Ageing Populations in Europe
Ageing became a serious issue in almost all developed countries. Ageing of population brings questions regarding economic sustainability and health, social and pension systems maintenance. The article introduces concept of ageing, aged, super aged and (newly) ultra aged society. Additionally, there are presented life expectancy for 65 years old people and median age as other indicators regarding ageing. In selected European countries population has achieved the threshold of 14 % of people in the age 65 years and more and is approaching another limit: 21 %. According to projection, ageing continues fast and this proportion will grow in a short period of time. A new term is proposed in the article – “ultra aged” society, which denotes population with proportion of seniors in the age 65 years and more at the level 28 %. First population reaching this limit would be Japan. In Europe, the oldest populations are Italy, Germany and Sweden.
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Event ID
Session 2
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54 455
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