Pattern of transition in reproductive timing of females after a long year gap in Orissa

Differential patterns of transitions between births in a population describe the dynamics of family building and signify varying impacts of social change on population growth. In the present paper, an attempt has been made to analyze the changing patterns of reproductive timing of females of Orissa (one of the 29 states of India) in the last over two decades (between 1981-82 and 2005-06). Life table estimates of female’s age at the time of childbirth of specific order in two different time periods (being more than two decades apart) are compared for some subgroups of the study population. The results show that there is a change in the reproductive timing of females with time and the socio-demographic variables works differently with respect to time.
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53 253
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An extended (family) perspective on childbearing postponement

The past decades have been characterized by a considerable postponement of childbearing behaviours. Given that women who postpone childbearing come, on average, from higher educational and social strata, children of older mothers are expected to benefit from this process. However, evidence presented by the “weathering” hypothesis literature suggests that ethnic minority children do not necessarily benefit from their mothers’ older age at (first) birth, suggesting that the process and outcome of postponement could be seen as qualitatively different processes for subgroups of the population. In light of these differences, it is important to consider whether any other aspect of the family sphere, in addition to/or rather than socioeconomic status, alters as maternal age at (first) birth increases. For example, knowledge of whether patterns of kin support change with increasing maternal age at birth is not well-established. This is an oversight as diminished participation in kin networks could have negative consequences for ethnic minority mothers and their children as it could be associated with more stressful and difficult pregnancies. This paper intends to investigate whether in the U.K. patterns of kin support change with increasing maternal age at birth and differently across ethnic groups.
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50 907
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Fertility transition is in progress in India at varying levels and at different speeds across the states. Odisha is one of the undeveloped states of India in terms of socio-economic indicators have also shows transition in fertility. Using the data from Censuses, Sample Registration System and National Family Health Surveys, this paper examine the timing and nature of fertility transition in the state. Results show that there is a slow decline in fertility in the state till mid-80s and a faster decline after that. The decomposition analysis revealed that a fall in marital fertility has made a greater impact on fertility than age at marriage. An examination of Bongaarts proximate determinants of fertility in Odisha revealed that contraceptive prevalence plays a dominant role in fertility decline. It is seen that age at marriage has risen marginally though that is not reflected in a corresponding rise in age at first birth.
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49 501
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Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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1 000
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Levels , Trends, Determinants and Consequences of Adolescent Pregnancy in India

Early marriage of young girls leads to adolescent pregnancy and motherhood in India. The present study will focus on the present trend and level of adolescent pregnancy in India and to identify the determinants and consequences of adolescent pregnancy by women's background characteristics.

Three different time period data, District Level Household and Facility Survey-I (i.e. DLHS-I in 1998-99), DLHS- II (2002-04) and DLHS- III(2007-08) are used. Bivariate and multivariate analyses are used.

Pregnancy among currently married adolescent was increased from the period of DLHS-I to DLHS-II and again has declined in DLHS III. Higher level of women's education and contraception use are associated with lower level of pregnancy. Religious affiliation and status in socioeconomic hierarchy have significant role in determining adolescent pregnancy among women.

