This descriptive study investigated the influence of internet use on the sexual behaviour of 413 young persons aged 10-24 years selected from households in Ibadan North Local Government Area, Nigeria. Mean age of males was 21.7 + 3.4 years while that of females was 20.9 + 3.2 years. Main source of information about the internet was friends (63.3%) and 99.3% accessed the internet from cybercafé. Sending and receiving mails (55.0%) and online chatting (34.1%) were main activities involved in. Seventy-two percent had ever stumbled on pornographic sites and reactions to the scenes included closure of the sites (females, 57.5%; males, 38.7%), glancing through before closing (females, 30.1%; males, 46.7%) and minimizing page to view later (females, 12.3%; males, 13.6%). Post-exposure influence on behaviour were desire to know more about sexual activities (45.0%) and an urge to have sex (31.7%). Twenty-seven percent of daily internet users who had ever watched pornography sites had practiced what was viewed. More males than females (95% CI OR =1.245-6.465) were likely to report a change in sexual behaviour. There is a need for interventions aimed at reducing exposure to sexual content on internet targeting young persons especially the males and cybercafé operators.
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Event ID
Session 2
Paper presenter
48 617
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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First Choice History
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Weight in Programme
1 000
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