate Change Adaptation
Kao Lak (Phang Nga), Thailand, 23 – 25 April 2014
- International Conference and Symposium on the Demographic Dividend in Africa (in French)
Yaoundé, Cameroon, 31 March-4 April 2014
- Training workshop on Using "Quantum GIS" (QGIS) Software to Present Census Data (in French)
Yaoundé, Cameroon, 24-28 march 2014
- International Seminar on Is Access Enough? Understanding and Addressing Unmet Need in Family Planning
Nanyuki, Kenya, 14-16 May 2013
- International Seminar on International Migration in the Middle East and North Africa after the Arab Uprising: A Long Term Perspective
Cairo, Egypt, 22-23 April 2013
- International Seminar on Past and Present. Revisiting the Demographic Transitions in the South through Individual Longitudinal Data
Mumbai, India, 17-19 January 2013
- International Seminar on Population Dynamics and the Human Dimensions of Climate Change
Canberra, Australia, 27-29 November 2012
- International Seminar on Increasing Use of Reproductive Health Services through Community-based Programmes and Conditional Cash Transfers: Impact and Sustainability
Bangkok, Thailand, 23-25 August 2012
- International Seminar on First Union Patterns around the World
Madrid, Spain, 20-22 June 2012
- International Seminar on Patterns of Economic Development, Social Change, and Fertility Decline in Comparative Perspective: Analysis and Policy Implications
Shanghai, China, 24-26 May 2012
- International Seminar on Pathways to Health: How Intermediary Life Conditions Mediate or Modify Early Life Effects
Berkeley, USA, 1-2 May 2012
- International seminar on internal migration and urbanization and their socioeconomic impacts in developing countries: Challenges and policy responses.
Fuzhou, China, 10-12 December 2011.
- Workshop on The b Hypothesis and the Modal Age of Death
Rostock, Germany, 24-25 October 2011
- Seminar on Global Perspectives on Marriage and International Migration
Seoul, South Korea, 20-21 October 2011
- International Seminar on New Challenges in Population and Development
Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 14-15 June 2011
- International Seminar on Youth Migration and Transitions to Adulthood in Developing Countries
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 8-10 December 2010
- International Seminar: The Health, Social and Economic Consequences of Unsafe Abortion
San Juan del Rio, Mexico, 10-12 November 2010
- International Seminar on The Family, the Market or the State? Intergenerational Economic Support in an Ageing Society
Geneva, Switzerland, 23-24 June 2010
- Expert Meeting on Demographics and Macroeconomic Performance
Paris, France, 4-5 June 2010
- International Seminar on Social and Health Policies for Equity: Approches and Strategies
London, United Kingdom, 2-4 November 2009
- Expert group meeting on population ageing, intergenerational transfers and social protection
Santiago, Chile, 19-20 October 2009
- International Seminar on Gender and Empowerment in the 21st Century in Africa
Nairobi, Kenya, 24-26 August 2009
- International Seminar on Demographic Responses to Sudden Economic and Environmental Change
Kashiwa, Chiba, Japan, 21-23 May 2009
- Expert meeting on Applied and Technical Demographic Training in Developing Countries
The Hague, The Netherlands, 26-28 March 2009
- International seminar on Social Mobility and Demographic Behaviour: A Long Term Perspective
Los Angeles, USA, 11-13 December 2008
- International Seminar on Interrelationships between contraception, unintended pregnancy and induced abortion
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 1-3 December 2008
- International Conference on Low Fertility and Reproductive Health in East and Southeast Asia
Tokyo, Japan, 12-14 November 2008
- Human Fertility in Africa: Trends in the last decade and prospects for change
Cape Coast, Ghana, 16-18 September 2008
- International Seminar on Changing transitions to marriage: gender implications for the next generation
New Delhi, India, 10-12 September 2008
- International Seminar on Trade-offs in Female Life Histories: Raising New Questions in an Integrative Framework
Bristol, United Kingdom, 23-25 July 2008
- International Seminar on Fertility and Public Policies in Low Fertility Countries
Barcelona, Spain, 7-9 July 2008
- International Seminar on The Emergence of Social Differences in Mortality: Time Trends, Causes, and Reactions
Alghero, Italy, 29-30 May 2008
- International seminar on Potential and Actual Contributions of Behavioural Change to Curbing the Spread of HIV
Entebbe, Uganda, 18-20 February 2008
- International Seminar on Health Inequity: Current Knowledge and New Measurement Approaches
Cairo, Egypt, 16-18 February 2008
- International workshop on Indicators of integration in social statistics
Montreal, Canada, 10-11 December 2007
- Debate on population growth at the 5th African Population Conference organized by UAPS
Arusha, Tanzania, 10 December 2007
- International meeting on “Population Growth and Poverty-Reduction Planning: Creating Linkages at the Country Level”
Paris, France, 8-9 November 2007
- International Seminar: Measurement of abortion incidence, abortion-related morbidity and mortality,
Paris, France, 7-9 November 2007
- Training Workshop on Constructing equity-sensitive indicators for assessing progress of Millennium Development Goals in Africa.
