Current Nursing Care Status and Alternatives in Small and Medium Hospital in Korea-Focused on Analysis of Delegation in Nursing Care of Registered Nurse and Nurse Aids


[ Abstract]

Nursing care that is responsibility for the life of patients is provided by Nurse Aids who are not medical personnel in small and medium hospitals in Korea. Nursing care provided to patients at small and medium hospitals in Korea does not reach the basic nursing care. This is the blind spot in nursing care which is very different from nursing care provided at University Hospitals, Teaching Hospital in Korea.
Thus the patients who receive nursing care from Nurse Aids do not have human rights as patients as well as guarantee or security in legal rights. But there is no any debate or discussion on this issue. Because nobody try to see current nursing care status in small and medium hospitals or nobody have any chance to look at the actual reality of current nursing care status in small and medium hospital. The purpose of this paper is for the patients who are going to receive nursing care in small and medium his hospital to have the guarantee in basic human rights and legal rights as patients to basic nursing care, and for us to search for alternatives on this issue.
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The Nahuche health and demographic surveillance system in Northern Nigeria: Implications of some initial results on fertility and child mortality outcomes

Reported maternal and child health outcomes in Nigeria are generaly unacceptably poor and characterized by wide disparities between the north and the south. The Nahuche Health and Demographic Surveillance System (HDSS) was established in 2009 to monitor health and demographic dynamics in Nahuche emirate of Bungudu Local Government Area in Zamfara State. The HDSS provides a platform to evaluate the impact of selected interventions on morbidity and mortality. With a population of 137,833 located in 20,914 households, the HDSS routinely monitors pregnancies, births, deaths, migration, marriages, and vaccination coverage. Data are updated every six months by trained fieldworkers. The HDSS is also conducting verbal autopsies for household deaths. We report initial results on fertility and mortality outcomes from the study area and discuss the potential of the HDSS in generating data that can be used to track progress in improving maternal and child survival towards the Millennium Development Goals deadline of 2015.
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48 163
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The RMPs in Rural Healthcare Market: Case Study of Indian Sundarbans

This paper reviews the role of rural medical practitioners in the context of rural healthcare market with special reference to the Indian Sundarbans. It discusses the RMP’s nexus with other providers in the healthcare market. It also shows who visits them, why visit them and their knowledge, attitude and practice. Given the overwhelming dominance of the RMPs in the rural healthcare market, this paper suggests that the RMPs should be incorporated into the formal health system after giving them some training. Incorporation of RMPs into the healthcare system is necessary for the universalization of healthcare services for the poor in the low and middle income countries.
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53 975
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1 000
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Portrait Health of Persons With Disabilities in The Area of Natural Disaster

Indonesia is on two tectonic plates and volcanic sequence led Indonesia is prone to earthquakes track both tectonic and volcanic. The important thing is often forgotten by society and the government are in addition to the dead there are also survivors who became disability. Disability as a vulnerable group, has a heavy burden compared to other survivors. Another important issue is a disaster early warning system is still weak, and yet have a disaster mitigation system for disability. The research was conducted in the Province of Aceh in 2012. The purpose of this study was to review the mitigation system with priority persons with disabilities. One of the things that are related to health care for those with disabilities. How they can access health care and how theirs health during before and after the disaster. This research used qualitative with indepth interviews. The results of this study are in the Provinces of Aceh does not have a special local regulation of natural disasters, especially for disability. But since 2011, all Acehnese society is no exception with disabilities can freely access health services.

Keywords: disability, health, natural disaster
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52 276
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Inequalities in Unmet Need for Health Services

While reviews of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) have demonstrated substantial progress on an overall level, many groups within countries are being left behind. This paper calculates unmet need for medical and public health services by equity groups within countries through use of Demographic and Health Survey data and then estimates the sizes of the efforts needed to remove the inequalities through the Index of Equality Betterment. The analysis covers equity groups defined by ethnicity, gender, age, residence, education and economic status.
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47 461
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Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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1 000
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Does poor subjective wellbeing as measured by standard instruments reflect the presence of a medical problem? Evidence from the Women’s Health Study of Accra, Ghana

There is a long standing debate on whether measures of subjective wellbeing are an adequate reflection of objectively assessed health states among a population. This question has not previously been empirically examined in Ghana. Using a representative sample of women aged 20 through 85 years from the second wave of the Women’s Health Study of Accra (WHSA II) conducted in 2008/2009, the study seeks to address this issue by investigating the strengths of a woman assessing her own subjective health as poor compared with her objectively assessed health outcomes after controlling for other covariates. The study employs descriptive, bivariate and multivariate analysis to describe the general health situation among urban women in Accra. The results show that 31.7% and nearly one-fifth of women in Accra are living with a chronic condition or hypertensive. The bivariate analysis also showed that a higher proportion who assessed their subjective health as poor were having a medical condition.
Although, subjective health measures can be employed to supplement objectively assessed health outcomes as surveys cover a wider population; its influence is mixed. Subjective health measures are not substitute for medical examination; they provide simple and inexpensive ways of identifying people at risk of chronic morbidity and mortality.
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35 035
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Measuring progress towards Right to Universal Access of Tuberculosis Health Care Services in Three Tribal States of North East India

