Transition to adulthood in Korea: The effect of parent-child relation on

Over the last decade, difficulties in transition to adulthood has become a prominent phenomena in Korea. A distinct feature readily identifiable in Korea is the fact that most young adults continue to stay with their parents throughout their protruded transition period until they get married. In Korea, leaving home per se has scarcely been regarded as an event that has a meaning associated with becoming an adult independently from marriage. In this context, this study explores the effect of parent-child relation on the adult-identity among young adults.
An in-depth interview data of 36 never-married young adults ages 25 to 40, and 14 mothers or fathers with children in that age category is analyzed. Some of the findings from the analyses are as follows: The relationship with parents is an important context upon which young adults build their adult-identity. The parent-child relationship could be largely defined by the manner in which parents intervene in their children's transition to adulthood. Four types of parental involvement is could be identified: Aggressive intervention, supportive intervention, non-intervention caused by parental factors, and non-intervention resulted by child's refusal.

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51 233
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1 000
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Does early age of menarche lead to an early age of coitarche? Reproductive health experience, behavior and pregnancy among adolescents in the Philippines

Contemporary research on the onset of puberty among boys and girls indicate earlier entry. Indicators like genital development, pubic hair growth, breast development and menstruation were studied to support such claim. Of particular importance among these reproductive health experience is age at menarche which signals the reproductive readiness of a girl. Early menarche has been found to have biomedical, emotional, and socio-cultural consequences - higher risk for cancer and heart disease and earlier experience of risky behaviors like cigarette smoking, alcohol abuse, and sexual activity (Chodick et al., 2005). Using the 1993 National Demographic Survey (NDS), the 1998, 2003 and 2008 National Demographic and Health Survey (NDHS) data, this paper examines the age at menarche experience of adolescents in the Philippines from 1993 to 2008 and determines the timing entry into the reproductive phase. It also establishes the association between early reproductive health experience (age at menarche) and reproductive behavior (age at coitarche or the age of sexual debut) which in turn will be related to early pregnancy. These three factors are studied across socio-demographic variables such as birth cohort, type of residence and religion. This study provides valuable information to comprehend teenage pregnancy in the country.
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Session 2
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49 757
Language (Translated)
Title (Translated)
Des règles précoces conduisent-elles à une activité sexuelle précoce ? Santé reproductive, comportements et grossesses chez les adolescents aux Philippines
Abstract (Translated)
Les recherches actuelles sur la puberté chez les filles et les garçons montrent un démarrage plus précoce de celle-ci. Pour étayer cette hypothèse, des indicateurs tels que le développement génital, l'apparition de poils pubiens, le développement des seins et les menstruations ont notamment été étudiés. Parmi ces indicateurs de la santé reproductive, l'âge des premières règles est particulièrement important, parce qu'il signale la disponibilité reproductive des filles. Il apparaît que des règles précoces ont un impact biomédical, émotionnel et socio-culturel : un risque plus élevé de cancer et de maladies cardiaques, et une expérimentation précoce de comportements à risque tels que que le tabagisme, l'abus d'alcool, et l'activité sexuelle (Chodick et al., 2005). A partir des données de l'Enquête démographique de 1993 (NDS), et des Enquêtes démographiques et de santé de 1998, 2003 et 2008 (NDHS), nous étudions l'âge des premières règles chez des adolescentes aux Philippines de 1993 à 2008 et tentons de déterminer le moment de l'entrée en vie reproductive. Cette étude établit un lien entre une expérience précoce de la santé reproductive (âge de survenue des règles), et le comportement reproductif (âge au début de l'activité sexuelle), lui-même associé aux grossesses précoces. Ces trois facteurs sont étudiés en fonction de variables socio-démographiques telles que la cohorte de naissance, le type de résidence et la religion. Cette étude fournit des informations utiles pour une meilleure compréhension des grossesses adolescentes dans ce pays.
Status (Translated)
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
Language of Presentation
First Choice History
Initial First Choice
Initial Second Choice
Weight in Programme
1 000
Status in Programme

Contextual effects in the formation of educational expectations among the children of immigrants in Madrid

This paper explains the differences existing among the children of immigrant and native-born families in their adjusted educational expectations (expectations controlling for prior performance) in Spain, an under-represented case in the international literature. We use individual-level predictors to account for the gap between these two groups and explore the explanatory potential of broader contextual factors, namely the school and classes within schools. We use the best empirical tools available for the study of contextual effects in the formation of educational expectations: (a) the recently available survey 2011-Chances, a large-scale dataset of children before the end of compulsory schooling in Madrid; and (b) the 2010 Secondary Schooling National Evaluation Survey, for the first time exploited along this line of research. Most of the unconditional disadvantage experienced by immigrants in Spain is accounted for by individual-level variables. Once the family background and the basic socio-demographic characteristics are considered, the migrant background appears to have a positive effect on expectations, confirming the what has recently been seen in other European countries. Surprisingly, schools appear to be relevant in unconditional models, but the conditional impact of school effects is at best modest.
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Event ID
Session 2
Paper presenter
56 007
Type of Submissions
Regular session only
Language of Presentation
Initial Second Choice
Weight in Programme
1 000
Status in Programme

