Educational achievement and social mobility, a comparative analysis of different social group in India

Social mobility is the movement of individuals or groups in social position over time. In India, social hierarchy has been traditionally organized around caste. Upliftment of economic and social position of backward caste people is an important challenge for the country like India, committed to broaden the base of development. Education is considered as an important driving force for social mobility. But if accessibility to better education itself remains limited to only to the few affluents, it reinforces the social hierarchy again.
Evidences from IHDS 2005-06 shows that, there are only 4.1 percent of people are graduate in India. A great inequality exist between caste group in educational achievement, as among ST just 1.5 percent, among SC just 1.8 percent and among high caste 9.4 percent of people are graduate. Around 35 percent of graduate is engaged in salaried employment which gives higher return compared to the other source of income. Proportion of graduate has increased in younger age group, particularly among disadvantaged communities, which shows that accessibility to education has widened. But the probability of getting a salaried job has decreased for the graduates of younger age group and it decreasing the return of educational betterment particularly for disadvantaged communities.
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35 737
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Impact of Higher Educational Expansion on Age at First Marriage in China, 1999-2002

The proposed study will investigate the impacts of higher education expansion in China from 1999 to 2002 on age at first marriage of those who attended colleges and during the expansion period. The college attendance rate of high school graduates it soared to 63.8% in 2000 from 46.1 in 1999 and reached the highest level of 83.5% in 2002. Previous studies have so far focused on its impact on educational inequality along social lines, such as family background, gender, ethnicity, and urbanicity, with little attention to other possible important consequences.
The proposed study will address the impact of higher education expansion from the end of the 1990s onwards on the marital behavior of those who attended colleges and universities during the expansion period. Specifically, this study will examine both cohort and group variations in age at first marriage in China in light of the higher education expansion. Non-parametric and parametric survival models will be used to compare the 1999-2002 college cohort with its younger and older counterparts, conditional on other factors.
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56 120
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Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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Weight in Programme
1 000
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College effects on learning outcomes in Spain and the US: Evidence from the TEDS-M survey

Abstract: School effects are a well-known explanation in the explanation of the intergeneration transmission of inequality in the sociological literature. Research has focus almost exclusively in their impact in early stages of the school careers including primary and lower secondary education. Little is known about the importance of the college attended in tertiary education. For almost the first time, evidence from the TEDS-M survey allows studying the impact of the clustering of future teachers still enrolled in university programs in their knowledge of mathematics. Using a multilevel modeling strategy we study ‘school effects’ for the outcomes of students in Spain and the US attending concurrent programs. Both countries have important similarities that ease the comparison and differ in essential aspects that help to expect softer school effects in the first of these two countries (diversification of tertiary education institutions in the US and a weak certification of the quality of the future teacher education programs in Spain). Our results confirm that while in Spain the college attended can determine up to only a 2% of the knowledge in mathematics, in the US schools matter far more (21%).
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24 351
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SOCIAL NETWORK IN INFORMAL LABOUR MARKET: A Case Study of Migrant Construction Workers in Delhi

For migrants, social network is crucial for finding jobs and accommodation, circulating goods and services, as well as psychological support and continuous social and economic information. Social network often guide migrants into or through specific places and occupations.
For the purpose of the present study, Delhi has been selected because construction workers are very much concentrated in the upcoming cities, mega cities, metros, and other urban agglomeration. The choice is guided by the fact that this is traditionally an in-migrating region of India. The objectives of this study are to analyze the use of social network in finding jobs in construction sector specially at the lower end of occupational hierarchy and to see the network that migrants maintain with the locals (within the construction site and with other city dweller) and also at the place of origin. The research questions are, how and to what extent social network is helpful in accessing employment opportunities in the construction sector? Does social network emerges as a more beneficial for those seeking employment at the lower end of the occupational hierarchy in construction sector? To what extent demographic, socio-cultural and other attributes matter in accessing and utilization of social network?
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52 212
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
Language of Presentation
Initial Second Choice
Weight in Programme
1 000
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Educational Inequality among Social Groups in India: A Study of EAG States

