2021 International Population ConferenceOnline, 5-10 December 2021
The XXIX International Population Conference (IPC 2021) was the first fully virtual international population conference ever organised by the IUSSP. It was initially planned to be held as an in-person conference in Hyderabad, India, 5-10 December 2021 at the Hyderabad International Conference Centre. Due to the COVID pandemic, the International and National Organising Committees decided that it would not be possible to convene the conference in Hyderabad as planned and converted the conference to an entirely virtual event taking place on the same dates. Approximately 1,288 population scientists, students and policy makers from 90 countries registered for the conference and 1,221 individuals participated in the live sessions which were held around the clock over 20 hours per day to accommodate participants from around the globe.
The IUSSP is very grateful to the India National Organising Committee (NOC) and other Indian colleagues for their continued involvement in IPC2021 and their efforts to organise the India-Day sessions even though in the end it was not possible to host the Conference in Hyderabad. The IUSSP is also grateful to its donors, without whom this conference could not have taken place. And finally, the IUSSP thanks all those who reviewed and selected papers before the conference and all those who participated in the conference.
Conference figures:
Additional information can be found in the conference report and the evaluation report based on the post-conference survey of conference participants.
Selected recorded sessions:
Invited sessions:
Sessions organized by IUSSP Scientific Panels:
Research Leader sessions:
India Day Research Leader sessions:
******* Best Poster Awards:
IPC2021 Countdown Events:
The IPC2021 conference was preceded by a series of preconference '"countdown events":
Training Workshop: Geoprocessing and Spatial Analysis
Training Workshop: Introduction to Multistate Analysis of Population Dynamics
Virtual short course: Subnational Probabilistic Population Projections
Networking event: Your career after a PhD? (3 sessions: Asia & Pacific; Europe & Africa; Americas)
The IUSSP thanks the following institutions for their support to make IPC2021 a success:
A special thanks to UNFPA for providing support to IUSSP for the virtual Conference platform.