Policies and awareness programs against child marriage and marriage at below the legal age are required to be implemented strictly.
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51 260
Language (Translated)
Title (Translated)
Niveaux, tendances, déterminants et conséquences des grossesses adolescentes en Inde
Abstract (Translated)
En Inde, le mariage précoce des jeunes filles se traduit par des grossesses et maternités adolescentes. Cette étude porte sur la tendance actuelle et le niveau des grossesses adolescentes en Inde et vise à identifier les déterminants et les conséquences de ces grossesses adolescentes en fonction du contexte des jeunes filles concernées. Nous analyserons les données de trois périodes différentes, celles de l'enquête sur les ménages au niveau du district de 1998-1999 (DLHS-I), DLHS- II (2002-2004) and DLHS- III(2007-2008), à l'aide de modèles bivariés et multivariés. Les grossesses adolescentes ont légèrement décliné entre DLHS-I et DLHS-III. Le niveau d'instruction plus élevé des jeunes filles et leur accès aux médias de masse vont de pair avec un taux de grossesses plus faible. La religion et le statut socio-économique jouent un rôle important dans l'occurrence des grossesses chez les adolescentes. Il est indispensable que les politiques et les programmes de prévention des mariages d'enfants et des mariages en dessous de l'âge légal soient strictement appliqués.
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Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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This study examines the timing of first sexual intercourse of females’ adolescents and young adults in three middle sized cities in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The data used in the analysis are drawn from a survey entitled: “Projects and trajectories reproductive, scholars and professionals of young men and women between 15 and 29 years old in Minas Gerais: The role of teenage motherhood and fatherhood” (META, 2011). This survey was carried out over the period of June and July of 2011 in three Brazilian middle sized cities of Minas Gerais, a state located in the southeast region of Brazil. The main analytical tool used in the study is the discrete time survival analysis. Main results show that education, religious affiliation and living with the mother are important variables affecting the age of first sexual intercourse among adolescents and young Brazilian women living in middle sized cities of Minas Gerais.
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49 475
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Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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Weight in Programme
1 000
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When the timing of childbearing condemns women, are reproductive technologies a new way towards gender equality?

There are evident gender inequalities regarding procreation and parental projects: reproductive age differs between women and men both biologically and socially. At the same time, social and demographic changes lead women to postpone their maternity or to choose between their career and maternity. Today, women can conceive later with assisted reproductive technologies (ART), oocyte donation in particular. But are these technologies a solution to reduce gender inequality regarding parenting and procreation? Are they used in this way? Through an empirical study on cross-border fertility care involving French residents, which allowed to recruit French women over 40 (whose ART access is generally refused in France), we will present the characteristics, histories and motivations of these women in order to analyze if “late” maternity is for them the result of a personal and free choice. We will show that ART, especially oocyte donation, is not experienced as a liberating and chosen event. Nevertheless, the international procreative market is proposing a new medical technique (oocyte vitrification) which could be a real springboard towards gender equality regarding calendar of procreation.
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50 182
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1 000
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Lower fertility for twins in Sweden

The percentage of children born as twins has increased since the middle of the 20th Century. During the year 2012, 2.7 percent of the children in Sweden were born as twins or triplets, whereas in 1950 that same proportion was 1.9 percent. This study compares twins and non-twins in Sweden using administrative register data. The database contains 8.8 million individuals born between 1932 and 2012 of which 187 000 were born as twins, triplets or quadruplets. During the 20th century, the fertility rate in Sweden was characterized by big fluctuations and this study shows that both twins and non-twins followed the same trends during that time. However, women twins have had a lower fertility rate than non-twins for all years between 1980 and 2012. In addition, a higher proportion of twins compared to non-twins were also childless by the age of 45. Curiously, discrepancies are not found only when comparing twins and non-twins. When a comparison is made between twin sisters and brother and sister twins, the study shows that the women with a twin sister had a lower fertility rate than those with a twin brother. Could different demographic and socioeconomic variables help explain the differences?
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53 489
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1 000
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Health Consequences of Adolescent childbearing on Maternal and Child Health in India