Nairobi, Kenya, 12-15 September 2007
- Seminar on : Urbanization and Poverty in Africa. Evidence on linkages between urbanization, poverty and human well-being in Sub-Saharan Africa
Nairobi, Kenya, 10-11 September 2007
- Seminar on Ageing in Developing Countries: Building Bridges for Integrated Research Agendas
Santiago, Chile, 23-24 April 2007
- Meeting on Taking stock of data needs and monitoring for the MDGs in Developing Countries
Rabat, Morocco, 25-27 January 2007
- Seminar on “Gender and Access in South Asia”
Dhaka, Bangladesh, 15-18 November 2006
- International Seminar on Sexual and Reproductive Transitions of Adolescents in Developing Countries
Cholula, Puebla, Mexico, 6-9 November 2006
- Space and Time in Historical Demographic Studies - New Methods and Models
Minneapolis, USA, 30 October 2006
- Seminar: Ecology of the Male Life Course.
Rauischholzhausen, Germany, 10-12 October 2006
- Seminar on Ethical Issues in Reproductive Health
Wassenaar, Netherlands, 21-23 September 2006
- Becoming an Adult: an International Perspective on the Transitions to Adulthood
Montréal, Canada, 15-17 June 2006
- International Conference on Longevity: Early-life Conditions, Social Mobility and Other Factors that Influence Survival to Old Age
Lund, Sweden, 8-10 June 2006
- Workshop: Rethinking the Estimation and Projection of Urban and City Populations
New York, USA, 9-10 January 2006
- Seminar on “Interactions between Poverty and HIV/AIDS”
Cape Town, South Africa, 12-14 December 2005
- International Seminar on Kinship and Demographic Behavior
Salt Lake City, USA, 31 October-1 November 2005
- Seminar on "Reproductive Health Issues in Central and Eastern Europe, and Countries of the Former Soviet Union"
Bucharest, Romania, 18-20 October 2004
- International Seminar on the New History of Kinship
Paris, France, 1–2 October 2004
- International Seminar on Demographic Window and Healthy Ageing: Socioeconomic Challenges and Opportunities
Beijing, China, 10-11 May 2004
- HIV, the Resurgent Infections, and Population Change in Africa
Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 12-14 February 2004
- ISSC-IHDP Workshop on Social Science Perspectives on Sustainable Development
Centro Regional de Investigaciones Multidisciplinarias (CRIM)
Cuernavaca, Mexico, 1-2 December 2003
- International Seminar on Poverty, Programs and Demographic Outcomes
Mexico City, Mexico, 21-22 November 2003
- Seminar on the Demography of Conflict and Violence
Oslo, Norway, 8-11 November 2003
- Seminar on Increasing Longevity: Causes, Consequences and Prospects
New York, USA, 20-22 October 2003
- PERN Workshop on Population, Consumption and the Environment
Montréal, Canada, 19 October 2003
- Workshop on the transition to adulthood in industrialized countries
Calgary, Canada, 7-9 August 2003
- Seminar on Taking Stock of the Condom in the Era of HIV/AIDS
Gaborone, Botswana, 13-17 July 2003
- International Seminar on the Determinants of Diverging Trends in Mortality
Rostock, Germany, 19-21 June 2002
- Seminar on Macro-Meso-Micro Influences on Health, Changing Patterns of Morbidity and Mortality
Yaoundé, Cameroon, 5-8 June 2002
- Seminar on New Forms of urbanisation: Conceptualising and Measuring Human Settlement in the 21st Century
Bellagio, Italy, 11-15 March 2002