Education has emerged as the most important demographic indicators influencing human development. Despite the various affirmative action by the Central and State Government inequality of educational opportunities is a reality that is persisting in India for generations. Using data from 64thround of National Sample Survey (2007-08) we have examined the education inequality among social groups in EAG states of India. Concentration index (CI) gives the education inequality among social groups and binary logistic regression gives the association between social status and education enrollment. Results shows that there is lowest inequality in enrollment in elementary education and highest inequality in graduation and above.Social gradient in education inequality is highest for the secondary and higher education followed by elementary education. Surprisingly, by social group inequality of enrollment in graduation and above education is lowest than higher secondary and lower education. This might be due average low level of graduation and above enrollment in all EAG states. Hence, government policy should be focused to first, reducing educational inequality in enrollment in secondary and higher secondary education; second, to increase average enrollment in graduation and above education.
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23 981
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Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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In article tendencies, factors, consequences emigration from Russia scientists and qualified professionals are considered. Article is based on materials of empirical statistical and sociological research which was spent by authors in 2011-2012. On the basis of comparison of the data of the Russian and foreign statistics the scale of “brain drain” during 2002-2010 - from 750 thousand to 1 million persons with higher education, including an order of 1,2-1,6 thousand doctors and candidates of science is estimated. Definition is specified and characteristics of the Russian scientific Diaspora are given, including its number is estimated approximately in 100-150 thousand persons. Channels of emigration of the Russian scientists abroad on the basis of interview to scientists and the experts living in the different countries of the world more of 1 year are revealed. Differences of processes of “circulation of minds” between the developed countries and “brain drain” from Russia are proved.
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55 848
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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Initial Second Choice
Weight in Programme
1 000
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The effects of an Educational Funding Reform on Regional Inequality in Brazil

This paper investigates the effects of a funding education reform implemented in Brazil in 1998 (FUNDEF/FUNDEB), which largely increased the spending per pupil across country. The study analyses whether the redistributive effect of the reform was able to reduce inequality in terms of schools resources between poor and rich regions. Secondly it verifies whether the increase in the availability of resources to schools brought by the reform translate into higher students’ performance. The results suggest a decrease in the inequality of school resources within and to some extend among regions. There is also some evidence of a positive effect on students test scores.
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24 063
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Bolsa Família Program in Brazil: assessing the impact on educational indicators of children and adolescents by regions.

The objective of this study is to evaluate the impact of receiving Bolsa Familia Program (BFP) on the school performance of Brazilian children and adolescents in different age groups and in different regions of the country. The BFP, created in 2003, benefits about 13 million families in poverty and extreme poverty through direct transfer of income. One of the conditions to receive the benefit is that children between 6 and 17 years old attend schools regularly. The data comes from two sources: an evaluation of the Center for Public Policy and Education Evaluation (CAEd) applied to students in public education and the National Household Sample Survey (PNAD) conducted by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) both in 2011. After a simulation to estimate the beneficiary families in PNAD, the methodology employed is the Propensity Score Matching that allows comparison of beneficiary families with not beneficiaries ones whose observable characteristics are similar. The results illustrate, by some indicators, the impact of Bolsa Família on the school performance of children and adolescents after nine years of program deployment.
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50 625
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Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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Initial Second Choice
Weight in Programme
1 000
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Application of the age-period-cohort model in the estimation of income mobility in Brazil

This work investigates the earnings mobility in Brazil, considering the period before and after the observed fall of inequality in the country. We used micro data from the National Household Sample Survey (PNAD), published by the Brazilian Bureau of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), from 1993 to 2007. We considered the trajectories of income for homogenous groups based on individual characteristics such as: date of birth, gender, race and schooling level. The estimation is done by age-period-cohort model. The combination of the characteristics of age and birth cohort emphasizes the role that education can have in higher income mobility, especially on the younger cohorts.
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54 139
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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Weight in Programme
1 000
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Research on the Impact of Birth Cohort Size on Educational Achievement of Cohort Members

Easterlin’s researches show that the birth cohort size will influence individual welfare. China has experience three times of baby boom and baby bust. We’d like to explore whether the people born in these special period would have different experiences or not, especially their lifetime educational achievement. So this paper focuses on relationship between birth cohort size and Individual educational achievement.
We classify the birth cohort size into absolute birth cohort size and relative birth cohort size. Using 2005 Chinese General Social Survey data, we apply regression to test the influence of birth cohort size on educational achievement. Besides, we also apply population micro simulation to explore the educational achievement without the influence of birth cohort size.
Then we find: First, the larger one’s own birth cohort, the lower his educational achievement. Second, the relative birth cohort size has larger influence on educational welfare of cohort members than absolute birth cohort size. Third, the impact of birth cohort size on educational achievement of cohort members will be interfered and adjusted by education policies and other external factors, and also be influenced by subjectively adjustment of cohort members.
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Event ID
Paper presenter
53 434
Type of Submissions
Regular session only
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First Choice History
Initial First Choice
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Weight in Programme
1 000
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