Adolescent childbearing, which is usually defined as childbearing in the age group 15-19, is a matter of concern in India, as among all the maternal deaths during 2007-09, 9% occurred among women below age 20. The data for present study has been drawn from National Family Health Survey-3(2005-06). The vulnerability of adolescent married women is evident from the analysis. As compared to never married women of age-group 15-19 and the currently married women of age-group 20-24, married women of age-group 15-19 are mostly from rural area, with no or low formal education, having poor exposure to mass media, from lower economic class, and have poor nutritional status. Low level of education associated with adolescent childbearing has negative impact on birth weight and high mortality of children of adolescent women. As in India, one-fourth of new born children born to adolescent women are smaller than average size. Adolescent childbearing also results into lower utilization of maternal and child health care services and higher experience of maternal complications. The double disadvantage of women in terms of socio-economic status and physical immaturity has serious negative impact; though socio-economic impact is much larger than the effect of young age per se.
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35 432
Language (Translated)
Title (Translated)
Conséquences des grossesses adolescentes sur la santé maternelle et infantile en Inde
Abstract (Translated)
Les grossesses adolescentes, généralement définies comme des grossesses survenant chez des jeunes filles âgées de 15 à 19 ans, est un sujet de préoccupation en Inde. De 2007 à 2009, en effet, 9 % des décès maternels concernaient des jeunes femmes âgées de moins de 20 ans. Les données utilisées dans la présente étude sont extraites de l'Enquête nationale sur la santé familiale (NFHS-3) (2005-06). La vulnérabilité des jeunes adolescentes mariées est clairement mise en évidence par l'analyse. Comparées aux jeunes filles de 15 à 19 ans n'ayant jamais été mariées et aux femmes mariées de 20-24 ans, les jeunes filles mariées de 15-19 ans sont majoritairement originaires de zones rurales, peu ou pas scolarisées, avec un accès limité aux médias, appartenant à la classe sociale la plus pauvre, et en mauvais état nutritionnel. Le faible niveau d'instruction lié aux grossesses adolescentes a un impact négatif sur le poids des nouveaux-nés à la naissance et la forte mortalité des enfants nés chez les adolescentes. En Inde, un quart des nouveaux-nés de mères adolescentes sont plus petits que la moyenne. Les grossesses adolescentes impliquent également un moindre recours aux services de santé maternelle et infantile, et une plus grande fréquence des complications pour les mères. Le double désavantage des femmes en termes de statut socio-économique et d'immaturité physique a un impact fortement négatif, mais l'impact du statut socio-économique est bien plus important que celui de l'âge en soi.
Status (Translated)
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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Parental Leave and Female Employment in Korea

It is often argued that the parental leave should be extended in order to help employees achieve the balance of work and family life. However, one should be careful in designing the parental leave since there is a tradeoff between the continuity of employment after childbearing and the depreciation of human capital due to the time off the work. The paper investigates whether the parental leave payment introduced in Korea in 2001 and expanded over the subsequent decade helped women's take-up of the leave and employment after giving birth. The results are as follows. First, the increase in the payment indeed raised the female take-up of the leave. Second, women returned to labor market less often after giving birth in the short run, but the size of the effect tends to diminish in the long run. However, the negative effect on returning to the same workplace after the birth remains significant in the long run. Lastly, the share of women of childbearing age at workplace increased in large-sized firms due to the increase in the parental leave payment, whereas it decreased in small and medium-sized firms. These findings suggest that the government should engineer the parental leave scheme so that female workers have an incentive to return to work earlier and that small and medium-sized firms have an incentive to adopt the policy.
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Event ID
Paper presenter
53 589
Type of Submissions
Regular session only
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First Choice History
Initial First Choice
Weight in Programme
1 000
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The Role of Fathers: How Implicit and Explicit Messages about Parenting in Slovak Media and Legislation Relate to Lay Attitudes and Argumentation

The aim of this paper is to outline how focus group participants´ accounts and representative national quantitative survey results about reproduction and parenting interact with media and legislation texts around these topics through the discourses they draw from. We collected 1) all relevant articles in the last 10 years (2002-2011) in the most important Slovak mainstream broadsheet daily (N=1500), 2) all relevant articles in the most important Catholic broadsheet (N=132) for the last year (10/2010-9/2011), as well as 3) all relevant laws currently in force and looked for the main messages about parenting. To explore attitudes and argumentations of lay people (parents, future parents, as well as child-free persons) about reproduction and parenting we organized 15 semi-structured focus group discussions with young men (N=48) and women (N=39), aged 20-34. Seven groups were all male, four all female and four were mixed, with participants from various socio-economic backgrounds and varying levels of education. The discussions were analyzed using qualitative thematic analysis and basic critical discursive analysis. Findings from media and legislation text analysis correspond with the FG participants´ accounts especially concerning the limited role of fathers and negative stereotypes about fatherhood.
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Event ID
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53 524
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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Weight in Programme
1 000
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