- International Meeting on Age Structure Transitions and Policy Dynamics: The allocation of PUBLIC and private resources across generations
Taipei, Taiwan, 6-8 December 2001
- Longer Life and Healthy Ageing
Beijing, China, 22-27 October 2001
- Seminar on Demographic Training in the Third Millenium
Rabat, Morocco, 15-18 May 2001
- Seminar on International Perspectives on Low Fertility: Trends, theories and policies
Tokyo, Japan, 21-23 March 2001
- Seminar on Social Interaction in the Production and Circulation of Knowledge
Providence, USA, 20-25 March 2001
- Conference on Population Ageing in Industrialised Countries: Challenges and Issues
Tokyo, Japan, 19-21 March 2001
- Seminar, Open Conference and Training Workshop on Human Longevity, Individual Life Duration and the Growth of the Oldest-old Population
Montpellier, France, 23-25 October 2000
- Training Workshop and Conference on Partnership Networks and the Spead of HIV and Other Infections
Chiang Mai, Thailand, 4-10 February 2000
- Seminar on Women in the Labour Market in Changing Economies : Demographic Issues
Rome, Italy, 22-24 September 1999
- Seminar on Social Categories in Population Studies
Cairo, Egypt, 15-18 September 1999
- The Demography of Famines: Perspectives from the Past and the Present
Les Treilles, France 25-31 May 1999
- Seminar on Gender Inequalities and Reproductive Health: Changing Priorities in an Era of Social Transformation and Globalisation
Campos de Jordão, Brazil, 16-19 November 1998
- International Seminar on Reproductive Change in Sub-Saharan Africa
Nairobi, Kenya, 2-4 November 1998
- Seminar on Changes and Continuity in the American Demographic Behaviours: the five centuries' experience
Cordoba, Argentina, 27-29 October 1998
- Seminar on Measurement of Risk and Modelling the Spread of AIDS
Copenhagen, Denmark 2-4 June 1998
- Seminar on Men, Family Formation and Reproduction
Buenos Aires, Argentina 13-15 May 1998
- Seminar for Senior Policy Makers on the Demographic Impact of AIDS
Washington, USA, 12-14 January 1998
- Workshop on Age: between Nature and Culture
Rostock, Germany, 29-31 May 1997
- Conference sur le Migrations Internationales a la fin du Siecle: Tendances et Questions
Barcelona, Spain 7-10 May 1997
- Seminar on Female Empowerment and Demographic Process: Moving Beyond Cairo
Lund, Sweden 21-24 April 1997
- Conference on the Socio-Demographic Impact of AIDS in Africa
Durban, South Africa, 3-6 February 1997
- Seminar on Population and the Economy: from Hunger to Modern Economic Growth
Toyonaka, Japan 7-10 January 1997
- Seminar on Comparative Perspectives on Fertility Transition in South Asia
Islamabad, Pakistan, 17-19 December 1996
- Workshop for a Research Agenda for Family Planning in the Era of AIDS
Nairobi, Kenya 2-4 October 1996
- Seminar on Innovative Approaches to the Assessment of Reproductive Health
Manila, Philippines, 24-27 September 1996
- Seminar on Socio-cultural and Political Aspects of Abortion in a Changing World
Trivandrum, India, 25-28 March 1996
- Conference on Asian Population History
Taipei, China, 4-8 January 1996
- Seminar on Fertility and the Male Life Cycle in the Era of Fertility Decline
Zacatecas, Mexico, 13-16 November, 1995
- Seminar on Intergenerational Economic Relations and Demographic Change
Honolulu, USA, 12-15 September 1995
- Conference on Demography and Poverty
Florence, Italy, 2-4 March 1995