Family Structure and Education Attainment of Children in the Slums of Nairobi

Research shows that children living with two biological parents outperform those raised in different family structures. Less work has been done on this theme in the context of sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). However, recent trends in SSA show that there is growing number of children who do not live with two biological parents in the region. Using data from the African Population and Health Research Center collected in the slums of Nairobi, this paper tests the hypothesis that two parent families are most favorable to schooling outcomes in Kenya. A logistic regression model is fitted. Controlling for socio-economic variables the effect of family structure on education attainment of children persists. Children in double parent households were 1.23 times more likely to be in the right grade for age compared to children in one parent households. The study calls for strengthening single parent households for better educational outcomes of the children.
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Event ID
Session 2
Paper presenter
55 938
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
Language of Presentation
Initial Second Choice
Weight in Programme
1 000
Status in Programme


In India, there is pressing need to conduct research focusing on youth especially in the rural areas since many girls and boys never enrolled or dropout and not exposed to systematic instructions in reproductive and sexual matters. Hence, the need for providing youth reproductive and sex health issues cannot be ignored, particularly in the context of early marriages, pregnancies prevalent in the community, pre marital sex, unsafe sex and looming threat of STD’s especially HIV/AIDS. The aim of the study was to assess the influence of background characteristics on the knowledge, attitudes and practices on reproductive and sexual health issue among out of school rural youth. The sample size of the study was 450 out of school youth in the age group of 15-24 years in three deferentially developed regions living in rural areas.
To assess the youth’s knowledge, five indices were constructed on the aspects of 1) Changes during adolescence 2) Female reproductive system 3) Family planning 4) STD and HIV/AIDS and 5) Sexual matters. Similarly, all the same above indices except the index on changes during adolescence with regard to attitudes were constructed. Also, a separate index was developed on reproductive and sexual practices of youth. ANOVA test was applied to assess the influence of background characteristics of rural youth on.
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Event ID
Session 2
Paper presenter
50 884
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
Language of Presentation
Initial First Choice
Initial Second Choice
Weight in Programme
1 000
Status in Programme

Factors associated with adolescent pregnancy and fertility in Uganda: Analysis of the 2011 Demographic and Health Survey data

Adolescent pregnancy and fertility are often discussed in literature as causes of health concern and as a social problem. Taking these accounts as a starting point, this paper uses the 2011 Uganda Demographic and Health Survey Data explore the factors related to adolescent fertility and pregnancy in Uganda. A total of 2,026 female adolescents are selected for this study. Logistic regression analyses adjusted for socioeconomic and demographic characteristics are estimated to predict the odds of an adolescent having borne a child in the 5 years preceding the survey, being currently pregnant and both having had a child in the 5 years preceding the survey or being currently pregnant at the time of the survey. Marital status is a strong predictor of the likelihood of both having a child in the 5 years preceding the survey and being currently pregnant at the time of the survey. Age equally appears to be an important predictor of the two outcomes, such that an increase in age was associated with increase in the odds of being pregnant and of having born a child. The discourse in this paper shows that adolescent pregnancy and motherhood is a serious policy intervention area that requires redress.
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Event ID
Session 2
Paper presenter
49 451
Language (Translated)
Title (Translated)
Facteurs associés à la fécondité et aux grossesses adolescentes en Ouganda : analyse des données de l’enquête démographique et de santé 2012
Abstract (Translated)
La fécondité et les grossesses adolescentes sont des questions souvent traitées par les scientifiques comme un problème de santé publique et un enjeu social. Partant de là, nous utilisons les données de l’enquête démographique et de santé 2011 pour étudier les facteurs associés à la fécondité et aux grossesses adolescentes en Ouganda. Au total, 2 026 adolescentes ont été sélectionnées pour cette étude. Les régressions logistiques, corrigées en fonction des caractéristiques socioéconomiques et démographiques, sont calculées pour prédire les probabilités pour une adolescente ayant été enceinte au cours des 5 années précédent l’enquête, d’être enceinte au moment de l’enquête et d’avoir à la fois eu un enfant au cours des 5 années précédent l’enquête ou d’être enceinte au moment de l’enquête. Le statut matrimonial est un prédicteur puissant de la probabilité d’avoir eu un enfant au cours des 5 années précédent l’enquête et d’être en même temps enceinte au cours de l’enquête. L’âge semble également être un important prédicteur de ces deux événements. En effet, on observe qu’un accroissement de l’âge s’accompagne d’une augmentation de la probabilité d’être enceinte et d’avoir eu un enfant. Nous montrons que les grossesses et maternités adolescentes sont des enjeux importants qui appellent des mesures politiques de prévention.
Status (Translated)
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
Language of Presentation
First Choice History
Initial First Choice
Initial Second Choice
Weight in Programme
Status in Programme

