The potential of local NGO information systems for research on temporary migration
In this paper, we explore the potential of secondary data from non-profit and community-based organizations for research on temporary residents. Agencies routinely collect client information for record keeping purposes and these data have the potential to offer broader insights on a marginalized population for which large-scale data collection initiatives may not be feasible. For this paper, the data are drawn from the Agency Data on Migration (ADMIG) Project, a survey of non-profit and community organizations on their information systems. In the survey, we also ask for blank registration and intake forms, and annual reports. From these data, the analysis will provide a profile of agencies and a description of the type of data that are collected, the gaps in data, and the degree to which we can distinguish between migrant permit types using secondary data from non-profit agencies. The results of the study will be useful for future studies on both temporary and permanent residents in other places particularly when temporary worker programs are increasing globally and in places not traditionally known to receive large flows of migrants.
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Event ID
Session 2
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53 753
Type of Submissions
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