India bears a fifth of the global burden of tuberculosis, and a significant proportion of its population faces enormous challenges in accessing health care services to cure Tuberculosis disease.
To measure progress towards right to universal access to TB care at three states of North East India. This paper aimed to study the implementation of Revised National Tuberculosis Programme in achieving right to universal access. Findings from the study suggest that universal access to health care has been a major policy shift in RNTCP and represents a higher degree of variation in its implementation and success across the country. The difficulties encountered by the RNTCP in covering tribal populations delayed the implementation of RNTCP predominantly in tribal districts of India.
Significant proportion of tribal population lives in small settlements, Designated Microscopic centre or other TB care centres are mostly located at urban pockets in study sites. Large distance between communities and the TB care centres and inadequate transport facilities make it difficult for patients to reach health functionaries or health centres on time. Lack of adequate skilled health staff as an extension of services is also an obstruction to the right to universal access for marginalised tribal’s in the country.
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48 214
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Effects of spatial and material affluence on health insurance subscription among women in Ghana

This study compares ownership of health insurance among Ghanaian women with respect to material affluence and spatial location. The paper draws on the 2008 Ghana Demographic and Health Survey. Bivariate descriptive analysis and binary logistic regression estimation technique were used. In the bivariate descriptive, it is observed that the proportion of women not registered decreases with increase in material affluence. Spatially, the proportion of respondents not registered during the data collection was highest (70%) in the Coastal areas followed by Savannah and Forest belts. However, inferential analysis at the bivariate stage showed that the likelihood of registration was significant among respondents from the Savannah areas. Interacting material affluence with wealth, we notice that the gaps between the poorest and the non-poor in the Savannah widens significantly but the differences between the poor and least poor in the Forest zone are virtually non-extant. Our findings underscore the point that targeting the poor to improve equity in social health insurance such as the one operating in Ghana requires particular attention to proxy means (material affluence) and spatial targeting since choosing one over the other can obscure and result in ineffective policy prescriptions.
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49 088
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Children's Rights and Integrated Child Development Scheme In India: An Approach towards Equity

Integrated child development Scheme (ICDS) in India is operational since 1975. The prior objective of the scheme is to reduce child malnutrition and mortality. Gradually its objective expanded and it covers pre-primary education to children 3 to 6 years of age and maternal health services to mothers for getting healthy children at birth and reducing child malnutrition, morbidity and mortality. The child rights related to health care and preprimary education is fulfilled through this program. The ICDS is focusing more on excluded children. Some people are healthy from childhood whereas some are chronically unhealthy. A poor child malnourished is different from a rich child malnourished. Through this program all children are getting supplementary nutrition which will bring equal nutrition status among children belonging to all sections. The objective of this paper is to find out health and nutrition services to children and obstacles arise to fulfill the goal of equal health status of children. For this study purpose primary data (field survey data from) as well as secondary data (National Family Health Survey, National Evaluation Survey by Planning Commission and Other Government and Private Institutions and other government documents) are used for this study. Simple percentage, regression and ANOVA are used for this study.
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56 132
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Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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1 000
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To the fullest extent of policy: post-abortion care in Kenya.

In Kenya, health policies emphasize enhancement of community access to health care and the empowerment of communities to demand services from providers as an approach to reduce maternal morbidity and mortality. This paper describes an innovative experiment geared toward addressing a critical public health issue—postabortion care (PAC)—within Kenya’s current policy context. The paper uses data from a pre-and post-intervention, quasi-experimental study conducted in six communities in Naivasha, Kenya, from 2010 to 2012 to examine the effects of this intervention. Information was collected through a community-based survey with 593 and 647 women aged 18-49 at baseline and endline, respectively. Semi-structured interviews with providers and qualitative interviews and discussions with the wider community were also conducted. The findings indicate that the intervention was effective in: increasing women’s awareness of danger signs in early pregnancy; providers being able to effectively offer PAC services at lower-level facilities; raising awareness of PAC; women seeking and obtaining PAC services at lower-level facilities; and inspiring communities to take action for their own health. The findings highlight the fact that heightening community awareness and mobilization is essential for strengthening post-abortion care.
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52 638
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