It aims to teach a synthetic way of representing the disparities in living standards in Venezuela, not only at one point, but in a sequence that covers the evolution of the last 35 years. It is not recalculating the importance of poverty, but to put it in the perspective of the overall income distribution, and the prospect of urban-regional disparities that are the ones that have to draw attention to issues of national interest.
The synthesis of results comes not as numeric data, but using a graph constructed in a manner to provide the details in a general physiognomy comparable from one year to another. All data used in this work are taken from the Household Sample Survey (HSS) raised biannually by the National Statistics Institute (INE) continuously since 1967, which is available since 1975 on microdata. The Centro de Investigación Social -CISOR made a direct processing of HSS to ensure comparability of the results in terms appropriate to the purposes of this project "Map and gaps", getting a five-year series of data since1975 to 2010.
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53 392
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Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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1 000
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Impact of micro-credit programs of leading NGOs/MFIs on poverty alleviation in Bangladesh

Micro-credit has been considered as an economic and social mechanism for poverty alleviation in Bangladesh. It is necessary to evaluate the performance of the micro-credit programs of different NGOs/MFIs in alleviating the poverty situation in Bangladesh. The present study considered six leading NGOs namely Grameen Bank, BRAC, ASA, CARE international, PROSHIKA and TMSS for in-depth analysis. A total 406 credit receivers were selected randomly for the study. Two-level random intercept binary logistic regression analysis and multinomial logistic regression analysis were used to identify the determinants of change in poverty situation. Alongside the perceived change in poverty situation this study devised a mechanism to estimate the actual change in poverty situation based on the changes in wealth and education levels of the households. The study revealed that 76.1 percent respondents could change their poverty situation (perceive change in poverty situation). About 50.5 percent respondents safely overcame the poverty situation (estimated change in poverty situation). The contributing factors for change in poverty situation were amount of loan, different NGOs, satisfaction level, taken loan before and main means of asset change. Significant community level variation was found. Finally, this study recommended some policies.
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53 358
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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Weight in Programme
1 000
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This study presents deprivation in Brazil in a multidimensional perspective with dimensions related to household’s objective information, assets in the household and subjective evaluation concerning the dwelling. It was observed that households with similar income faced different levels of deprivation in many dimensions due to significant differences in household’s expense profiles. In urban areas, households with high levels of food deprivation spend relatively more on household’s rent, taxes and services, indicating that shelter and then food in the household are the very basic needs. Larger relative expenses with food in the household indicated higher levels of deprivation in all other dimensions. In rural areas, low income households could not overcome food deprivation even though they spend higher proportions of their income on this dimension. Moreover, for the other dimensions, larger expenses with food in the household promoted higher levels of deprivation.

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Event ID
Paper presenter
50 620
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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Weight in Programme
1 000
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Population prospects of Kazakhstan till 2030

Population change affects national income, national expenditure, and the demand for services such as education, health and transport. Therefore, information about future population size and structure obtained with the help of population forecasts, which can be used for a wide range of decision-making purposes, is of paramount importance. The primary aim of this paper is to produce three different types of population forecasts for Kazakhstan till 2030 and by comparing and analysing the differences to find out the most important factors determining the population development process in the country. Kazakhstan is a country with significant size and regional diversity which makes it relevant to consider those dimensions in population forecasting. Most southern oblasts of the country have a young population structure meaning that much of future population growth, particularly of working age, will come from these regions. Also, native population tends to concentrate in rural areas, while industrialized cities are mostly populated by non-natives with considerably different nuptiality and fertility behaviour. Despite such regional and residential demographic differences, presently the country is experiencing an overall increase in birth rates. The question is, how long will last this favorable fertility situation.
confirm funding
Event ID
Paper presenter
53 322
Type of Submissions
Regular session only
Language of Presentation
First Choice History
Initial First Choice
Initial Second Choice
Weight in Programme
1 000
Status in Programme