What happens after you drop out? : Work, school re-entry, and transition to adulthood among early school leavers

We examine the work history and transition to adulthood among early school leavers. We use retrospective data from a sub-sample of young adults (20-34) residing in Greater Jakarta who ever dropped out of school at age 16 or below (N=799). It is commonly assumed that early school leavers would spend the rest of their formative years working as a child labourer. However, our sequence analysis of the work and education history of early school leavers reveals this is not always the case. Less than a quarter of early school leavers worked in the immediate year following school exit. In contrast, about 30 per cent spent neither worked nor studied between the ages 12-18. Upon identifying that that a small number of respondents eventually managed to return to school, we found that father’s education and sex were the main predictors of school re-entry. Among those with early work experience, the top three occupations were workers in the processing/manufacturing industry, domestic servants/babysitters, and as informal traders. Finally, we found that early school leavers progressed faster into leaving parental home, marriage and parenthood relative to those who left school at ages 17-19.
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Event ID
Session 2
Paper presenter
48 193
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
Language of Presentation
Initial Second Choice
Weight in Programme
1 000
Status in Programme

Parents Speak: Fathers’ and Mothers’ Perspectives on Sex Education

A study of Filipino parents with adolescent children ages 10-19 in two areas in the Philippines reveal the overwhelming negative attitude towards sex education which may explain the low level of sex education both at home and in schools. Many parents who do not discuss these matters feel that their adolescent children are still too young for such topics. Other feel a great deal of discomfort discussing topics which to them are too vulgar and embarrassing to discuss particularly with their own children. Many parents distrust sex education in school and would prefer giving sex education to their adolescent children although some of them admit they are not equipped to handle such matters effectively. Findings also demonstrate the significant gap between the time when the children exhibit readiness to open discussions on matters relating to sex and the time when parents think it is appropriate to start such discussions to take place. The good news is that parents are open to future intervention such as training on parenting that will among others equip them with better skills on how to better handle their adolescents’ sex education.

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Event ID
Paper presenter
47 998
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
Language of Presentation
First Choice History
Initial First Choice
Weight in Programme
1 000
Status in Programme

A Multinomial method to analysis the patterns of childhood co-morbidity in India

Terminal illness in children in developing countries is frequently characterized by the co-occurrence of more than one disease- a phenomenon referred to as Co-morbidity. Using self-reported illness data from the 2005-06 India Demographic and Health survey, we applied a multinomial model to access the risk factors of childhood Co-morbidity of fever, diarrhoea and acute respiratory infection (ARI). Various models were fitted and compared using the Akaike information criterion (AIC) and Bayesian information criterion (BIC). Specifically, risk factors associated with child Co-morbidity included age of the child, birth order, and vitamin A, sex of children, breastfeeding, household water supply, toilet facility, rural-urban place of residence and six regions of India. The result show that age of child, sex, vitamin A, place of residence (urban/rural) and regions are important predictor not only for co-morbidity but also for single disease. The results emphasis the need for interventions targeted at this group, and may include micro-nutrient supplements, e.g. vitamin A, and use of insecticides treated nets, and combined intervention could be cost-effective to implement. Rural areas are particularly vulnerable and deserve attention when scaling up-interventions.
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Event ID
Session 2
Paper presenter
52 377
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
Language of Presentation
Initial Second Choice
Weight in Programme
1 000
Status in Programme

Inequality in school enrollment in Uganda among children of ages 6-17 years

In 1997 the government of Uganda introduced the policy of Universal Primary Education – UPE whose aim was to improve on school enrollment. Equal opportunity and access to education is a central theme in the political agenda of government of Uganda, indeed universal access to primary education is MDG Goal II, which governments world over are striving to achieve. Research has not established whether inequalities in access to education still exist a decade after UPE was introduced in the country. Using data from the Uganda National Household Survey 2009/2010, this paper attempts to examine this issue. A total of 12,424 children of ages 6-17 years are selected for study. An index of dissimilarity and a binary logistic regression are fitted to the data, adjusted for a number of social and demographic characteristics. The findings suggest that 81% of the children were currently attending school. Gender disparities in enrollment were not significant in the regression model. However, substantial and significant differences were observed for the various regions of the country, among the poor, and household size. Although not all factors affecting current enrollment among children were analyzed, the discourse in this paper suggests need for intervention to address enrollment inequalities.
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Event ID
Session 2
Paper presenter
24 355
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
Language of Presentation
First Choice History
Initial First Choice
Initial Second Choice
Weight in Programme
1 000
Status in Programme